Canserbero & Apache - El Mundo Abc - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Canserbero & Apache - El Mundo Abc

El Mundo Abc
The World Abc
Oh baby listen up!
Oh baby, listen up!
esto se cuenta y no se cree be
This is told and not believed, babe
con un ustedes el ultimo poeta hardcore
With you, the last hardcore poet
from caracas Venezuela, el abc de las habilidades
From Caracas, Venezuela, the ABCs of skills
es el chamo González aka infinito ranking
It's the boy González, aka infinite ranking
Analizar almas analizar allá afuera alarma
Analyzing souls, analyzing out there, alarm
Armas adueñadas andan arde alba aspirando al amor
Armed, owned, walk, burns dawn, aspiring to love
Asfixiando almas alrededor...
Suffocating souls around...
Bebiendo burda bandidos blasfemaban brutalidad palurda
Drinking rough, bandits blasphemed, brutal clumsiness
Burocracia blindada bestias brutas bravas balas
Bureaucracy armored, beasts, brutes, brave, bullets
Barrios bombardeaban burgueses bailaban.
Neighborhoods bombarded, bourgeois danced.
Centauros con cadenas cabalgan ciudadelas
Centaurs with chains ride citadels
Conciencia carente consecuencia candela
Consciousness lacking, consequence, fire
Cañones capitulan completas comunidades comisaria consiente confabula cuando caes...
Cannons capitulate, complete communities, police station consents, conspires when you fall...
Demasiada droga dicen dique divina destruye distorsiona
Too much drug, they say, supposedly divine, destroys, distorts
Debilidad domina dinamita de delitos deja devastado demasiado
Weakness dominates, dynamite of crimes leaves devastated, too much
Durante dictadura de desgraciados...
During the dictatorship of the unfortunate...
Emperado esta ese emperador encontrando monumentos
Emperored is that emperor, finding monuments
Echado en el edredon engañando elude el esta estafando
Lying on the duvet, deceiving, eludes, he is swindling
Elector elogia evidentemente errando...
Elector praises, evidently erring...
Felicidad finalmente falleció fabela fatalidad fobia fijo
Happiness finally passed away, favela, fatality, phobia, fixed
Fornicación forzada furia frustración fariseos
Forced fornication, fury, frustration, Pharisees
Fanfarroneando ficción...
Boasting fiction...
Gemografia gris galardonan gobernantes gozando gimiendo Ganancias galopantes germinan
Grey geography, rulers are awarded, enjoying, moaning, galloping profits germinate
Genocita guerrilleros Gasolina genera guerras gobierno gasta grandes guerreros...
Genocide, guerrillas, gasoline generates wars, government spends, great warriors...
H he h ha honestamente hip hop hondad humildad
H he h ha honestly hip hop depth humility
Heroísmo habilidad he hecho himnos he hecho historia
Heroism, skill, I have made hymns, I have made history
He hecho hitos haciendo hip hop histeria hijos...
I have made milestones making hip hop, hysteria, children...
Infelices ira infudadenuncia ignorando internado inclemente infierno
Unhappy, anger, futility, ignoring, interned, inclement, hell
Ideología ilógica ilegitimo imperio...
Illogical ideology, illegitimate, empire...
Juez jodidos juran jorocando justos jeques jucas joven jubilemolos
Judge, screwed, swear, hunching, just, sheikhs, jokes, young, let's celebrate them
Juntos justicia ja jacuzzi joyería jurásicos jurados
Together, justice, ha, jacuzzi, jewelry, Jurassic, juries
Justifican jerarquia...
Justify hierarchy...
Kilometrico karma (Kpu)
Kilometric karma (Kpu)
La literatura leve letras lloran lagrimas llueven los legisladores
Light literature, letters cry, tears rain, legislators
Ladrones lucrándose lastiman la lealtad la liberación La libertad latina...
Thieves profiting, hurt loyalty, liberation, Latin freedom...
Memorizando mire mucha mucha muerte maldita maldad
Memorizing, look, a lot, a lot of death, damn evil
Mueve montaña masas mienten mi madre murió
Move mountains, masses lie, my mother died
Mi mejor mujer mi mundo mi memoria marco me muevo moribundo...
My best woman, my world, my memory mark, I move moribund...
Necesitando noches noctambulo números niños nada nutridos no
Needing nights, night owl, numbers, children, nothing nourished, no
Nuestra naturaleza nos necesita nacen nefasto neo nacen narcisistas...
Our nature needs us, they are born nefarious, neo are born narcissists...
Ordenes obligan odio obscenidad osada orgullosos ofenden
Orders force, hatred, obscenity, daring, proud offend
Objetividad oro ofrecido ofensa olvidada organismos optan
Objectivity, gold offered, offense forgotten, organisms choose
Ordenar oscuridad...
Order darkness...
Pueblos parecen pensiones para puercos
Villages look like pig pensions
Perro piensa por policía pobres presos precios pintan paloma
Dog thinks for police, poor, prisoners, prices paint dove
Pa presupuesto pobreza plus popular primo poseyendo puestos...
For budget, poverty, plus, popular, cousin, possessing positions...
Quienes quieren quedarse quinientas quintas quejarse
Those who want to stay, five hundred fifths, complain
Quien quedarse quien quita quien queda quebrado quemao queda
Who to stay, who takes away, who is left, broken, burned remains
Quita queriendo quebrarte quítense quien quiera...
Take away wanting to break you, get away whoever wants...
Rastrean rodando ruinas ratas racistas ricos robando recursos
They track, rolling, ruins, rats, racists, rich stealing resources
Redactan revistas religión reza realidad reta reyes religiosos
They write magazines, religion prays, reality challenges, kings, religious
Roban recibiendo renta...
They steal receiving rent...
Sociedades supuestamente socialistas sucias senadores
Societies supposedly socialist, dirty, senators
Sensacionalistas sueldos siguen socavando su suelo suturando
Sensationalists, salaries continue undermining their soil, suturing
Sincerantes salas sin suero...
Sincere rooms without serum...
Trata temas tratando toca tu tímpano taladra tu tórax trasecar todo
Deals with topics trying, touches your eardrum, drills your thorax, smuggle everything
Tu tuetano témpanos tumbando tinanicos tanta tecnología también
Your marrow, icebergs knocking down titanics, so much technology too
Te transmite tétanos...
Transmits you tetanus...
Una única unidad usual utopía unas urnas urgen urgirán urgían
A single unit, usual, utopia, some urns urge, will urge, urged
Uniformados usualmente utileria últimamente ultimados urbe umbria...
Uniformed, usually props, lately killed, city, umbria...
Venezuela violada vilmente varias veces visionarios van vía venderse
Venezuela raped vilely several times, visionaries go via to sell themselves
Visión visquevenda virgen vende vela violencia viaja velozmente
Vision, blindfold, virgin sells candle, violence travels fast
vacunando venas...
Vaccinating veins...
Word wild weed wonderfull wild wild west wpa web
Word, wild, weed, wonderful, wild wild west, wpa, web
X-Y-Z... alumno respeta que yo si se rimar de la A hasta la Z...
X-Y-Z... student, respect that I do know how to rhyme from A to Z...
OH asi es el mundo ABC (bis)
OH, this is the world ABC (repeat)

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