Cabron feat. Voltaj - Vocea Ta - Bonus Track - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Cabron feat. Voltaj - Vocea Ta - Bonus Track

Vocea Ta - Bonus Track
Vocea Ta - Bonus Track
Si bat cu pumnu-n masa,
He bangs his fist on the table,
Ala mai tare nu cedeaza.
The louder it gets, the more he fails.
Ala mai prostu nu inceteaza,
The biggest fool can't stop,
Sa-mi dea dreptate dar e falsa.
To prove me right, but he's wrong.
Am zis ca nu mai merge, gata
I said it's not working anymore, it's over
Sa fac ceva, sa il fac mandru pe tata.
To do something, to make my father proud.
Ceva special, nu sa imping lopata
Something special, not to push the shovel
Cand ies din casa, sa ma stie toata strada.
When I leave the house, so that the whole street knows me.
Si astia nu mi-au dat prea multe variante
And they didn't give me many options
Il cautam in drum, sa ma duca departe
I was looking for him on the road, to take me far away
Si atunci cand l-am gasit si la picioare l-am luat
And when I found him and took him at my feet
Mi-a jurat ca nu ma las pana la cap'
He swore he wouldn't leave me until the end.
Cand am vrut sa fac un pas imediat m-au judecat
When I wanted to take a step, they immediately judged me
M-au intors dar eu tot am intrat si am strigat
They turned me away, but I still went in and shouted.
Daca ma aude cineva
If someone hears me,
Inseamna ca voi putea sa schimb ceva in viata mea
It means that I will be able to change something in my life.
Daca se opreste muzica, sa ramana ecoul care rupe linistea
If the music stops, let the echo break the silence
Si iarasi voi striga:
And again I will shout:
Vocea ta e vocea mea
Your voice is my voice
Si va canta, cat timp vom exista
And it will sing for as long as we exist.
Cand usile se-nchid, luminile se sting,
When the doors close, the lights go out,
Eu trebuie sa ma ridic si sa le aprind
I have to stand up and turn them on
Ca-s responsabil pentru fiecare om,
Because I'm responsible for every person,
Pentru fiecare pusti ce-l asculta pe Cabron,
For every kid who listens to Cabron,
Cand generatia se schimba
When the generation changes
E foarte important sa vorbim aceeasi limba
It's very important for us to speak the same language
Si daca ma intrebi pe mine,
And if you ask me,
Cel mai important e sa iesi din multime
The most important thing is to get out of the crowd
Cu pasi marunti dar siguri e tot ce conteaza
With small but sure steps, that's all that matters
Eu sunt pregatit pentru tot ce urmeaza
I'm ready for whatever comes next
Cand ii vad cum isi fura mamaliga
When I see them stealing their food,
Eu urlu la ei pana ragusesc ca Byga
I shout at them until I'm hoarse.
Ca eu nu-s ala de un refren
Because I'm not a one-hit wonder
Piesele mele merg pe relee si FM
My songs go on relays and FM
Si nu am uitat cand de mine au uitat
And I didn't forget when they forgot about me
Dar si-au amintit cand am intrat s-am strigat:
But they remembered when I came in and shouted:
Daca ma aude cineva
If someone hears me,
Inseamna ca voi putea sa schimb ceva in viata mea
It means that I will be able to change something in my life.
Daca se opreste muzica, sa ramana ecoul care rupe linistea
If the music stops, let the echo break the silence
Si iarasi voi striga,
And again I will shout,
Vocea ta e vocea mea
Your voice is my voice
Si va canta, cat timp vom exista
And it will sing for as long as we exist.

Авторы: Andrei Tiberiu Maria, Alexandru Minculescu, Maxim Alexandru Chisaru

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