Cargo - Ziua Vrajitoarelor (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cargo - Ziua Vrajitoarelor (Live)

Ziua Vrajitoarelor (Live)
Witches' Day (Live)
Intr-o zi de joi, ca asa-i la noi, seara se lasa fara folos
One Thursday, the usual, evening is useless
Parca nu-i asa si e altceva, norii se lasau pana jos
Like it's not so and it's something else, clouds are up to the ground
Frunzele fosneau, cainii toti urlau, ca se aratau varcolaci
Leaves were rustling, dogs were howling, as werewolves appeared
Iata ielele, vrajitoarele ursitoarele si un vraci
Here are the will-o'-wisps, witches, fortune-telling fairies and a witch doctor
Azi e ziua lor, ziua ielelor, vrajitoarelor, pana-n zori
Today is their day, the day of the will-o'-wisps, witches, until dawn
Iata se pornesc si se sfatuiesc, oalele pocnesc cu licori
Here they go and consult, pots are popping with potions
Boabe si furnici, ierburi si urzici, tot ce e aici, mana lor
Beans and ants, herbs and nettles, whatever is here, it's their job
Dragoste si vis, iad si paradis, in palma ti-au scris soarta ta
Love and dreams, heaven and hell, they wrote your fate in your palm
O, o, o, ai un mare noroc!
Oh, oh, oh, you're very lucky!
O, o, o, ghinioane deloc!
Oh, oh, oh, no bad luck at all!
Tot ce vezi sa nu crezi ca asa ti-e soarta
Whatever you see, don't think that's how your fate is
Poti sa-ntrebi daca vrei, vrajitoarele
If you want, you can ask the witches
Azi e ziua lor, ziua ielelor, vrajitoarelor, pana-n zori
Today is their day, the day of the will-o'-wisps, witches, until dawn
Iata se pornesc si se sfatuiesc, oalele pocnesc cu licori
Here they go and consult, pots are popping with potions
Boabe si furnici, ierburi si urzici, tot ce e aici, mana lor
Beans and ants, herbs and nettles, whatever is here, it's their job
Dragoste si vis, iad si paradis, in palma ti-au scris soarta ta
Love and dreams, heaven and hell, they wrote your fate in your palm
O, o, o, ai un mare noroc!
Oh, oh, oh, you're very lucky!
O, o, o, ghinioane deloc!
Oh, oh, oh, no bad luck at all!
Tot ce vezi sa nu crezi ca asa ti-e soarta
Whatever you see, don't think that's how your fate is
Poti sa-ntrebi daca vrei, vrajitoarele
If you want, you can ask the witches
The witches
The witches

Авторы: Adrian Barar

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