Carlos Gardel - Yo te perdono - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Carlos Gardel - Yo te perdono

Yo te perdono
I Forgive You
Ya que anda la pobrecita
I know that the poor girl goes
Por esas calles, fingiendo amor
Through those streets, pretending love
Igual que muchas, tendrá en su almita
Like many others, she will have in her soul
Intenso frío y hondo dolor
Intense cold and deep pain
Te amé de veras, flor de pecado
I loved you truly, flower of sin
Como a ninguna mujer amé
As I have loved no other woman
Dios es testigo que hasta he llorado
God is my witness that I even cried
La noche aquella que no te hallé
That night I didn't find you
Mujercita, qué mala que fuiste
Little woman, how wicked you were
Jamás esperaba de ti una traición
I never expected a betrayal from you
Cabecita loca, qué daño me hiciste
Crazy head, how much you hurt me
Al irte vas llevando a mi corazón
When you left, you took my heart with you
Como esas flores de fango
Like those flowers of mud
Tendrás amores, mas no serán
You will have loves, but they will not be
Sino cariños de una semana
But loves of a week
De esos que, fríos, vienen y van
Of those that, cold, come and go
Yo te perdono, porque mi alma
I forgive you, because my soul
Ruega que alivies tu gran dolor
Begs for you to ease your great pain
Mi amor te espera, muñequita mía
My love awaits you, my little doll
Rezando nueva canción de amor
Praying a new song of love
Acordate de aquella bohemia
Remember that bohemian night
¡Qué lírica y dulce que nos pareció!
How lyrical and sweet it seemed to us!
Tal vez eso logre volver hacia el nido
Perhaps that will bring back to the nest
De la paloma ingrata que de él voló
The ungrateful dove that flew away from it
Ya que anda la pobrecita
I know that the poor girl goes
Por esas calles, fingiendo amor
Through those streets, pretending love
Igual que muchas, tendrá en su almita
Like many others, she will have in her soul
Intenso frío y hondo dolor
Intense cold and deep pain
Te amé de veras, flor de pecado
I loved you truly, flower of sin
Como a ninguna mujer amé
As I have loved no other woman
Dios es testigo que hasta he llorado
God is my witness that I even cried
La noche aquella que no te hallé
That night I didn't find you

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