Canserbero feat. Rxnde & Akozta - Juicio (Remix) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Canserbero feat. Rxnde & Akozta - Juicio (Remix)

Juicio (Remix)
Judgment (Remix)
Señores del jurado y señor juez
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, and your honor,
Mi nombre es Rxnde Akozta
My name is Rxnde Akozta,
Con el Chamo Gonzalez
With Chamo Gonzalez by my side,
Me represento a mi mismo... yaah yaah
I represent myself... yeah yeah
Represent represent
Represent, represent
Represent represent oohh
Represent, represent ohhh
Señores del jurado y señor juez
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, and your honor,
Mi nombre es Rxnde Akozta
My name is Rxnde Akozta,
Con el Chamo Gonzalez
With Chamo Gonzalez by my side,
Me represento a mi mismo
I represent myself
Se me acusa de maldad
I am accused of evil,
Crueldad y de anti patriotismo.
Cruelty, and anti-patriotism.
Debo admitir que son serias acusaciones
I must admit, these are serious accusations,
Acusaciones por las que me desean horrores
Accusations for which they wish me horrors
Como el fusilamiento y la horca
Like the firing squad and the gallows
Por alguna razón hay mucha gente.
For some reason, there are many people
Pendiente de lo que a me importa
Concerned with what matters to me
Pero basémonos en hechos
But let's focus on the facts
Están arrechos porque no soy de izquierda a derecho
They're angry because I don't conform to their ways
De hecho, aprovecho recordarle que soy poco influenciable
In fact, let me remind you that I am not easily influenced
Preguntarles quien coño son para juzgarme
To ask who the hell they are to judge me
Somos como hijos sin padres
We are like children without parents
Nacemos y ya estamos endeudados con el hambre
We are born already indebted to hunger
Los hombres que tienen las armas nos exigen sangre
The men with weapons demand our blood
Y acusan de culpables a los no domesticables
And they accuse the untamable of being guilty
Yo no tengo problema en comer cable
I have no problem struggling to survive,
Pero no el de tu carro descapotable
But not by stealing from your fancy car,
Después estan llorando cuando hable
Then they'll be crying when I speak
De la memoria de sus pobres padres
Of the memory of their poor parents
Yo me represento solo
I represent myself alone
Porque soy mi propio perro que me ladre
Because I am my own watchdog that barks at me
Señores del jurado y señor juez
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, and your honor,
Mi nombre es Rxnde Akozta
My name is Rxnde Akozta,
Con el Chamo Gonzalez
With Chamo Gonzalez by my side,
Me represento a mi mismo... yaah yaah
I represent myself... yeah yeah
Represent represent
Represent, represent
Represent represent oohh
Represent, represent ohhh
Señores del jurado y señor juez
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, and your honor,
Mi nombre es Rxnde Akozta
My name is Rxnde Akozta,
Con el Chamo Gonzalez
With Chamo Gonzalez by my side,
Me represento a mi mismo
I represent myself
Me acusan por defender mi jodido protagonismo
They accuse me of defending my damn protagonism
Inocente, hasta que se me demuestre lo contrario
Innocent, until proven otherwise
Me acusan por nacer en mi barrio, por ser hijo de proletario
They accuse me for being born in my neighborhood, for being the son of a proletarian
Hijo de un vecindario que a diario
Son of a neighborhood that daily
Me enseño que vistas largas pasos cortos y los necesarios
Taught me to watch carefully, take short and necessary steps
Que el salario de un obrero nunca es digno
That a worker's salary is never dignified
Que los adoctrinan con banderas y con himnos
That they indoctrinate us with flags and anthems
Que con signos controlan espíritus
That they control spirits with symbols
Que libertar en letras pequeñas significa esclavitud.
That freedom in fine print means slavery.
Con ímpetu, con más oscuridad que luz
With impetus, with more darkness than light
Na más le debo explicación a un tal Randy Acosta Cruz
I only owe explanations to one Randy Acosta Cruz
Me acusan por no creer en ningún reino y sus bufones
They accuse me of not believing in any kingdom and its jesters
Que se supone, que crea que me representan
Who are supposed to represent me, they assume
Con su represión moral, ultra capital, violenta
With their moral repression, ultra-capital, violent
Desde los 60's dictadura, comunismo
Since the 60's, dictatorship, communism
Y el que piense diferente es un traidor o un terrorismo
And whoever thinks differently is a traitor or a terrorist
Señores del jurado y señor juez
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, and your honor,
Mi nombre es Rxnde Akozta
My name is Rxnde Akozta,
Con el Chamo Gonzalez
With Chamo Gonzalez by my side,
Me represento a mi mismo... yaah yaah
I represent myself... yeah yeah
Represent represent
Represent, represent
Represent represent oohh
Represent, represent ohhh
Señores del jurado y señor juez
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, and your honor,
Mi nombre es Rxnde Akozta
My name is Rxnde Akozta,
Con el Chamo Gonzalez
With Chamo Gonzalez by my side,
Me represento a mi mismo
I represent myself
Yaah yaah Cuba y Venezuela
Yeah yeah Cuba and Venezuela
Ni fidelismo ni chavismo
Neither Fidelism nor Chavismo
Fuimos hallados culpables de ser nosotros mismos
We were found guilty of being ourselves

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