Calero LDN - Corazón Pagano - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Calero LDN - Corazón Pagano

Corazón Pagano
Pagan Heart
Eh, eh
Oh, oh
Corazón pagano, eh
Pagan heart, oh
(Este corazón pagano ya no reza)
(This pagan heart doesn't pray anymore)
LDN, agh
LDN, agh
(Corazón pagano)
(Pagan heart)
Que ya no vuelan mariposas en mi estómago
Butterflies no longer flutter in my stomach
Las he cambiado por un gramo cada sábado
I've traded them for a gram every Saturday
Quemo billetes pensando que soy pirómano
I burn banknotes, thinking I'm a pyromaniac
Y se te queda corto el llamarme cocainómano
And your calling me a cocaine addict doesn't even cut it
Bienvenidos a mi páramo
Welcome to my wasteland
Donde no escribo si no vivo cada párrafo
Where I don't write unless I'm living every paragraph
Un "descansa en paz" al bajar mis párpados
A "rest in peace" when I close my eyelids
Y ya no contar por utilizar tu ábaco
And I no longer know how to count when using your abacus
Mátame o dame alas
Kill me or give me wings
Para no verte la cara
So I don't have to see your face
Si te fuiste a por tabaco y ahora vienes de la nada
If you went to get cigarettes and now you're coming from nowhere
Ya bastante te esperé, aun sabiendo que no fumabas
I've waited long enough, even though I knew you didn't smoke
Mátame o dame alas
Kill me or give me wings
Para no verte la cara
So I don't have to see your face
Si te fuiste a por tabaco y ahora vienes de la nada
If you went to get cigarettes and now you're coming from nowhere
Ya bastante te esperé, aun sabiendo que no fumabas
I've waited long enough, even though I knew you didn't smoke
Circles and cycles and seasons (Aun sabiendo que no fumabas)
Circles and cycles and seasons (Even though I knew you didn't smoke)
For everything there's always reason (Eh)
For everything, there's always a reason (Oh)
But it's never good (LDN)
But it's never good (LDN)
(LDN) Never turns out as it should (LDN, eh)
(LDN) Never turns out as it should (LDN, oh)
Que no hay religión para un corazón pagano
There's no religion for a pagan heart
Cansado de pagar el precio de tus pecados
Tired of paying the price for your sins
Te subí a un altar y sola te has bajado
I put you on an altar, and you came down on your own
Ahora mírame a la cara y dime que nada ha cambiado
Now look me in the face and tell me nothing has changed
Pero no todo es tan malo
But not everything is that bad
¿Tú qué coño te has pensado?
What in the world were you thinking?
Ahora valorar a quién está a mi lado
Now I know how to appreciate those who are by my side
Y empiezan a darme la vida que me has quitado
And they're beginning to give me the life you took away
Hoy no me doy por vencido
Today, I'm not giving up
Solo me escuchas pa' saber que estoy jodido
You only listen to me to know that I'm screwed
Pero escucha lo que te digo
But listen to what I'm telling you
Que soy más feliz sin ti que en diez mil vidas contigo
I'm happier without you than in ten thousand lives with you
Hoy no me doy por vencido
Today, I'm not giving up
Solo me escuchas pa' saber que estoy jodido
You only listen to me to know that I'm screwed
Pero escucha lo que te digo
But listen to what I'm telling you
Que soy más feliz sin ti que en diez mil vidas contigo
I'm happier without you than in ten thousand lives with you
Circles and cycles and seasons (Que soy más feliz sin ti que en diez mil vidas contigo)
Circles and cycles and seasons (I'm happier without you than in ten thousand lives with you)
For everything there's always reason (Eh)
For everything, there's always a reason (Oh)
But it's never good (LDN)
But it's never good (LDN)
(LDN) Never turns out as it should (LDN, eh)
(LDN) Never turns out as it should (LDN, oh)
Circles and circles and seasons (LDN)
Circles and circles and seasons (LDN)
For everything there's always reason (LDN)
For everything, there's always a reason (LDN)
But it's never good (LDN)
But it's never good (LDN)
Never turns out as it should (Eh)
Never turns out as it should (Oh)

Авторы: calero ldn

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