Cakal - İmparator - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cakal - İmparator

(Kachi, kachi)
(Yum, yum)
(I appreciate it)
(I miss you Down)
(I miss you, Missus)
Olur kekeme denerken yetenek hedefe
I may become a stutterer while attempting this prowess
Dikkatle yapıyo'z ve tutuyo' bu terane
We do it cautiously and this song sticks
Evet yapıyoruz isteyerek
Yes, we do it willingly
Bilerek ve içinden geçiyoruz kameralar tepede
Knowingly and we go through it with cameras overhead
Eski hevesim kalmıyo' gibiydi, nefesimi tuttum hemen toparladım
My old eagerness seemed to be gone, I held my breath but I straightened out
Şimdi anladım varlığımın önemini, bu yüzden hiç birine gerek kalmadı
Now I understand the importance of my existence, hence there is no need for anyone
Yedi dairede, yedi farklı date
In seven circles, seven different dates
Polisten kaçmak baba mesleği
Evading the police is the family business
Ve bu mahalleden diğer mahalleye götürmek ustanın eski bi' desteği
And carrying it from one neighborhood to another was an old trick of the master
Yakalarsa başlar "İş ver, ver"
If caught, they’d start with "Give us a job, give us a job"
Ağzımı açmadım hayırlı işler
I kept my mouth shut, no thanks
Patladık bilader naylon fişten
We blew up, brother, from a plastic slip
Gülümsedim onlara bembeyaz dişle
I smiled at them with gleaming white teeth
(I appreciate it)
Güçlü sürüşse yok benden hızlı
In powerful driving, there isn't anyone faster than me
Makasa son gaz girerken tırstın
You were scared when I went full throttle into a scissor maneuver
Taklit edilmez cesaret asla
Courage can never be imitated
Hırslıydım fazla kahpelere katlandım
I was ambitious; I put up with too many sluts
Fazla hit track, verdim mola
Too many hit tracks, I took a break
Tatil başlasın imparatora
Let the vacation begin for the emperor
İçilen paf küf hep indoor ya
The smoke I inhale is always high quality
Güldüren geldi, elde magnolia
The jester arrives, with a magnolia in hand
Şimdi nap'ca'm? Git'ce'm tatil
What should I do now? I’ll go on vacation
Bitki bak'ca'm işten daha iyi
I’ll tend to plants, better than working
Cennete gidiyorum elimde valiz
I’m going to paradise with my suitcase in hand
Yatamam Türkiye beş sene hapis
I can’t stay in Turkey, it’s five years imprisonment
Polizei polizei bekledik dokuz ay
Polizei, polizei, we served nine months
Emeklemeden koştum ben onu say
I learnt to run before I could crawl, take that into account
İşler yolunda çıkmasın dolunay
Everything is going well, as long as the full moon doesn’t rise
Şükrediyorum hep elhamdülillah
I’m always thankful, all praise be to God
Elhamdülillah, Elhamdülillah
All praise be to God, all praise be to God
All praise be to God
Elhamdülillah, Elhamdülillah
All praise be to God, all praise be to God
Elhamdülillah, Elhamdülillah
All praise be to God, all praise be to God
(Elhamdülillah, Elhamdülillah)
(All praise be to God, all praise be to God)
All praise be to God
(I miss you Down)
(I miss you, Missus)

Авторы: Burak önder, Emirhan çakal, özgür Doğan Kaymak

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