Canbay & Wolker - Fersah - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Canbay & Wolker - Fersah

Heyhat! Kafam göçtü diyardan
Oh no! My mind has left me
Dönmedi kimse limandan
No one has returned from the harbor
Can, sende geçme cihandan
My love, please don't leave this world
Düşme sende fersah fersah
Don't fall further and further into despair
Heyhat! Kafam göçtü diyardan
Oh no! My mind has left me
Dönmedi kimse limandan
No one has returned from the harbor
Can, sende geçme cihandan
My love, please don't leave this world
Düşme sende fersah fersah
Don't fall further and further into despair
(Düşme sende fersah fersah, brrr go go)
(Don't fall further and further, brrr go go)
Bıraktılar uçurumdan aşağıya
They pushed me down from the cliff
Görmediğimiz hiç bir şeyin sonucunda nol'cak? (ya)
What will happen with the consequences of things we have never seen? (ya)
Beden değil gönlünüzdür al'cak
It's not your body, but your heart that will be broken
Su verdiğin o güllerin bi' gecede solcak
The roses you water will wither away overnight
Bitirir gençliğini kuru yada sulu
Whether dry or wet, it will end your youth
Otur adam gibi napı'caksın bi' tabanca bulup
Settle down like a man, what will you do with a gun?
Acılara yol ver güllerini kurut
Let the pain go, dry your flowers
Nefes alıyo'sak sabır en büyük umut (uh, hu)
If we are still breathing, patience is our greatest hope (uh, hu)
Bu sokağın fiyakalı hali
This is the vibrant state of the street
Bi' yanım Neşet baba diğer yanım Ferdi (şşş)
Part of me is Neşet Baba, the other part is Ferdi (shh)
Kararlı müptezeller bi' ton kara cahil
Determined addicts, a ton of ignorant fools
Zengine kokaina, garibana bali
Cocaine for the rich, booze for the poor
Alo polis, imdat! Tüm duygularım firar
Hello police, help! All my emotions are fleeing
Üstümüze koşuyo'lar ellerinde silah
They're running towards us with weapons in their hands
Koynumuzda yılan, gel hangisine inan?
With a snake in our lap, who can we trust?
Gemilere haber verin alev aldı liman
Tell the ships that the harbor is on fire
Heyhat! Kafam göçtü diyardan
Oh no! My mind has left me
Dönmedi kimse limandan
No one has returned from the harbor
Can, sende geçme cihandan
My love, please don't leave this world
Düşme sende fersah fersah
Don't fall further and further into despair
Heyhat! Kafam göçtü diyardan
Oh no! My mind has left me
Dönmedi kimse limandan
No one has returned from the harbor
Can, sende geçme cihandan
My love, please don't leave this world
Düşme sende fersah fersah
Don't fall further and further into despair
Yaralarını kapattın sanma
Don't think you've healed your wounds
Sözünün ederi bi' kelam etmiyor anla
Your words are worthless, understand?
Gözümdeki damla yaş oldu zamanla
The tear in my eye has turned into water over time
Biti'cek hayatın tek bi' kararla
Your life will end with a single decision
Zaten çok eskidik gideceğiz mezara
We're already old, we'll be in the grave
Ya zora gelip hemen gözlerini kapama
Don't close your eyes just because things are tough
Kapattığım bütün kapılar önünü açacak
All the doors I closed will open before you
Dost bildiğin dostun bir gün arkadan vuracak! (brr ra)
The friend you thought you knew will betray you one day! (brr ra)
Farketmez üzerime gelme
Don't bother coming after me
Üzerine gelenin elinede gül verme (verme)
Don't give your hand to the one who's coming after you (don't)
Sen istemesen de kapanıyor perde, yüzündeki şerde
Even if you don't want it, the curtain is closing on your wickedness
Kafanda kalıyo'sa bi' ton sorun
If you have a ton of problems in your head
Uzak gelecektir sana yolun sonu
The end of your road is far ahead
Vakti doldu dava sana kalmaz
Your time is up, it's not your concern
Bu bardak taştı bak artık dolmaz
This cup is full, now it won't take any more
Heyhat! Kafam göçtü diyardan
Oh no! My mind has left me
Dönmedi kimse limandan
No one has returned from the harbor
Can, sende geçme cihandan
My love, please don't leave this world
Düşme sende fersah fersah
Don't fall further and further into despair
Heyhat! Kafam göçtü diyardan
Oh no! My mind has left me
Dönmedi kimse limandan
No one has returned from the harbor
Can, sende geçme cihandan
My love, please don't leave this world
Düşme sende fersah fersah
Don't fall further and further into despair
Fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah (brr go)
Fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah (brr go)
Fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah (aha)
Fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah (aha)
Fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah (hı hı)
Fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah (hı hı)
Fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah (brr ra)
Fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah, fersah (brr ra)

Авторы: Canbay

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