Cacho Castaña - La Gata Varela - Live In Buenos Aires / 2016 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cacho Castaña - La Gata Varela - Live In Buenos Aires / 2016

La Gata Varela - Live In Buenos Aires / 2016
La Gata Varela - Live In Buenos Aires / 2016
La gata sale a cantar, envuelta en adrenalina
The cat goes out to sing, wrapped in adrenaline
Y perfuma el esenario, con inciensos y licinas
And perfumes the stage, with incense and licina
Con un codigo de tango, sin libros y sin escuela
With a tango code, without books and without school
Y te lo dice pintando, con colores de acuarela.
And she tells you painting, with watercolor colors.
El mejor de los cantores, tiene la vieja enseñanza
The best of the singers, has the old teaching
De callar cuando se debe y de hablar cuando hace falta
To shut up when it is necessary and to speak when it is necessary
Gata mojada de lluvia que aligerando los vicios
Cat wet with rain that lightening the vices
Sale a andar por las cornizas
Go out to walk through the cornices
Sin caer al precipicio
Without falling into the precipice
Parece una atorranta cuando canta
She seems like a bum when she sings
Parece que se deja y no se deja
It seems that she lets herself go and does not let herself go
Te da la sensación cuando camina
She gives you the feeling when she walks
Que en vez de una mujer, llegan dos minas
That instead of one woman, two mines arrive
Parece medio loca y que provoca
She seems half crazy and that provokes
Porque el tango en su boca es un gemido
Because the tango in her mouth is a moan
Parece que ya nada le sorprende
It seems that nothing surprises her anymore
Parece saber todo de la vida
She seems to know everything about life
Parece, pero no es lo que parece
It seems, but it is not what it seems
Es una gata herida
She is a wounded cat
Los que cantan a los gritos seguiran siendo aprendices
Those who sing to the screams will still be apprentices
Porque el tango no se canta, porque al tango se lo dice
Because tango is not sung, because tango is said
Con la pausa y el silencio al que aluden los poetas
With the pause and the silence to which the poets allude
Despacito poco a poco, para que entiendan la letra
Slowly little by little, so that they understand the lyrics
Cuando el publico no escucha, la gata tiene el orgullo
When the audience does not listen, the cat has the pride
De tener la mente fresca, en el medio del barullo
To have a fresh mind in the middle of a ruckus
Yo tambien escribo y canto sin libros y sin escuela
I also write and sing without books and without school
Despacito poco a poco
Slowly little by little
Como la gata Varela...
Like the cat Varela...
Parece una atorranta cuando canta
She seems like a bum when she sings
Parece que se deja y no se deja
It seems that she lets herself go and does not let herself go
Te da la sensación cuando camina
She gives you the feeling when she walks
Que en vez de una mujer, llegan dos minas
That instead of one woman, two mines arrive
Parece medio loca y que provoca
She seems half crazy and that provokes
Porque el tango en su boca es un gemido
Because the tango in her mouth is a moan
Parece que ya nada le sorprende
It seems that nothing surprises her anymore
Parece saber todo de la vida
She seems to know everything about life
Parece, pero no es lo que parece
It seems, but it is not what it seems
Es una gata herida
She is a wounded cat

Авторы: Humberto Vicente Castagna

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