Carreg Lafar - Aberhonddu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Carreg Lafar - Aberhonddu

Clywai'r tabwrdd efo'r chiwban,
I hear the drum and pipe,
'Nawr yn datgan 'Tôn y Cam',
Now playing 'Tôn y Cam',
Daeth y diwrnod, byddych barod,
The day has come, be ready,
Rhaid ymado â gwlad eich mam;
You must leave your motherland;
De'wch bob dynyn, rhaid yw cychwyn,
Come every man, we must depart,
A chyn bo terfyn ar ein taith,
And before our journey ends,
Ni gawn deithio hir filldiroedd
We will have traveled many miles
Dros y tir a'r moroedd maith.
Over land and vast seas.
Trwm yw'r newydd, tra mawr niwed,
The news is heavy, a great loss,
Rhaid yw myned, dyma'r modd;
I must go, this is the way;
Gado bryniau gwlad ein tadau,
Leaving the hills of our fathers,
Oer yw'r geiriau iw'r rhoi ar go'dd;
Cold are the words to put on my lips;
Gado Cymru, ardal wiwgu,
Leaving Cymru, gracious region,
Fwyn lle darfu i'n gael ein bod,
Sweet place where we found our being,
thrigolion hylon haeledd,
And its noble inhabitants,
Llawn o rinwedd llon erio'd.
Full of generous virtue today.
Nid oes gwyned 'nawr â gwenau,
There is no smile in Gwent now,
Oer yw'r geiriau, dagrau gwr,
Cold are the words, tears of a man,
Ansirioldeb ydw'r nodeb
Responsibility is the mark
Sydd ar wyneb pob rhyw wr;
That is on the face of every man;
Rhaid yw gadael 'nawr y lwysdref,
I must now leave the fair town,
Lle bu'n cartref flwyddyn bron,
Where I have lived for almost a year,
Tref careiddlu, ynghanol Cymru,
The garrison town, in the heart of Cymru,
Aberhonddu lwysgu lon.
Resplendent Aberhonddu.
Dacw fwg y dre'n diflanu,
There goes the smoke of the town vanishing,
Dacw'r teiau, muriau mawr;
There go the houses, the great walls;
Yn ymddangos, (olwg decaf),
Appearing (a most beautiful sight),
Y tro diweddaf inni 'nawr;
For the last time to us now;
Dacw'r Arfdy^ lle bu'n llety,
There goes the Armoury where I lodged,
Dacw'r gloch-dy^ Eglwys Fair,
There goes the tower of St Mary's Church,
Ac ar ei ben ef geiliog amlwg,
And on its summit a conspicuous weathercock,
Yn cilio o'n golwg gydâ'r gair.
Disappearing from our sight with the word.
Dacw'r Banau, brenin bryniau,
There goes the Banau, king of hills,
Yn dal ei wenau uwch y dref;
Keeping its smile above the town;
Ond yn fuan, dyma'r cwynfan,
But soon, this is the complaint,
Mwy 'chawn wel'd mo honaw ef;
We will see it no more;
Rhaid in' bellach, rhaid in' bellach,
We must now, we must now,
Ganu'n iach, er cwyno'r hir;
Sing our farewell, though we mourn the parting;
Ac o'm cwynion a'm hoch'neidion,
And from my lamentations and my sighs,
Cleddir fi mewn estron dir. (^after y means it should sit on top of the previous letter)
I will be buried in a foreign land. (^after the means it should sit on top of the previous letter)

Авторы: Carreg Lafar, Traditional

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