Carlos Gardel - Mi Mocosita - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Carlos Gardel - Mi Mocosita

Mi Mocosita
My Little Snub-Nosed Girl
Vencido, con el alma amargada
Defeated, with my soul embittered
Sin esperanza, hastiado de la vida
Without hope, weary of life
Sufre en su bulín el pobre payador
The poor minstrel suffers in his hovel
Sin hallar un consuelo a su dolor
Unable to find solace for his pain
Colgada de un clavo la guitarra
Hanging on a nail, his guitar
En un rincón la tiene abandonada
Lies abandoned in a corner
De su sonido ya no le importa nada
He no longer cares for its sound
Tirado en la catrera, no hace más que llorar
Lying on his cot, he does nothing but weep
Y en alguna ocasión
And on some occasion
Sólo se escucha esta canción
Only this song is heard
Mi mocosita, no me dejes morir
My little snub-nosed girl, don't let me die
Vuelve al cotorro, que no puedo vivir
Come back to our love nest, for I cannot live without you
Si supieras las veces que he soñado
If you knew how many times I've dreamt
Que de nuevo te tenía a mi lado
That I had you by my side again
Mi mocosita, no me seas tan cruel
My little snub-nosed girl, don't be so cruel
No me abandones, quiero verte otra vez
Don't abandon me, I want to see you again
Mocosita, no me dejes
Little snub-nosed girl, don't leave me
Que me mata poco a poco tu desdén
For your disdain kills me slowly
Dormía tranquilo el conventillo
The tenement slept peacefully
Nada turbaba el silencio de la noche
Nothing disturbed the silence of the night
Cuando se oyó sonar, allá en la oscuridad
When, in the darkness, there was a sound
El disparo de una bala fatal
The gunshot of a fatal bullet
Corrieron ansiosos los vecinos
The neighbors ran anxiously
Que presentían el final de aquel drama
Sensing the end of that drama
Y encontraron, tirado en una cama
And they found him lying on a bed
Entre un charco de sangre, al pobre payador
In a pool of blood, the poor minstrel
Pero antes de morir
But before he died
Alguien le oyó cantar así
Someone heard him sing like this
Mi mocosita, no me dejes morir
My little snub-nosed girl, don't let me die
Vuelve al cotorro, que no puedo vivir
Come back to our love nest, for I cannot live without you
Si supieras las veces que he soñado
If you knew how many times I've dreamt
Que de nuevo te tenía a mi lado
That I had you by my side again
Mi mocosita, no me seas tan cruel
My little snub-nosed girl, don't be so cruel
No me abandones, quiero verte otra vez
Don't abandon me, I want to see you again
Mocosita, no me dejes
Little snub-nosed girl, don't leave me
Que me mata poco a poco tu desdén
For your disdain kills me slowly

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