Carlos Puebla - Elegía a Salvador Allende - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Carlos Puebla - Elegía a Salvador Allende

Elegía a Salvador Allende
Elegy to Salvador Allende
Yo que canté por tu vida
I who sang of your life
Llena de luz clara y pura
Full of clear and pure light
Hoy canto por la amargura
Today I sing of the bitterness
Que nos deja tu partida
That our departure leaves us
Ay Salvador Allende
Oh Salvador Allende
De tu gesto generoso
From your generous gesture
Saldrá más alto y glorioso
A much better Chile
Un Chile mucho mejor.
Will come out higher and more glorious.
Fueron fusiles traidores
They were treacherous rifles
Que en la traición se escondían
That hid in the betrayal
Y manos que respondían
And hands that responded
A los más crueles rencores.
To the cruelest resentments.
Era el fusil extranjero
It was the foreign rifle
Era el rencor fratricida
It was the fratricidal resentment
Era la sombra escondida
It was the hidden shadow
En la sombra del acero.
In the shadow of the steel.
Era el rencor que se esfuerza
It was the resentment that tries
En mostrar sus intenciones
To show their intentions
Como no tenían razones
As they had no reasons
Tuvieron que usar la fuerza
They had to use force
Pero se ha quedado trunca
But the hope they sought
La esperanza que buscaban
Has been cut short
Creyeron que te mataban
They thought they were killing you
Y estás más vivo que nunca
And you are more alive than ever

Авторы: Carlos Puebla Concha

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