Carlienis - Sola - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Carlienis - Sola

Hola... Hola... Hola...
Hello... Hello... Hello...
Hola... Hola... Holaa...
Hello... Hello... Hello...
Hola. Hola...
Hello. Hello...
Ah este mundo yo le cogi miedo a los amores que aman por momentos
Ah, in this world, I've become afraid of love that only lasts for a moment
A las personas que tienes a tu lado te
People who are by your side and
Dicen que te quieren y después sueltan tu mano...
Tell you that they love you and then let you go...
Que difícil es este mundo andar solita y andar sin rumbo...
How difficult it is in this world to walk alone and without direction...
Sentirte sola como un vagabundo y que
Feeling as lonely as a vagabond and that
Nadie a tu te mire y no sienta un difunto...
No one looks at you and feels anything...
Me acostumbre ya estar sola y ya mi precensia a nadie incomoda que
I've already gotten used to being alone, and my presence no longer bothers anyone because
Mis pataneria y mis ñañecadas me
My clumsiness and my silliness and
Las aguante yo sola por la madrugada...
I can handle them myself in the middle of the night...
Me acostumbre a ya no sentir celos,
I've gotten used to not feeling jealous anymore,
A no querér a nadie y no sentir ni un complejo que si estoy
To not loving anyone and not having any complexes about whether I'm
Gordita o si estoy flaquita que si
Chubby or skinny or
Otra persona se ve mucho más bonita...
If someone else looks much prettier...
Me acostumbre a no celebrar san Valentín ni cartitas,
I've gotten used to not celebrating Valentine's Day or receiving cards or gifts, they
Ni regalos ya no me emocionan a mi y talvez digan que
Don't excite me anymore, maybe they'll say that
Yo soy fría pero es que mal me ah tratado a mi la vida...
I'm cold but it's just that life has given me such a bad time...
Que difícil es este mundo andar solita y andar sin rumbo sentirte
How difficult it is in this world to walk alone and without direction and feel
Sola como un vagabundo y que nadie a
Lonely like a wanderer and that
Ti te mire y no sienta un difunto...
No one looks at you and feels anything...
Le coji miedo a personas como tu que buscan de que hablar para formar
I'm afraid of people like you who look for something to talk about to stir up
Un rebulu que piensa que haciendo el mal nada
A fuss, who think that by doing evil nothing
Saldrá ala luz aquí quien se condena no soy yo eres tu
Will come to light. The one who is condemned here is not me, it's you
Que un video por ahí anda corriendo que si se parece ami hasta el
That there's a video out there that if it looks like me, even
BOZA lo están metiendo no entiendo que clase de
BOZA is being mentioned. I don't understand what kind of
Corazón tiene aquella persona que aquel video aller subio
Heart that person has who uploaded that video yesterday
Diciendo con gran seguridad esa es carlienis miusic ya no hay mas
Saying with great certainty that it's Carlienis Music. There's nothing more
Nada que hablar... Con el alma destrozada me levanto en la mañana
To talk about... I wake up in the morning with a shattered soul
Pidiéndole a dios fuerza para que me Ayudara revelar toda la verdad
Asking God for strength to help me reveal the truth
Para que todo esto ya acabará y a los
So that all this can end now and the
Que me insultaron sus palabras se tragaran
Those who insulted me will swallow their words
Le agradezco a los que an creído en mi
I'm grateful to those who believed in me
Y alos que me insultaron ya de esta aprendí peor vean que no caí otra
And those who insulted me have taught me a lesson from this. But look, I didn't fall again
Vez sobreviví y a todo aquel que me.
This time I survived and to all those who want to see me
Quiere ver caer a mi... Caer a miiiii...
Fall down, fall down...
A este mundo yo le cogi miedo a los amores que aman por momentos alas
In this world, I've become afraid of love that only lasts for a moment, of the
Personas que tienes a tu lado te dicen
People who are by your side and tell you
Que te quieren y después sueltan tu mano...
They love you and then let you go...
No vale para nada a a...
No, it's not worth it...
Para nada se vale e e...
Not worth it...
Que un mundo tu estés sin saber para que vales que vales...
To live in a world without knowing what you're worth, what you're worth...
No vale para nada a a para nada se vale eeee...
No, it's not worth it...
Mamá Alberto esto es de 3
Mamá Alberto, this is a three-way
Es carlienis me llaman la Queen del piquete
It's Carlienis, they call me the Queen of Picket
Hermana política del señor billete... Eee billete
Sister-in-law of Mr. Money... Money

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