Cabron feat. Peter Pop - Lupu' De Pe Maidan - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cabron feat. Peter Pop - Lupu' De Pe Maidan

Lupu' De Pe Maidan
The Wolf of the Wasteland
SOS Bine ai venit spre drumul spre succes
SOS Welcome to the road to success
E drumul pe care ti l-ai ales
It's the path you chose for yourself
Cu mana ta
With your own hand
Stii mi se spune nasu
You know they call me godfather
C-am atatia fini de ma stie tot orasu
'Cause I have so many godchildren the whole city knows me
Si toata tara de aici la Timisoara
And the whole country from here to Timisoara
Cine-i valul nou si toamna si primavara
Who's the new wave, both in autumn and spring
Mi-au zis ca rapul meu e nou
They told me my rap is new
Ca nu e bine si c-ar trebui sa fac si d-ala rau
That it's not good and I should make some of that bad stuff
Sa caut si alt flow alt cantec alt stou
Find another flow, another song, another stou
Alt dj alt om alte haine alt show
Another DJ, another man, other clothes, another show
Dar am stiut ca drumul ce l-am ales
But I knew that the path I chose
Inevitabil ma va duce pana la succes
Would inevitably lead me to success
Lupul sare tare si te depaseste saltul
The wolf jumps high and surpasses your leap
Dau mingea de colo colo cum da briliantul
I pass the ball around like a brilliant
Jucator in jocul asta trebuie sa fii top
In this game you have to be a top player
Cu ochii in toate partile ca la caleidoscop
With eyes everywhere, like a kaleidoscope
Si de la primul pana la ultimul scop
And from the first to the last goal
Sa beau din paharul succesului pana la ultimul strop
To drink from the cup of success to the last drop
SOS bine ai venit pe drumul spre succes
SOS welcome to the road to success
E drumul pe care ti l-ai ales
It's the path you chose for yourself
Cu mana ta
With your own hand
SOS bine ai venit pe drumul spre succes
SOS welcome to the road to success
E drumul pe care ti l-ai ales
It's the path you chose for yourself
Cu mana ta
With your own hand
Lupul de pe maidan sunt
I am the wolf of the wasteland
Lupul de pe maidan sunt
I am the wolf of the wasteland
Lupul de pe maidan sunt
I am the wolf of the wasteland
Lupul de pe maidan sunt
I am the wolf of the wasteland
Lupul de pe maidan sunt
I am the wolf of the wasteland
Lupul de pe maidan sunt
I am the wolf of the wasteland
Lupul isi schimba haina cand vrea blana lui
The wolf changes his coat whenever he wants, his fur
Dati-mi un microfon si coroana imparatului
Give me a microphone and the emperor's crown
Pune covorul rosu sa-l iau la picioare
Lay down the red carpet for me to step on
Succesul e acolo nu in premii muzicale
Success is out there, not in music awards
Succesul e acolo unde lumea iti stie numele
Success is where people know your name
Tie si masinii tale in care iti cari sumele
You and your car where you carry your sums
Succesul mai si fuge ca joaca urat
Success also runs away, it plays dirty
Dar eu sunt lup si-am sa mor cu el de gat
But I'm a wolf and I'll die with it by the throat
Mi-am zis hai du-te si bye bye
I said to myself, go and bye bye
Pentru ca n-ai n-ai de ce sa mai stai
Because you have no reason to stay
Zice baiatul in care nu mai credeai
Says the boy you no longer believed in
Ca va putea sa faca ce tu nu puteai
That he could do what you couldn't
Mirror mirror mirror mirror
Mirror mirror mirror mirror
Spune-le cine e lup ca Michael in Thriller
Tell them who's the wolf, like Michael in Thriller
Cine nu se incurca si mereu o zice clar
Who doesn't get confused and always says it clearly
Dar n-are nici un dubiu ca lumea ii zice iar
But has no doubt that people will call him again
SOS bine ai venit pe drumul spre succes
SOS welcome to the road to success
E drumul pe care ti l-ai ales
It's the path you chose for yourself
Cu mana ta
With your own hand
SOS bine ai venit pe drumul spre succes
SOS welcome to the road to success
E drumul pe care ti l-ai ales
It's the path you chose for yourself
Cu mana ta
With your own hand
Lupul de pe maidan sunt
I am the wolf of the wasteland
Lupul de pe maidan sunt
I am the wolf of the wasteland
Lupul de pe maidan sunt
I am the wolf of the wasteland
Lupul de pe maidan sunt
I am the wolf of the wasteland
Lupul de pe maidan sunt
I am the wolf of the wasteland
Lupul de pe maidan sunt
I am the wolf of the wasteland
SOS bine ai venit pe drumul spre succes
SOS welcome to the road to success
E drumul pe care ti l-ai ales
It's the path you chose for yourself
Cu mana ta
With your own hand
SOS bine ai venit pe drumul spre succes
SOS welcome to the road to success
E drumul pe care ti l-ai ales
It's the path you chose for yourself
Cu mana ta
With your own hand

Авторы: Alexandru Minculescu, Maxim Chisaru, Mihai Andrei, Constantin Bodea

Cabron feat. Peter Pop - Lupu' de pe maidan
Lupu' de pe maidan
дата релиза

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