Coogie - I Made It - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Coogie - I Made It

I Made It
I Made It
하루빨리 말을 하고 싶어
I want to tell you as quickly as possible
엄마 봐봐 yeah I made it
Mama look yeah I made it
봐봐 yeah I made it
Look yeah I made it
빨리 말을 하고 싶어
I want to tell you as quickly as possible
엄마 봐봐 yeah I made it
Mama look yeah I made it
봐봐 yeah I made it
Look yeah I made it
하루빨리 말을 하고 싶어
I want to tell you as quickly as possible
엄마 봐봐 yeah I made it
Mama look yeah I made it
봐봐 yeah I made it
Look yeah I made it
하루빨리 말을 하고 싶어
I want to tell you as quickly as possible
엄마 봐봐 yeah I made it
Mama look yeah I made it
봐봐 yeah I made it
Look yeah I made it
분명 순수했었는데 지금 많이 더러워
I used to be pure, but now I'm much dirtier
DJ Khaled 처럼 계속 만들어 another one
Like DJ Khaled, I keep making another one
돈을 벌어도 이름 남기면 덧없어
If you make money but don't leave a name, it's vain
I don't give a 의견 모두 뒤로
I don't give a damn about other people's opinions, they're all behind me
과거들은 faded
My past is faded
이런 매일
I do this every day
Yeah I'm so underrated
Yeah I'm so underrated
나는 필요해
I need more
잡아 컨셉
I don't stick to a concept
기억될래 평생
I want to be remembered forever
챙겨 명예
I'm taking care of money and fame
가져야 떠난다고 전해
Tell people that I'm leaving when I have it all
넘어가지 모든
I'll overcome every obstacle
누구 앞에서 기어
I won't kneel before anyone
방해들은 모조리 cut
I'll cut off all the distractions
지키는 우리
I'm protecting our thing
넘어가지 모든
I'll overcome every obstacle
누구 앞에서 기어
I won't kneel before anyone
방해들은 모조리 cut
I'll cut off all the distractions
지키는 우리
I'm protecting our thing
하루빨리 말을 하고 싶어
I want to tell you as quickly as possible
엄마 봐봐 yeah I made it
Mama look yeah I made it
봐봐 yeah I made it
Look yeah I made it
빨리 말을 하고 싶어
I want to tell you as quickly as possible
엄마 봐봐 yeah I made it
Mama look yeah I made it
봐봐 yeah I made it
Look yeah I made it
하루빨리 말을 하고 싶어
I want to tell you as quickly as possible
엄마 봐봐 yeah I made it
Mama look yeah I made it
봐봐 yeah I made it
Look yeah I made it
하루빨리 말을 하고 싶어
I want to tell you as quickly as possible
엄마 봐봐 yeah I made it
Mama look yeah I made it
봐봐 yeah I made it
Look yeah I made it
잠을 자도
Even if I can't sleep
카페인 in my cup
Caffeine in my cup
손에 하나
One more in my hand
흡입하지 puff
Inhale, no puff
한탕 뒤에
After one hit
떠나고 싶은데
I want to leave
멈춰 game
But I can't stop this game
멈춰 race
I can't stop this race
멈춰 race
I can't stop this race
떠버릴래 모두 가진 후에
I'm going to leave when I have it all
내가 원하는 것들 잡은 후에
When I catch the things I want
만들었던 계획은 빠개지네
The plans I made are slipping away
그래도 다음 판을 짜려고
But I'm going to try to write the next one
터질 때까지 계속 makin new song
I'll keep makin new song until I burst
전화 걸지 when I'm in my zone
Don't call me when I'm in my zone
올리지 시속 계기판이 터질 때까지
I'll keep pushing the speedometer until it bursts
편들을 태우고 straight up
I'll pick up my friends and go straight up
내리지 나는 텐션
I can't let go of my tension
헛소리는 무시 계속
Ignore the nonsense, keep going
아니 잘라 버려 랜선
No, cut the cord
앞에서 말해봐 say something
Say something to my face
필요해 오직 fan love
I only need my fan love
매일 살고 있어 최선
I'm living my best life every day
긍정만 있으면 최소한
At least if I'm positive
넘어가지 모든
I'll overcome every obstacle
누구 앞에서 기어
I won't kneel before anyone
방해들은 모조리 cut
I'll cut off all the distractions
지키는 우리
I'm protecting our thing
넘어가지 모든
I'll overcome every obstacle
누구 앞에서 기어
I won't kneel before anyone
방해들은 모조리 cut
I'll cut off all the distractions
지키는 우리
I'm protecting our thing
하루빨리 말을 하고 싶어
I want to tell you as quickly as possible
엄마 봐봐 yeah I made it
Mama look yeah I made it
봐봐 yeah I made it
Look yeah I made it
빨리 말을 하고 싶어
I want to tell you as quickly as possible
엄마 봐봐 yeah I made it
Mama look yeah I made it
봐봐 yeah I made it
Look yeah I made it
하루빨리 말을 하고 싶어
I want to tell you as quickly as possible
엄마 봐봐 yeah I made it
Mama look yeah I made it
봐봐 yeah I made it
Look yeah I made it
하루빨리 말을 하고 싶어
I want to tell you as quickly as possible
엄마 봐봐 yeah I made it
Mama look yeah I made it
봐봐 yeah I made it
Look yeah I made it

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