Cabron - Pe Scurt - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cabron - Pe Scurt

Pe Scurt
In a Nutshell
Pe scurt 83'
In a nutshell, '83
Toata lumea pe alei
Everybody on the streets
Ca se naste cel ce va da APA in '1. 3.
Cause the one who’s gonna give you the WATER in '93 is being born
Da' pan'la asta-i lung drumu'
But until then, it's a long way to go
Torn un vin ma intind pe canapea
I pour some wine, stretch out on the couch
Si dau play la film,
And press play on the movie,
Pustan fiind nu realizam eu totu',
Being a kid, I didn't realize everything,
Ca nu-mi lipsea mancarea si nici de ziua mea tortu'
That I didn't miss the food or the birthday cake
Toata ziua rupeam strazile din cartier,
We used to roam the streets of the neighborhood all day long,
"Ce vrei sa fii cand vei fi mare... vrei sa fii somer?"
"What do you wanna be when you grow up?... you wanna be a waiter?"
Am auzit o vorba si-am ramas blocat,
I heard a saying and I froze,
Doar ca avantajul meu era ca eram devotat
Only my advantage was that I was devoted
Pe textele mele de care nimeni nu stia,
To my lyrics that nobody knew about,
Decat eu, ascunse-ntre casete in camera mea,
Except me, hidden between cassettes in my room,
Da' stiam c-o s-ajung mare
But I knew I was gonna be big
Ca seman cu tata, care, a luptat pentru onoare,
'Cause I look like my dad, who fought for honor,
Si dupa ce-am prins primele albume rap
And after I got my hands on the first rap albums
Castile-n urechi, stiam exact un de ma-ndrept.
Headphones on, I knew exactly where I was headed.
98' Tot auzeam de-un baiat Shobby
'98 I kept hearing about a guy, Shobby
Incerca si el de vreo doi ani, nu mai era hobby,
He tried for two years, it wasn’t a hobby anymore,
N-are nevoie de lobby, dar sa mor daca n-avea
He doesn't need a lobby, but I swear he had
Uite-asa un teanc mare de texte langa canapea,
A big stack of lyrics next to the couch,
Zicea Micutzu c-ar fi tare sa facem o trupa,
Micutzu was saying it would be cool to make a band,
Ca-i pacat de-atata munca ce chiar o sa rupa,
That it's a shame for all that work that's gonna be a hit,
Zis si facut, dupa, un beat cat o Cupa,
No sooner said than done, after, a beat like a Cup,
Asa-l auzeam noi la aceeasi supa,
That's how we heard it on the same soup,
La aceeasi paine'n fiecare noapte rupta
On the same bread every night torn
Nopti pierdute fara sa dormim o secunda,
Lost nights without sleeping a second,
Da' ne placea ce faceam, lumea ne-auzea
But we liked what we were doing, the world heard us
Fix asa cum mi-am dorit eu mai acu ceva.
Fixed it the way I wanted it, I got something else.
Da' acu acel ceva deja devenea
But now that something was already becoming
Viral pentru urechile tale si mintea ta
Viral for your ears and your mind
Parca misca fabrica, primu' show nefabricat
It’s like the factory is moving, the first show, not fabricated
Microfon refabricat si-o caseta-n DAT
A remanufactured microphone and a cassette in DAT
[Si-am dat] ce-am avut mai bun, niste piese tun
[And we gave] what we had best, some killer tracks
Stranse cu frate-miu Shobby shi-aruncate pe cate-un album
Gathered with my brother Shobby and thrown on an album
Codu' Penal, In familie, Pe viata
Penal Code, In the family, For Life
Din ce in ce mai greu de difuzat pe acea Piatza
Harder and harder to broadcast on that Square
Acea piata zdreanta care-a omorat muzica rap
That ragged square that killed rap music
"Ah canti rap? Nu esti difuzat..."
"Ah, you sing rap? You're not on the radio..."
Apocalipsa se vedea Prin ochii mei, bag p*la
The apocalypse could be seen Through my eyes, I swear
Yo, nu nu. n-o sa ma duc de-a dura
Yo, no, no. I'm not gonna go hard
Pe Shobby n-am avut taria sa il vad inchis
I didn't have the heart to see Shobby locked up
Apoi el sa plece in patu' rece, eu in Paradis
Then he would go to the cold bed, me to Paradise
Dar l-am asteptat sa facem un album de vis
But I waited for him to make a dream album
Cu alte piese de bis si gata de scris
With other encore tracks, ready to be written
Si-am zis ok, iar tre sa-i fac sa dea play
And I said ok, I gotta make them press play again
Si-s vreo 10 ani, deja, in care, de pe Pajistei
And it's been 10 years, already, in which, from Pajistei
Pana la Faur, s-au tot facut sute de idei
To Faur, hundreds of ideas have been made
Cu Sergiu, Serban, Rares, Alex si Andrei,
With Sergiu, Serban, Rares, Alex and Andrei,
Si-apoi cu Max, niste hituri, da' n-au mai ramas
And then with Max, some hits, but they didn't stay
Unii dintre ei si n-are rost nici sa facem un caz
Some of them and there's no point in making a case
Doar ca mi-e necaz si dor de vremea aia
Just that I miss those days and that time
Viata merge-nainte ca doar nu merge dupa aia
Life goes on, it doesn't go after that
Sa ma ia Gaya daca nu o fac din nou mai tare
For Gaya to take me if I don't do it again harder
C-a 3-a oara normal e la nivel mai mare
The 3rd time is normally on a higher level
Mai pregatit dar inca hranit cu rabdare
More prepared but still fed with patience
Pana iese "Lupu" si primu cu gura sare
Until "Lupu" comes out and the first one opens his mouth
Ca n-are multe piese noi, da' n-are
That he doesn't have many new tracks, but he doesn't
Pe-ala ti l-am dat. doar asa spre cercetare
I gave you that one, just for research
Ce tare, nu? hai ca parca-ai prins culoare
That's cool, isn't it? Come on, it's like you've got some color
Ce tare ma face sa cred ca esti in stare
How cool it makes me think you're able
Sa apesi play-u' la ce-am pregatit in continuare
To hit play on what I've got lined up next
Intr-o saptamana-n care n-am prea avut stare
In a week when I haven't been feeling too good
Dar am avut indeajuns de multe ganduri clare
But I had enough clear thoughts
Pe care le-am scris si-am renascut din proprie valoare
Which I wrote down and was reborn from my own value
Si fii atent in continuare, semene, urmareste semnele
And pay attention next, it resembles, watch the signs
Codu' Penal apare AMR
The Penal Code appears AMR
Si-AMR, AMR cateva tabere
And AMR, AMR a few camps
Restu de tarabe s-au mai spart din pacate,
The rest of the stalls have unfortunately been broken up,
Albumul "GEMENI" deocamdata e doar inceputu',
The album "GEMENI" is just the beginning for now,
Doar pregatesc armele, vorbele-mi sunt scutu'
I'm just getting my weapons ready, my words are my shield
Am tacut... dar nu te lua cu mutu'
I've been quiet... but don't mess with the mute
Nu stii c-are prost obicei sa f*ta Pamantu'?
Don't you know he has a bad habit of f*cking the Earth?
... Pam!... Pam!
... Boom!... Boom!

Авторы: Alexandru Minculescu, Cabron, Florin Boka

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