Café Quijano - De piratas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Café Quijano - De piratas

De piratas
Of Pirates
que hubieras querido ser pirata
I know you would have liked to be a pirate
Para la mitad de las cosas no ver
To not see half of the things
Y aparte de la pata, el corazón de madera también
And apart from the leg, the wooden heart too
Para no sentir, para no parecer
So as not to feel, so as not to seem
Naciste como tantas otras un día diez
You were born like so many others on a day of ten
Un mes de abril sin lluvia del setenta y tres
A month of April without rain in seventy-three
Las cinco de la tarde, taurina hasta para nacer
Five o'clock in the afternoon, bullfighting even to be born
Muleta, espada y tiento luces para triunfar
Crutch, sword and canvas lights to triumph
Faenas con empaque sin poder sospechar
Tasks with packaging without being able to suspect
Que un día tu vida se torna de calma en cruel tempestad
That one day your life will turn from calm into a cruel storm
Galera bucanera que te puso a remar
Bucaneer galley that put you to row
Así cuentas la historia de tu error marital
This is how you tell the story of your marital mistake
Entre rones y banderas que dibujan calaveras
Among rums and flags that draw skulls
La galera viento en popa a toda vela va
The galley with the wind in its sails at full speed
Galera bucanera que te puso a remar
Bucaneer galley that put you to row
Así cuentas la historia de tu error marital
This is how you tell the story of your marital mistake
Entre rones y banderas que dibujan calaveras
Among rums and flags that draw skulls
La galera viento en popa a toda vela va
The galley with the wind in its sails at full speed
Te duermes en laureles en el noventa y tres
You sleep on your laurels in ninety-three
Altar de barrio, traje largo, que bien te ves
Neighborhood altar, long dress, how good you look
Con sólo veinte años, tan niña, de niña a pobre mujer
Only twenty years old, so young, from young girl to poor woman
Remaste entre tormentas, te dejaste la piel
You rowed through storms, you left your skin
Te tuvo condenada a cinco años y un mes
He condemned you to five years and a month
Maldices sus olores a rones, la tierra prometida se fue
You curse his rum scents, the promised land is gone
Galera bucanera que te puso a remar
Bucaneer galley that put you to row
Así cuentas la historia de tu error marital
This is how you tell the story of your marital mistake
Entre rones y banderas que dibujan calaveras
Among rums and flags that draw skulls
La galera viento en popa a toda vela va
The galley with the wind in its sails at full speed
Galera bucanera que te puso a remar
Bucaneer galley that put you to row
Así cuentas la historia de tu error marital
This is how you tell the story of your marital mistake
Entre rones y banderas que dibujan calaveras
Among rums and flags that draw skulls
La galera viento en popa a toda vela va
The galley with the wind in its sails at full speed
Galera bucanera que te puso a remar (galera, galera bucanera)
Bucaneer galley that put you to row (galley, buccaneer galley)
Así cuentas la historia de tu error marital
This is how you tell the story of your marital mistake
La galera viento en popa a toda vela va
The galley with the wind in its sails at full speed
Galera bucanera que te puso a remar
Bucaneer galley that put you to row
Así cuentas la historia de tu error marital
This is how you tell the story of your marital mistake
Entre rones y banderas que dibujan calaveras
Among rums and flags that draw skulls
La galera viento en popa a toda vela va
The galley with the wind in its sails at full speed
Galera bucanera que te puso a remar (galera, galera bucanera)
Bucaneer galley that put you to row (galley, buccaneer galley)
Así cuentas la historia de tu error marital
This is how you tell the story of your marital mistake
La galera viento en popa a toda vela va
The galley with the wind in its sails at full speed
Entre rones y banderas que dibujan calaveras (entre rones y banderas)
Among rums and flags that draw skulls (among rums and flags)
Así cuentas la historia de tu error marital
This is how you tell the story of your marital mistake
La galera viento en popa a toda vela va
The galley with the wind in its sails at full speed

Авторы: Manuel Quijano Ahijado

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