Cabron - Lup Între Oi Negre - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cabron - Lup Între Oi Negre

Lup Între Oi Negre
Black Sheep Among Wolves
Curg rimele de zici ca astea-s primele
The lyrics flow like they're the first
Trase din prima si suflate ca la IML
Traced from the beginning and breathed like in the morgue
Parfumu-i la mine sa va taie be
My perfume is here to cut you off
Astia comenteaza fara a cunoaste despre ce
They comment without knowing what it's about
Ma orientez spre cer oftez si incerc sa evadez din cerc
I orient myself towards the sky, I sigh and try to escape from the circle
Fac primii pasi merg dupa primii pasi alerg
I take the first steps, I walk, after the first steps I run
Repede ca la red alert
Fast as in red alert
Focusat pe toata harta dupa concurent
Focused on the whole map, after the opponent
Evident apar unii care sa zica
Obviously, there are some who will say
Neavand ce sa zica arunca cate o pastila mica
Having nothing to say, they throw out a little pill
Cica sunt martian la Lucica
They say I'm an alien in Lucica
Eu is lupul si ea-i stana cu oi negre care stiga
I am the wolf, and she is the sheepfold with black sheep that bleat
Asa ceva panicate si cu fetele de parca le-as manca
So scared and with faces as if I was going to eat them
Dar eu nu le manac ca nu prea mi-a placut
But I don't eat them because I didn't really like it
Nu-mi placea nici cum miroseau inca de la inceput
I didn't like how they smelled from the beginning
D-aia am zis mai bine mai astept pana ma infrupt
That's why I said I'd rather wait until I'm ready to indulge
Pana cand prada e asa cum eu am vrut
Until the prey is the way I want it
Da pentru asta trebuie sa devii mai bun
But for that you have to become better
Mai tare mai taifun mai rapid mai high zoom
Stronger, more powerful, faster, more high zoom
Si cateodata bagat in filmele cartoon
And sometimes immersed in cartoons
Dupa doua tantum te relaxezi ca n-ai cum
After two tantums, you relax because you can't

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