Cannibal Corpse - Gutted (Live) - перевод текста песни на русский

Текст и перевод песни Cannibal Corpse - Gutted (Live)

A table of the deranged, this savage brutal being
Стол сумасшедших, это дикое, жестокое существо.
A shocking way of life living on human offspring
Шокирующий образ жизни за счет человеческого потомства
Murder of the innocent, his pale grey face expresionless
Убийство невинного, его бледно-серое лицо ничего не выражало.
Horrid dismemberment
Ужасное расчленение.
One persons tortures, is anothers pleasure
Одни мучают, другим доставляют удовольствие.
Malformation, a diseased brain
Порок развития, больной мозг.
Unsuspecting slowly dying, as his knife invades
Ничего не подозревающий медленно умирает, когда его нож вторгается в него.
The child, screams of pain, no one hears
Ребенок кричит от боли, но никто не слышит.
Blood splotches now appear, esctasy through
Теперь появляются пятна крови, через которые проходит эсктаси.
Each cut, now the body twiches the gutted
Каждый порез, теперь тело дергает выпотрошенного.
Little torso ready to be cooked
Маленькое туловище готово к приготовлению.
Isolated in his own mind the need to kill
Изолированный в своем собственном сознании потребность убивать
Now possesses his body
Теперь владеет его телом.
Self mutilated
Сам себя искалечил
Between killings ejaculation, cut off appendages
Между убийствами эякуляция, отрезанные придатки.
Of former victims, sexual violence satisfaction
Бывших жертв сексуального насилия.
Disembodied corpses, spewing gore
Бестелесные трупы, изрыгающие кровь.
On his body, soaked with their fluids, various
На его теле, пропитанном их флюидами, различались
Digestive parts, and assorted meats
Пищеварительные органы и мясное ассорти.
Plunging his fist down the throat, ripping out
Вонзает кулак в горло, вырывает ...
The guts, internal extraction
Кишки, внутреннее извлечение.
The entire body bleeding
Все тело истекает кровью.
The heart stops pumping
Сердце перестает биться.
The child lying dead, just another gutted infant
Ребенок лежит мертвый, просто еще один выпотрошенный младенец.
To satisfy his hunger, temptations of the flesh
Чтобы утолить свой голод, искушения плоти...
Voracious appetite
Волчий аппетит
Killing to release pure souls to the heavens
Убивая, чтобы выпустить чистые души на небеса.
Justification of his killing self-torture
Оправдание его убийства-самоистязание.
Stiffening pain
Усиливающаяся боль
He sees the faces of the dead
Он видит лица мертвых.
Guts are strewn from the children
Кишки разбросаны у детей.
Splintered bones, poke through skin
Расколотые кости, протыкающие кожу.
Gratification through castration
Удовлетворение через кастрацию
Roasting parts for consumption
Жареные части для потребления

Авторы: A. Webster, C. Barnes, B. Rusay, J. Owen, P. Mazurkiewicz

Cannibal Corpse - Digital Box Set
Digital Box Set
дата релиза

1 The Spine Splitter
2 Unleashing the Bloodthirsty
3 Dead Human Collection
4 The Bleeding
5 She Was Asking for It
6 Staring Through the Eyes of the Dead
7 An Experiment In Homicide
8 I Cum Blood
9 Gutted
10 Headless
11 No Remorse
12 Hacksaw Decapitation
13 Evisceration Plague
14 Disfigured
15 Devoured By Vermin
16 Decency Defied
17 A Skull Full of Maggots
18 Infinite Misery
19 They Deserve to Die
20 The Time to Kill Is Now
21 Make Them Suffer
22 Addicted to Vaginal Skin
23 I Will Kill You
24 Priests Of Sodom
25 Scattered Remains, Splattered Brains (1989 Demo)
26 A Skull Full of Maggots (1989 Demo)
27 The Exorcist (Bonus Track)
28 Covered With Sores (Bonus Track)
29 Stripped, Raped, and Strangled
30 Meathook Sodomy
31 Meathook Sodomy (Live)
32 Ecstasy In Decay
33 A Skull Full of Maggots (Live)
34 Blowtorch Slaughter (Live)
35 Born In a Casket (Live - Toronto 2006)
36 Covered With Sores (Live - Toronto 2006)
37 Dead Human Collection (Live)
38 Death Walking Terror (Live - Toronto 2006)
39 Decency Defied (Live - Toronto 2006)
40 Devoured By Vermin (Live)
41 Devoured By Vermin (Live - Toronto 2006)
42 Disfigured (Live - Toronto 2006)
43 Disposal of the Body (Live)
44 Disposal of the Body (Live - With Full Force 2007)
45 Dormant Bodies Bursting (Live - Toronto 2006)
46 Five Nails Through the Neck (Live - Toronto 2006)
47 Fucked With a Knife (Live - Party San 2005)
48 Gallery of Suicide (Live)
49 Gutted (Live)
50 Hammer Smashed Face (Live - Toronto 2006)
51 I Cum Blood (Live - Toronto 2006)
52 Make Them Suffer (Live - Toronto 2006)
53 Murder Worship (Live - With Full Force 2007)
54 Perverse Suffering (Live)
55 Pounded Into Dust (Live - Party San 2005)
56 Psychotic Precision (Live - Party San 2005)
57 Pulverized (Live - Party San 2005)
58 Puncture Wound Massacre (Live - Party San 2005)
59 Sentenced to Burn (Live - Party San 2005)
60 Stripped, Raped, and Strangled (Live)
61 Stripped, Raped, and Strangled (Live - Toronto 2006)
62 The Spine Splitter (Live)
63 The Time to Kill Is Now (Live - Toronto 2006)
64 The Wretched Spawn (Live - Party San 2005)
65 Unleashing the Bloodthirsty (Live - With Full Force 2007)
66 The Exorcist
67 Zero the Hero
68 Systematic Elimination
69 Worm Infested
70 Demon's Night
71 Confessions
72 Unite The Dead
73 Stabbed In The Throat
74 Sickening Metamorphosis
75 Sentenced To Burn
76 Raped by the Beast
77 Monolith
78 Every Bone Broken
79 Disposal Of The Body
80 Condemned to Agony
81 Coffin Feeder
82 Chambers of Blood
83 Centuries Of Torment
84 Blowtorch Slaughter (Live)
85 Blood Drenched Execution
86 Born in a Casket
87 Covered With Sores (Live)
88 I Will Kill You (Live)
89 Unleashing the Bloodthirsty (Live)
90 When Death Replaces Life
91 Under the Rotted Flesh
92 To Decompose
93 The Cryptic Stench
94 The Discipline Of Revenge
95 Slain
96 Shredded Humans
97 Severed Head Stoning
98 Savage Butchery
99 Scalding Hail
100 Scattered Remains Splattered Brains
101 Sanded Faceless
102 Return to Flesh
103 Pulverized
104 Puncture Wound Massacre
105 Post Mortal Ejaculation
106 Pounded into Dust
107 Perverse Suffering (Live)
108 Pit of Zombies
109 Orgasm Through Torture
110 Mutation of the Cadaver
111 Maniacal
112 Living Dissection
113 Innards Decay
114 Hatchet to the Head
115 Gallery Of Suicide
116 Frantic Disembowelment
117 Five Nails Through The Neck
118 Entrails Ripped from a Virgin's C**t
119 Drowning in Viscera
120 Covered With Sores
121 Carrion Sculpted Entity
122 Butchered At Birth
123 Buried In The Backyard
124 Blunt Force Castration
125 Bloody Chunks
126 Bent Backwards and Broken
127 Beheading And Burning
128 Rotted Body Landslide
129 Murder Worship
130 Necrosadistic Warning
131 Purification By Fire
132 Barbaric Bludgeonings
133 Brain Removal Device
134 Submerged In Boiling Flesh
135 Death Walking Terror
136 A Cauldron of Hate
137 Nothing Left to Mutilate
138 Cyanide Assassin
139 Dormant Bodies Bursting
140 Compelled to Lacerate
141 Hung and Bled
142 Festering In the Crypt
143 Grotesque
144 Psychotic Precision
145 The Wretched Spawn
146 Evidence In the Furnace
147 Carnivorous Swarm
148 Shatter Their Bones
149 Unnatural
150 Skewered from Ear to Eye
151 Hammer Smashed Face (Live)
152 Necropedophile
153 Beyond the Cemetery
154 I Cum Blood (Live)
155 Split Wide Open
156 The Pick Axe Murders
157 Force Fed Broken Glass
158 Edible Autopsy
159 Put them to Death
160 Mangled
161 Rotting Head
162 The Undead Will Feast
163 Born in a Casket Live
164 Vomit the Soul
165 Rancid Amputation
166 Mummified in Barbed Wire
167 Bloodlands
168 Staring Through the Eyes of the Dead (Live)
169 Fucked with a Knife (Live)
170 Absolute Hatred
171 Eaten from Inside
172 Dismembered And Molested
173 Crushing The Despised
174 Headless (Gallery of Suicide Demo)
175 Crushing the Despised (Gallery of Suicide Demo)
176 The Undead Will Feast (1989 Demo)
177 Put Them to Death (1989 Demo)
178 Bloody Chunks (1989 Demo)
179 Unburied Horror (Created to Kill Sessions)
180 Mummified In Barbed Wire (Created to Kill Sessions)
181 Gallery of the Obscene (Created to Kill Sessions)
182 To Kill Myself (Created to Kill Sessions)
183 Bloodlands (Created to Kill Sessions)
184 Puncture Wound Massacre (Created to Kill Sessions)
185 Devoured By Vermin (Created to Kill Sessions)
186 Chambers of Blood (Gallery of Suicide Demo)
187 Dismembered and Molested (Gallery of Suicide Demo)
188 Gallery of Suicide (Gallery of Suicide Demo)
189 Unite the Dead (Gallery of Suicide Demo)
190 Relentless Beating
191 From Skin To Liquid

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