Caparezza - Cover - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Caparezza - Cover

In principio era il Verbo, gerundio, Innuendo
In the beginning was the Word, gerund, Innuendo
Il giocoliere dei pianeti in pieno allenamento
The juggler of planets in full training
Creò la terra, fragile come quella degli Yes
He created the earth, fragile like that of Yes
Leggenda come Bob nel very best
Legendary like Bob in his very best
Poi l′uomo e la donna nudi, Two Virgins
Then man and woman, naked, Two Virgins
Nove mesi e l'ostetrica: "Su, spingi"
Nine months and the midwife: "Come on, push"
Dal piacere sconosciuto e condiviso
From the unknown and shared pleasure
Il mio cuore pulsa come la pulsar dei Joy Division
My heart beats like the pulsar of Joy Division
Il parto nella piscina è andato bene, sai
The birth in the pool went well, you know
Ci ho trovato pure il dollaro di Nevermind
I even found the dollar from Nevermind
Per i fumetti il primo dei miei tragitti:
For comics, my first journey:
"Signora Janis mi dia le strips di Cheap Thrills"
"Mrs. Janis, give me the Cheap Thrills strips"
In classe mangio una banana che mi da
In class I eat a banana that gives me
15 minuti di notorietà, Underground Velvet
15 minutes of fame, Underground Velvet
Foto di gruppo ma non vedrai rappers
Group photo but you won't see rappers
La mia scuola si chiama Sgt Pepper′s
My school is called Sgt Pepper's
Cover, I was born and I grew up, I was dead under the cover
Cover, I was born and I grew up, I was dead under the cover
I raise my head and I realized that all my life was on a cover
I raise my head and I realized that all my life was on a cover
Crescere diventa una tortura come col voodoo
Growing up becomes torture like with voodoo
Ho gli occhi del ragazzino di War, U2
I have the eyes of the boy from War, U2
Meno sognanti, più disillusi più tristi
Less dreamy, more disillusioned, sadder
Il mondo mi da le spalle come Bruce Springsteen
The world turns its back on me like Bruce Springsteen
Paura del buio che non cede
Fear of the dark that doesn't yield
Demoni sugli alberi come gli Iron Maiden
Demons on the trees like Iron Maiden
Nella dannata adolescenza che ora mi dipinge
In the damned adolescence that now paints me
Come un cazzone con i jeans, Sticky Fingers
Like a jerk with jeans, Sticky Fingers
Tutto ciò che so è che bramo il microfono dell'Eminem Show
All I know is that I crave the microphone from the Eminem Show
Suonare musica per le masse
Playing music for the masses
Da casse rosse come quelle dei Depeche Mode
From red speakers like those of Depeche Mode
Fare concerti così fighi che li rivedrei
Doing concerts so cool I'd see them again
Tra rock e circo, Doors, Strange Days
Between rock and circus, Doors, Strange Days
Hot Rats capelli ricci da dove sbuchi?
Hot Rats curly hair where did you come from?
Non lo so ma sono esploso, Green Day, Dookie
I don't know but I exploded, Green Day, Dookie
Cover, I was born and I grew up, I was dead under the cover
Cover, I was born and I grew up, I was dead under the cover
I raise my head and I realized that all my life was on a cover, cover
I raise my head and I realized that all my life was on a cover, cover
Cover over me
Cover over me
Gli adulti sono grassi e malinconici
Adults are fat and melancholic
Spesso prendono granchi più dei Prodigy
They often catch crabs more than the Prodigy
Ma io mi spezzerei la schiena in ogni kermesse
But I would break my back at every event
Pur di fare un passo avanti come i Madness
Just to take a step forward like Madness
Ho un bel sound ma poi lo perdo e passo l'estate
I have a good sound but then I lose it and I spend the summer
A dar mangiare alle capre, Pet Sounds
Feeding goats, Pet Sounds
Infelice mi imbarco in uno di questi Boeing
Unhappy I board one of these Boeings
Che si schianterà pilotato dai Beastie Boys
That will crash piloted by the Beastie Boys
Infatti perde quota e qui rischio
In fact it loses altitude and here I risk
L′espressione del primo disco dei King Crimson
The expression of the first King Crimson album
Mi metto a pregare ma dall′84 il mio angelo è fuori a fumare
I start to pray but since '84 my angel has been out smoking
Con i Van Halen
With Van Halen
Casomai mi cercaste, sono tra le carcasse di Master of Puppets
If you ever look for me, I'm among the carcasses of Master of Puppets
Come uno spettro veglierò su di voi
Like a ghost I will watch over you
Dalla faccia oscura della luna dei Pink Floyd
From the dark side of the moon by Pink Floyd
Cover, I was born and I grew up, I was dead under the cover
Cover, I was born and I grew up, I was dead under the cover
I raise my head and I realized that all my life was on a cover, cover
I raise my head and I realized that all my life was on a cover, cover
Cover over me
Cover over me

Авторы: Michele Salvemini

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