Carnival Youth - Magnolijas rīts - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Carnival Youth - Magnolijas rīts

Magnolijas rīts
Magnolia Morning
Kad ielas ir tumšas.
When the streets are dark.
Un radio klusi sit.
And the radio plays quietly.
Nakts kaut kur pazudusi.
The night is somewhere lost.
Bet vēl nav atrasts nākamais rīts.
But the next morning is not yet found.
Es atveru acis.
I open my eyes.
nomodā, bet nepaīstam.
As if awake, but not yet familiar.
Vēl redzu tevi sapnī.
I still see you in my dreams.
Un vietas kur kopā klīstam.
And the places where we wander together.
Acis veras klusumā.
Eyes open in the silence.
Es priekšnojautā tīts.
I am wrapped in foreboding.
Caur mani pamodīsies.
You will awaken through me.
Magnolijas rīts.
Magnolia dawn.
Kad neona gaismas.
When the neon lights.
Pilsētas laukumi tumst.
The city squares are dark.
Kad sapņi, migla virs ielām.
When the dreams, like a mist above the streets.
Un luksaforos oranžais plūst.
And the orange flows in the traffic lights.
Manā atmiņā ik mirkli par bezgalību kļūst.
In my memory, every moment becomes eternity.
Acis veras klusumā.
Eyes open in the silence.
Es priekšnojautā tīts.
I am wrapped in foreboding.
Caur mani pamodīsies.
You will awaken through me.
Magnolijas rīts.
Magnolia dawn.
Acis veras klusumā.
Eyes open in the silence.
Es priekšnojautā tīts.
I am wrapped in foreboding.
Tik daudz reižu nosapņots.
So many times dreamed.
Un tomēr negaidīts.
And yet unexpected.
Nolīs varžu lietus.
It will rain frogs.
Un sētas stabi tic.
And the fence posts believe.
Caur mani pamodīsies.
You will awaken through me.
Magnolijas rīts.
Magnolia dawn.

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