Cactus - Al carrer! - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cactus - Al carrer!

Al carrer!
To the Streets!
Sona brega al carrer
Brega music in the streets
'Nem a patejar a tots eixos monstres
Let's go kick all those monsters
Cocktail, caputxa, saps que hi ha que fer
Cocktail, hood up, you know what's gotta be done
A mitjanit els carrers ja són nostres
At midnight, the streets are ours
Escolta la vaina ma' friend, açò sona fresh
Listen to this, my friend, it sounds fresh
Et deixe en el molde
I'll leave you in awe
Lliria-Muro conexió la monda
Lliria-Muro connection is the bomb
Rellamp Estudi i Cactus ho borden
Rellamp Studio and Cactus nail it
Tu saps, ja estem ací
You know, we're here now
Creme escenaris amb el meu equip
I burn stages with my crew
Que sí! la resistència en camí
Yes! The resistance is on its way
Places i parcs nostres per fi
Squares and parks finally ours
No faces drama, creme la rama
Don't make a scene, burn the branch
Volen callar-nos, caixer en flama
They want to silence us, ATM on fire
Deixa el sofà que ens toquen la terra
Leave the sofa, they're taking our land
Estem preparats pa' la guerra!
We're ready for war!
Al carrer! Al carrer! Al carrer!
To the streets! To the streets! To the streets!
No et quedes en casa la lluita al carrer!
Don't stay home, the fight is in the streets!
Al carrer! Al carrer! Al carrer!
To the streets! To the streets! To the streets!
El barri està on fire, que creme el carrer!
The neighborhood is on fire, let the streets burn!
Al carrer! Al carrer! Al carrer!
To the streets! To the streets! To the streets!
Que siga un infern, reclama lo teu
Let it be hell, reclaim what's yours
El cant dels ocells, l'aigua que beus
The birdsong, the water you drink
La llengua dels teus, que bulla el carrer!
The language of your people, let the streets boil!
Muro en l'automàtica mata al puto fatxa!
Muro on automatic kills the damn fascist!
Volem les molles i el pa
We want the crumbs and the bread
Hem aguantat més de lo que toca-va
We've endured more than we should have
No hi ha terme mig que valga
There's no middle ground
Torna'm les claus de ma casa
Give me back the keys to my house
Xafem asfalt, adoquinat, cocktail, motxilla i bandana
We stomp asphalt, cobblestone, cocktail, backpack and bandana
Va! un poc de calma, gastaré esta lírica per a calmar l'ànsia (ànsia)
Come on! A little calm, I'll use these lyrics to calm the anxiety (anxiety)
Espai on impera la intolerància
Space where intolerance reigns
Alcança a tots com el mal quan ve d'Almansa
It reaches everyone like evil when it comes from Almansa
Cansa! (Cansa!), esta merda ja mos cansa! (Cansa!)
Tired! (Tired!), this shit already tires us! (Tired!)
Get tha fuck outta here you bastards! (bastards!)
Get tha fuck outta here you bastards! (bastards!)
Al carrer, al carrer, al carrer
To the streets, to the streets, to the streets
A la puta calle a vo' si aixina m'enteneu eh!
To the damn street if that's how you understand me, huh!
Al carrer! Al carrer! Al carrer!
To the streets! To the streets! To the streets!
No et quedes en casa la lluita al carrer!
Don't stay home, the fight is in the streets!
Al carrer! Al carrer! Al carrer!
To the streets! To the streets! To the streets!
El barri està on fire, que creme el carrer!
The neighborhood is on fire, let the streets burn!
Al carrer! Al carrer! Al carrer!
To the streets! To the streets! To the streets!
Que siga un infern, reclama lo teu
Let it be hell, reclaim what's yours
El cant dels ocells, l'aigua que beus
The birdsong, the water you drink
La llengua dels teus, que bulla el carrer!
The language of your people, let the streets boil!
Alça la veu
Raise your voice
Per les que ja no estan
For those who are no longer here
Per les que s'han emportat
For those who have been taken
Per les que han assassinat
For those who have been murdered
Per tot el que ens han furtat
For everything they've stolen from us
Serem la llum al carrer
We will be the light in the street
Serem la veu del present
We will be the voice of the present
Juntes ho aconseguirem!
Together we will achieve it!
Al carrer! Al carrer! Al carrer!
To the streets! To the streets! To the streets!
No et quedes en casa la lluita al carrer!
Don't stay home, the fight is in the streets!
Al carrer! Al carrer! Al carrer!
To the streets! To the streets! To the streets!
El barri està on fire, que creme el carrer!
The neighborhood is on fire, let the streets burn!
Al carrer! Al carrer! Al carrer!
To the streets! To the streets! To the streets!
Que siga un infern, reclama lo teu
Let it be hell, reclaim what's yours
El cant dels ocells, l'aigua que beus
The birdsong, the water you drink
La llengua dels teus, que bulla el carrer!
The language of your people, let the streets boil!
Al carrer! Al carrer! Al carrer!
To the streets! To the streets! To the streets!
No et quedes en casa la lluita al carrer!
Don't stay home, the fight is in the streets!
Al carrer! Al carrer! Al carrer!
To the streets! To the streets! To the streets!
El barri està on fire, que creme el carrer!
The neighborhood is on fire, let the streets burn!
Al carrer! Al carrer! Al carrer!
To the streets! To the streets! To the streets!
Que siga un infern, reclama lo teu
Let it be hell, reclaim what's yours
El cant dels ocells, l'aigua que beus
The birdsong, the water you drink
La llengua dels teus, que bulla el carrer!
The language of your people, let the streets boil!

Авторы: Albert Maynou Virgili, David Pascual Pascual, Mark Dasousa, Miguel García Pérez, Miquel Garcia Pérez

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