Canserbero - Es Épico - Bonus Track - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Canserbero - Es Épico - Bonus Track

Es Épico - Bonus Track
It's Epic - Bonus Track
Oh, me falta el aire y el corazon tucun tucun tucun,
Oh, I'm out of breath, my heart's pounding, pounding, pounding,
hoy va a correr sangre
Blood will be spilled today,
ya se por donde se mueve ese hmm.
I know where that hmm is moving.
Hoy voy a convertirme en un criminal ya no creo en nadie
Today I'll become a criminal, I don't trust anyone,
a menos que me convierta en un muerto
Unless I become a dead man.
Hoy voy a vengar a mi hermano como le jure a mi padre
Today I'll avenge my brother as I swore to my father,
diente por diente ojo por ojo es esto
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, this is it.
Una bicha prestada porque no soy hampa
A borrowed gun, because I'm not a gangster,
pero la rabia que siento no escampa
But the rage I feel won't subside,
es tanta que me ahoga, nunca habia huelido droga
It's so much it suffocates me, I've never smelled drugs,
pero ahora es necesario pa cumplir con lo que el corazon me implora
But now it's necessary to fulfill what my heart implores.
Siento que se me sale el torax la moto a 100 por horas
I feel my chest bursting, the motorcycle at 100 miles per hour,
pelo por la bicha y le grito ¡y ahora!
Hair in the wind, I yell "now!"
Todo pasa muy chola en rafagas descargo a todos esos malandros
Everything happens so fast, I unload on all those thugs,
Hasta que ya no escupe la pistola
Until the gun stops spitting.
Y el corazon tucun tucun tucun tucun
And the heart, pounding, pounding, pounding, pounding
Y las balas pacan pacan pacan pacan
And the bullets, firing, firing, firing, firing
Y el corazon tucun tucun tucun tucun
And the heart, pounding, pounding, pounding, pounding
Y las balas pacan pacan pacan
And the bullets, firing, firing, firing
Lloro de la arrechera mientras en la acera caigo
I cry from the anger as I fall on the sidewalk,
Escucho a una señora que grita que mataron a Carlos
I hear a lady screaming that Carlos was killed,
Solo ahi fue cuando sonrei aliviado porque Carlos
Only then did I smile, relieved because Carlos,
Fue el bastardo que mato a mi hermano
Was the bastard who killed my brother.
Todo es confuso escucho wiu wiu wiu
Everything is blurry, I hear sirens, woo woo woo,
No veo bien y siento frio frio frio
I can't see well, and I feel cold, cold, cold,
Un tipo gritando es mio es mio es mio
A guy yelling "he's mine, he's mine, he's mine,"
Hasta que ya no escuche na mas que un profundo silencio
Until I hear nothing but a deep silence.
Varios segundos de calma mi alma al lado de mi cuerpo
Several seconds of calm, my soul beside my body,
Me dije "aun no he ido al mas alla"
I told myself, "I haven't gone to the beyond yet."
Siento un olor a perfume veo una luz en un tunel
I smell perfume, I see a light in a tunnel,
un fuego que me consume se empezaba a ver atras
A fire consuming me, starting to be seen behind,
No dejare que me abrume el fuego
I won't let the fire overwhelm me,
Seguire hacia el tunel pensé pero seguir no pude
I'll continue towards the tunnel, I thought, but I couldn't go on,
Porque me halaron pa atras
Because they pulled me back,
Callendo en pica
Falling into the abyss.
Montañas negras de azufre con un olor a mierda
Black mountains of sulfur with the smell of shit,
Cuerpos deformados que sufren
Deformed bodies suffering,
Cai sobre una piedra
I fell on a stone,
Un barco viejo con un viejo me esperaba
An old boat with an old man awaited me,
No me respondian nada almas en barco golpeaban
They wouldn't answer me, souls on the boat were beating,
El me llevo donde Servero
He took me to Cerberus,
Que dijo no morderme porque le gusta mi nombre de rapero
Who said not to bite me because he likes my rapper name.
Si lo ves de esa forma pude tener suerte
If you look at it that way, I was lucky,
Ironica es la vida pero tambien ironica es la muerte
Life is ironic, but so is death.
Me desperte ya sentado sobre un estrado
I woke up sitting on a platform,
Y un jurado de malvados decidirian mi suerte
And a jury of villains would decide my fate.
Recuerdo que fui golpeado y trasladado
I remember being beaten and transferred,
A un sitio en uno de los circulos con un monton de gente
To a place in one of the circles with a lot of people,
Por vengativo y asesino te quemaras por siempre
For being vengeful and murderous, you will burn forever,
Por toda la eternidad como castigo
For all eternity as punishment.
Vi muchos rostros conocidos y me senti sorprendido
I saw many familiar faces and I felt surprised,
Porque no pense que estuvieran conmigo
Because I didn't think they'd be with me.
Personas que lucian buenas en el mundo
People who seemed good in the world,
Como el Che Guevara incluso, como Juan Pablo II
Like Che Guevara even, like John Paul II,
Presuntos Dalai Lama calcinaos con mao
Alleged Dalai Lamas incinerated with Mao,
Y los difuntos Stephany Mcconell y Beethoven juntos
And the deceased Stephanie McConnel and Beethoven together.
Me asombro mucho saber que estaban aqui
I was very surprised to know they were here,
Jonh F. Kennedy, Lenin, Mahoma y Joseph Smith
John F. Kennedy, Lenin, Muhammad and Joseph Smith,
Cesar y Napoleon salieron de las llamas
Caesar and Napoleon came out of the flames,
Porque eran la misma persona que ahora es un tal Obama
Because they were the same person who is now a certain Obama.
No entendia nada pregunte por Cristo
I didn't understand anything, I asked about Christ,
Y noté que se burlaban porque nadie lo habia visto
And I noticed they were mocking because nobody had seen him.
Otros dijeron que fue un truco de su iglesia
Others said it was a trick of his church,
Para gobernar el mundo con su majestuosa empresa
To rule the world with his majestic company.
Shans Rosell y Washington, Jose de San Martin y Ghandi
Shans Rosell and Washington, Jose de San Martin and Gandhi,
Cristobal Colon, Isabel de Inglaterra transformada en perra desnuda
Christopher Columbus, Elizabeth of England transformed into a naked bitch,
Supe incluso estaban Bolivar y Buda
I even learned Bolivar and Buddha were there,
Son demasiadas dudas pensamientos vagos
So many doubts, vague thoughts,
Gente buena en el infierno o es que en algo fueron malos
Good people in hell, or were they bad in some way?
Por algo estan aqui aunque no lo acepten
They are here for a reason, even if they don't accept it,
Debo hallar ahora una manera de huir de la muerte
I must find a way to escape death now.
Recorde que en la tierra donde habia nacido
I remembered that in the land where I was born,
Existia una leyenda del diablo con un tal Florentino
There was a legend of the devil with a certain Florentino,
Obviamente un cuento pero inteligente
Obviously a story, but a clever one,
Para irme de este infierno, infierno literalmente
To get out of this hell, literally hell.
Vocifere durante meses que podia con el jefe
For months I yelled that I could handle the boss,
Recitando versos entre fuego y heces
Reciting verses between fire and feces,
Hasta que un dia aparecio un viejo con traje
Until one day an old man in a suit appeared,
Que me dijo pierde y me llevo a tu padre de homenaje
He told me, "Lose, and I'll take your father as tribute."
Que situacion tan complicada en la que me encontraba
What a complicated situation I was in,
Pero yo nunca he sido de los que se cagan
But I've never been one to chicken out.
Ademas habia compuesto demasiados versos
Besides, I had composed too many verses,
Que mas la improvisacion harian temprar al universo
That, plus improvisation, would make the universe tremble.
-Antes que nada te maldigo voy a hacer que sufras el peor de todos los castigos como te atreves a retarme en castellano y en este ritmo tan pobre
-First of all, I curse you, I will make you suffer the worst of all punishments, how dare you challenge me in Spanish and in this rhythm as poor
como el suelo donde te has criado
as the ground where you were raised?
-Con mas razon tu deberias avergonzarte, perder un combate con un homosapien
-All the more reason you should be ashamed, to lose a battle with a homosapien,
Ademas te explico, se llama Venezuela donde nacio este tipo
Besides, let me explain, it's called Venezuela where this guy was born,
Y tu no puedes maldecirme porque ya yo estoy maldito
And you can't curse me because I'm already cursed.
-Eres muy peculiar pero mi deber es explicar que no puedes ganar porque yo lo se todo domino los idiomas, los modos, la historia
-You are very peculiar, but my duty is to explain that you cannot win because I know everything, I master languages, modes, history,
Incluso se los mas recónditos miedos de tu memoria
I even know the most hidden fears in your memory.
-Debo aclarar que hay un factor clave que olvidas
-I must clarify that there is a key factor you forget,
Los miedos se van en el momento en que pierdes la vida
Fears disappear the moment you lose your life.
Se dice que el amor masacra tus insultos
They say love slaughters your insults,
Pero yo te matare con mas odio para ser justo
But I will kill you with more hate to be fair.
-A mi tu no me engañas mediocre adversario
-You can't fool me, mediocre adversary,
Como hablar de odio si tu brazo grita lo contrario
How can you talk about hate when your arm screams the opposite?
Tu le has mentido a todos tus seguidores
You have lied to all your followers,
Con multiples contradicciones en muchas de tus canciones
With multiple contradictions in many of your songs.
-No entiendes nada a los humanos
-You don't understand humans at all,
Yo sueño con amor porque se que en el fondo nosotros amamos
I dream of love because I know deep down we love.
Si canto rap y es para desahogar por dentro
If I sing rap, it's to vent from within,
Como cuando cristo echo a los comerciantes de su templo
Like when Christ cast out the merchants from his temple.
-De nuevo hablando tu de cosas que no sabes
-Again, you're talking about things you don't know,
Eres un imitador como tu voz la cual no es tan grave
You're an imitator, like your voice, which isn't that deep.
Lo unico grave es que te crean
The only serious thing is that they believe you,
Pero aqui la mentira tiene patas tarde o temprano cojean
But here lies have short legs, sooner or later they limp.
-Me has conmovido ahora que te conozco mas satanas
-You've moved me now that I know you better, Satan,
No comprendes el arte tampoco la paz
You don't understand art, nor peace.
Mi voz es mas, es mas esta es mi voz que dios me dio de don
My voice is more, it is more, this is my voice that God gave me as a gift,
Para tenaz usarla cual daga en tu corazon
To tenaciously use it as a dagger in your heart.
-Como puedes hablar de Dios si eres ateo
-How can you talk about God if you are an atheist?
En tus ojos lo veo mientras mi candela te consume
I see it in your eyes as my flame consumes you.
Te recuerdo que Dios no existe y lo que viste en aquel tunel
I remind you that God does not exist and what you saw in that tunnel,
No fue mas que simples angeles comunes
Was nothing more than simple ordinary angels.
- Dudar y no creer es algo muy distinto
-To doubt and not to believe is something very different,
Y si dudo de Dios es porque no lo he visto
And if I doubt God, it's because I haven't seen him.
Aun asi insisto en recalcarte lo que contigo aprendi
Still, I insist on emphasizing what I learned with you,
Que reyes habran muchos pero siempre tienes que ir a ti
That there may be many kings, but you always have to go to yourself.
Y el corazon tucun tucun tucun tucun
And the heart, pounding, pounding, pounding, pounding
Y el corazon tucun tucun tucun tucun
And the heart, pounding, pounding, pounding, pounding
Y el corazon tucun tucun tucun tucun
And the heart, pounding, pounding, pounding, pounding
Y el corazon tucun tucun tucun tucun
And the heart, pounding, pounding, pounding, pounding

Авторы: canserbero

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