Lloras, sin saber muy bien porque a veces lloras y otras veces sin razón dices que estorbas, no me culpes de conquistas innventadas que no sé nada.
You cry, without knowing very well why sometimes you cry, and other times for no reason, you say you're in the way, don't blame me for invented conquests that I know nothing about.
Sabes que escucho que yo te entiendo pero no puedo verte más por mi sufriendo,
You know that I listen, that I understand you, but I can't see you suffering any more because of me,
Aqui me tienes para mimarte
Here I am to pamper you
No tengo ni una sola pena que contarte.
I haven't a single worry to tell you.
Te matan los celos y no tienes porqué si a ti solo quiero y a ti siempre querré,
Jealousy is killing you, and you don't have to, because I only love you, and I'll always love you,
Te dañas tú sola y me dañas después tú sola te engañas y te inventas porques.
You're hurting yourself, and then you're hurting me, you're only fooling yourself and you're inventing reasons why.
Tienes que olvidarte de pensar en cosas raras y dejar de perseguir con las miradas,
You have to stop thinking about weird stuff and stop following me with your eyes,
Te maltratas sin sentido con tus dudas y mis razones te curan.
You're mistreating yourself with your senseless doubts, and my reasons are healing you.
No te entretengas perdiendo el tiempo, que nada escondo nada callo no te miento,
Don't waste your time, I'm not hiding anything, I'm not keeping anything from you, I'm not lying to you,
No te obsesiones con un invento no desconfíes de los sueños que te cuento.
Don't obsess over something made up, don't distrust the dreams I tell you.
Te matan los celos y no tienes porqué si a ti solo quiero y a ti siempre querré,
Jealousy is killing you, and you don't have to, because I only love you, and I'll always love you,
Te dañas tú sola y me dañas después tú sola te engañas y te inventas porques
You're hurting yourself, and then you're hurting me, you're only fooling yourself and you're inventing reasons why.
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