Casper - Min Sang Til Louise (feat. Lyn Allan) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Casper - Min Sang Til Louise (feat. Lyn Allan)

Min Sang Til Louise (feat. Lyn Allan)
My Song To Louise (feat. Lyn Allan)
Det var en sommerdag, da du flyttede ind
It was a summer day when you moved in
Hellere bo værelse tre du flyttede ind værelse fire
You would rather live in room three, but you moved into room four
Hilste din mor, som hjalp dig med et bord
I greeted your mother, who helped you with a table
og vidste med det samme at det blev min svigermor
And I knew right away that she would be my mother-in-law
Dagene efter fik vi ikke snakket meget sammen
The days after we didn't talk much
jeg hver nat i min seng og bedte amen
So I lay every night in my bed and prayed amen
For vi var begge lidt generte men jeg tænkte det stop
Because we were both a little shy, but I thought it had to stop
jeg lagde ikke skjul at jeg ville ha' din krop
So I didn't hide the fact that I wanted your body
Men du var stadig lidt genert hilste stadig ikk'
But you were still a little shy, you still didn't greet me
Men jeg ku' se at du var vild med mig kom og tag mit slik
But I could see that you were crazy about me, so come and take my candy
(oh yeah yeah, kom nu her)
(Oh yeah yeah, come here now)
I stedet for at vise mig hvem du ikke er
Instead of showing me who you are not
Men det gik for du inviterede mig ind
But it worked because you invited me in
til din indflytterfest for kun os to sikke et minde
To your housewarming party, just the two of us, such a memory
For jeg tabte mine bukser, og du var vist lidt fuld
Because I lost my pants and you were probably a little drunk
gik der to sekunder og rev jeg dig omkuld
Then two seconds passed and I pulled you down
Du er smuk og klog
You are so beautiful and smart
kom og tag dit tøj af
So come and take your clothes off
Jeg ved jeg har været et fjog
I know I've been a fool
kom fra fire til værelse tre
So come from four to room three
Lige meget hvad vi går igennem vil jeg være der
No matter what we go through, I'll be there
Og jeg vil tag dig gennem alt, selvom at jeg ikk' kan bære dig
And I'll take you through everything, even though I can't carry you
Baby jeg vil se dig tag dit tøj af
Baby I want to see you take your clothes off
kom fra fire til værelse tre
So come from four to room three
Vi vågnede op dagen efter og vi i ske
We woke up the next day and we were spooning
Stemningen den var trykket og du sagde at jeg sku' skride
The mood was tense and you said I should leave
du smed mig ud, og jeg ku' ikk komme ind
So you threw me out and I couldn't get in
Du havde låst døren. Fuck dig din so kvinde
You had locked the door. Fuck you, you sleeping woman
Ja jeg var sur, men jeg ville ikke give op
Yes I was angry, but I wouldn't give up
jeg slog væggen til du sagde at jeg sku' stoppe
So I banged on the wall until you said I should stop
med 600 kr. tog jeg til Tyskland med stil
Then with 600 kroner I went to Germany in style
Og købte slik til dig og lige lidt Monster energy
And bought you candy and some Monster energy
Du løsnede lidt op og det syntes jeg sgu var smukt
You loosened up a little and I thought that was beautiful
Men du sagde at du var sur og du følte dig misbrugt
But you said you were angry and you felt used
Men vi var begge lidt fulde og vi dummede os
But we were both a little drunk and we were being stupid
Jeg sagde det nok bare var mig der var en kæmpe klods
I probably just said it was me who was a big klutz
Du fortalte mig, den tilkendte nyhed
You told me the well-known news
Du tøvede du vidste at den ville gør mig ked
You hesitated, you knew it would make me sad
Du havde fundet dig en kæreste jeg var tavs uden ord
You had found yourself a boyfriend, I was silent without words
Fuck ham din kæreste, Peter Nord
Fuck him, your boyfriend, Peter Nord
Fuck dig Peter Nord
Fuck you Peter Nord
(Yeah Peter fuck dig)
(Yeah Peter fuck you)
Du er smuk og klog
You are so beautiful and smart
kom og tag dit tøj af
So come and take your clothes off
Jeg ved jeg har været et fjog
I know I've been a fool
kom fra fire til værelse tre
So come from four to room three
Lige meget hvad vi går igennem vil jeg være der
No matter what we go through, I'll be there
Og jeg vil tag dig gennem alt, selvom at jeg ikk' kan bære dig
And I'll take you through everything, even though I can't carry you
Baby jeg vil se dig tag dit tøj af
Baby I want to see you take your clothes off
kom fra fire til værelse tre
So come from four to room three
Du er smuk og klog
You are so beautiful and smart
kom og tag dit tøj af
So come and take your clothes off
Jeg ved jeg har været et fjog
I know I've been a fool
kom fra fire til værelse tre
So come from four to room three
Lige meget hvad vi går igennem vil jeg være der
No matter what we go through, I'll be there
Og jeg vil tag dig gennem alt, selvom at jeg ikk' kan bære dig
And I'll take you through everything, even though I can't carry you
Baby jeg vil se dig tag dit tøj af
Baby I want to see you take your clothes off
Du er smuk og klog
You are so beautiful and smart
kom og tag dit tøj af
So come and take your clothes off
Jeg ved jeg har været et fjog
I know I've been a fool

Авторы: Mathias Rosenkjar

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