Cabron - Gust Amar - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Cabron - Gust Amar

Gust Amar
Gust Amar
Ek, dui, tri, shtar
One, two, three, four
De ce te uiti urat pe mine, has mo car
Why are you looking at me in such a bad way, ugly girl?
Ca sunt sucar, specimenu' rar
Because I'm handsome, a rare specimen
Nu-si da cu ulei si nu merge la solar
I don't oil myself or go to the tanning salon
La scandal, echipa mea-i ca roca
In a fight, my team is like a rock
Daca roca-i alba, imi fac narile ca foca
If the rock is white, I'll make my nostrils like a seal's
Fac si ochii mari, mai ales daca e moca
I'll also make my eyes big, especially if it's free
Si ma si filmez cu nea' Goe sau cu Moga
And I'll film myself with Goe or Moga
Vezi tu, violent e clubu'
You see, the club is violent
Dupa trei shot-uri, toate canta "Marabou"
After three shots, everyone's singing "Marabou"
Si mie-mi place sa le vad asa
And I like to see them like that
Toate pornistele astea de pe canapea
All these hot ones on the couch
Lup turbat, daca-mi strici tripu'
Rabid wolf, if you ruin my trip
Iti dau sa dansezi precum Cotoiu' si Freaku'
I'll make you dance like Cotoiu and Freaku
Atatea chimicale puse pe cantar
So many chemicals on the scale
Si niste apa plata, pentru gatu' meu amar
And some mineral water for my bitter throat
Unu, doi, trei, patru, test
One, two, three, four, test
Cabron, special guest
Cabron, special guest
Special K si de obicei
Special K and usually
Mi se spune ca-s cel mai special dintre ei
I'm told I'm the most special of all
Ca am haz
Because I'm funny
Si cum sa nu am, cand le vad pe astea-n extaz
And how could I not be, when I see these girls in ecstasy
Si cand le aud ca le ia chefu' de tras
And when I hear them say they don't feel like partying anymore
Apelez la Max, sa o dea in alt balans
I call Max to get her in a different mood
Si alt flow
And another flow
Sa moara, sa faca, sa dreaga, daca n-am yo
May she die, may she make it, may she fix it, if I don't have yo
Si fetish-ul, sa bag mana-n parul tau
And the fetish, I'll put my hand in your hair
Sa te trag de el, pana-ti dai drumu' la show
I'll pull it until you start the show
Hai sa aratam tot ce avem
Let's show them what we've got
Cu viteza mare, ca pe linie de tren
With great speed, like on a train line
Sau alte chimicale luate la cantar
Or other chemicals taken on the scale
De-ti trebuie apa, pentru gatul tau amar
If you need water, for your bitter throat

Авторы: Alexandru Minculescu, Maxim Alexandru Chisaru

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