Canserbero feat. Rayone & Lil Supa - Un 33 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Canserbero feat. Rayone & Lil Supa - Un 33

Un 33
A 33
Ya es suficiente para ti que yo utilice este lapiz
It's enough for you that I use this pen,
Si con un beat a ti te demuestro como lo hace un mc primero
If with a beat I show you how an MC does it first.
*** motherfucker you ¿quién coño eres tu?
*** motherfucker you, who the hell are you?
Si no sabes no te compares with this is the through a to
If you don't know, don't compare yourself, this is the through a to.
Clan le falta here a ****** you know a *** mister people a can
Your clan lacks a ****** here, you know a *** mister people a can.
You clan le falta here a ****** you know a *** mister people a can
Your clan lacks a ****** here, you know a *** mister people a can.
Por lo tanto yo seguire contando faso
Therefore I will continue counting weed,
Con pinta de mercenario creyendo que son letrados
With a mercenary look, believing they are learned.
Para mi no es nada raro, que en el espejo se vean como payaso
It's not strange to me that they see themselves as clowns in the mirror,
Y despues de esto lo vean en el obituario
And after this, they see it in the obituary.
En tarima, se premia la hipocrecia
On stage, hypocrisy is rewarded,
Se inspira con mi poesia y aun asi me subestiman
They are inspired by my poetry and still underestimate me.
Quien está en cargo de la realidad en rimas
Who is in charge of reality in rhymes?
Ustedes buscan fama pero yo tengo una familia.
You guys seek fame, but I have a family.
Yo se bien que, a ti te duele que no me matee
I know well that it hurts you that I didn't kill myself,
Una canción saque me apodere y cierre tu myspace
I released a song, took over and shut down your Myspace.
Entonces que, pa que usted ofrece tiro
So what, why do you offer shots,
Si cuando le canto plomo son los primeros que dicen mejor me piro
If when I sing lead, you're the first to say "I'd better get out of here"?
Buscan padrino pa' que le resuelvan lios
You look for a godfather to solve your problems,
Pero recuerda que los cupido son los que mas llevan tiro mijo
But remember that cupids are the ones who get shot the most, son.
Que yo no dije dijo, no se sabe quien lo dijo
That I didn't say it, it's not known who said it,
Ni me busquen lios con la bicha si la cara te lijo
Don't look for trouble with the beast if I smooth your face.
Empieza el desafio, el acertijo y no confio no me fio
The challenge begins, the riddle, and I don't trust, I don't trust,
Si no solo pa que perdieron el frio no me rio
If not only so that they lost the cold, I don't laugh.
Porque no es momento pa una foto
Because it's not time for a photo,
Al fotocopia o copiafoto con plomo lo reboto
I bounce the photocopy or copycat with lead.
Yo estoy conciento que mochadores de mi no son debotos
I am aware that choppers are not devotees of me,
Juegan al ser peligroso cuando en su barrio son solo la moto
They play at being dangerous when in their neighborhood they are just the motorcycle.
No se ponga moto montao en su rostro pa' que no se muera por otro
Don't put on a motorcycle mounted on your face so you don't die for another,
Hasta el mentiro que brilla, fácilmente lo pongo a que guarde repozo
Even the liar who shines, I easily put him to rest.
Yo se que descozo hasta cuando canto y toso
I know I rip even when I sing and cough,
Soy aquel que parte pista mientras tu dice que eso suenta sabroso
I'm the one who breaks the track while you say it sounds delicious.
Muy temeroso si quieres de mi palo te doy un trozo
Very fearful, if you want my stick, I'll give you a piece,
Brinca pa'l pozo loco que yo si soy rencoroso
Jump into the well, crazy, I am spiteful.
Supuesto mafioso temen antes lo bañen de semen
Supposed mobsters fear they will be bathed in semen before,
No creo en ustedes ni que por mierda el pecho me lo llenen
I don't believe in you, not even if they fill my chest with shit.
Porque te detiene sera que te sume tanto que no tiene
Why does it stop you? Could it be that I add up to so much that you have nothing?
Si quiere te vienes, para que vea que el tren no se detiene
If you want, you come, so you can see that the train doesn't stop.
Te mantienes, apunta de engaños echa la barata
You maintain yourself, point of deceit, throw the cheap,
Hablando de paja de rata y de tiro dandote la pata
Talking about rat straw and shooting, giving you the paw.
Que coño te pasa o es que no sabe que un tiro transpasa
What the hell is wrong with you, or don't you know that a shot goes through?
No se ponga hablar de nada si tu no has salido de tu casa.
Don't talk about anything if you haven't left your house.
Y es que ya me ladille de toa esta cuerda e mamarrachos
And it is that I am already annoyed by all this rope of clowns,
Que en cabina se creen machos y siguen siendo muchachos
That in the booth they think they are men and they are still boys.
Los tacho los acorralo engancho el micro y los despacho
I cross them out, I corner them, I hook the mic and I dispatch them,
Si usted lo que quiere es palo lo envuelvo y se lo regalo
If what you want is a stick, I wrap it up and give it to you.
Los apago los desasparezco la judin y el mago
I turn them off, I make them disappear, the Judas and the magician,
Cual competicion quieres tu dando me alagos
What competition do you want giving me praise?
Dont' stop you know **** down
Don't stop you know **** down.
Mi critican porque soy diferente menos paro
They criticize me because I'm different, I stop less,
**** te crees que los baño en la misma mierda
**** you think I bathe them in the same shit?
Si soy el que los tiene a ustedes saltando la cuerda
If I'm the one who has you guys jumping rope,
De tu hablas de darte el lujo y de for money honey
You talk about giving yourself the luxury and for money honey.
Mi respeto al que se mantiene four real men
My respect to those who remain four real men,
Y a los sincero que no mienten al papel pel...
And to the sincere ones who don't lie to the pel paper...
Ay mi corazon se altera, silenciarme no creo que puedan
Oh, my heart is altered, I don't think they can silence me,
Y si lo digo no es solo pa' rimar era concuerda
And if I say it, it's not just to rhyme, it was in agreement.
Si no que en verdad, no creo que puedan detener
But in truth, I don't think they can stop,
Aquel arruga que el señoy revienta el lapiz en el papel
That wrinkle that the Lord bursts the pencil on the paper.
Soy el muchacho aquel que escribe hasta cuando duerme
I am the boy who writes even when he sleeps,
Y ve con madurez aunque mi córnea nacio color verde
And sees with maturity even though my cornea was born green.
Pero recuerden en lo tomen de consejos
But remember, don't take it as advice,
Que mi critican aunque practican mis temas frente al espejo
That they criticize me even though they practice my songs in front of the mirror.
Pueden robarmelo no registren ninguno
They can steal them from me, don't register any,
Igual si quiero me puedo violar la musa por el culo
Anyway, if I want, I can violate the muse in the ass.
No como algunos que se inspiran de unos raperos
Not like some who are inspired by rappers,
Sin saber que esos raperos se inspiran del canserbero
Without knowing that those rappers are inspired by the Canserbero.
Seamos sinceros ustedes son solos fanfarrones
Let's be honest, you are just braggarts,
Aunque he escuchado mejores bocones en beats de reggaetones
Although I have heard better loudmouths on reggaeton beats.
Las gente no los adora na' la mierda los adora
People don't adore them, shit adores them,
Mamaguevo el respeto no se ve en computadora
Mamaguevo, respect is not seen on a computer.
Ahora to dicen, que to' son aprendices
Now everyone says that everyone is an apprentice,
Dicen hasta lo que dije me ofenden, se contradicen
They even say what I said, they offend me, they contradict themselves.
Sigan viviendo de su pelicula lombrices
Keep living your movie, worms,
Que to las movie tienen final sean o no felices.
That all movies have an ending, whether happy or not.

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