Castro - Alegria Pa´ Mi Gente - Cumbia Remix - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Castro - Alegria Pa´ Mi Gente - Cumbia Remix

Alegria Pa´ Mi Gente - Cumbia Remix
Joy for My People - Cumbia Remix
Alegria para el barrio
Joy for the neighborhood
Alegria pa mi gente
Joy for my people
Por que esos giles
Because those fools
A los pobre no lo quiren
They don't like the poor
Anda a saber
Who knows
Quien ponen de presidente
Who they'll put as president
por ellos fuera
If it were up to them
Votarían pena de muerte
They'd vote for the death penalty
Alegria para el barrio
Joy for the neighborhood
Alegria pa mi gente
Joy for my people
Por que esos giles
Because those fools
A los pobre no lo quiren
They don't like the poor
Anda a saber
Who knows
Quien ponen de presidente
Who they'll put as president
por ellos fuera
If it were up to them
Votarían pena de muerte
They'd vote for the death penalty
te cabio en la calle y te regalaste
If you were on the street and you gave yourself away
A cualquiera mi amigo
To just anyone, my friend
Hoy en día le cabe
Today it's fitting
Un pibe bueno no roba a un laburante
A good kid doesn't steal from a worker
Eso se sabe están para lo grande
Everyone knows they're after the big things
En todo lado ya lo conocemo
We already know them everywhere
No le hechen la culpa al otro gobierno
Don't blame the other government
Los cachivache siempre existieron
The crooks have always existed
Que por zapatilla te choriaban
Who would steal your shoes
Con un fierro
With a gun
Mucho no les da para hacer un hecho
They don't have much to do a deed
Eso lo sabemos
We know that
Ya lo conocemos
We already know them
En esta canción yo no hago apología
In this song I don't make apologies
Hablen del gatillo facil
Talk about the trigger-happy
De la policía!!!
Robar esta mal eso yo lo admito
Stealing is wrong, I admit it
Pero muchos pibes se criaron
But many kids grew up
Desde chiquito
Since they were little
En ese ambiente donde eso esta bien
In that environment where that's okay
Mientras vos con tu play
While you with your Play Station
Ellos roban pa comer
They steal to eat
Alegria para el barrio
Joy for the neighborhood
Alegria pa mi gente
Joy for my people
Por que esos giles
Because those fools
A los pobre no lo quieren
They don't like the poor
Anda a saber
Who knows
Quien ponen de presidente
Who they'll put as president
por ellos fuera
If it were up to them
Votarían pena de muerte
They'd vote for the death penalty
Alegria para el barrio
Joy for the neighborhood
Alegria pa mi gente
Joy for my people
Por que esos giles
Because those fools
A los pobre no lo quieren
They don't like the poor
Anda a saber
Who knows
Quien ponen de presidente
Who they'll put as president
por ellos fuera
If it were up to them
Votarían pena de muerte
They'd vote for the death penalty
Yo canto pa la gente
I sing for the people
Los reale desde antes
The real ones from before
Los negro en la vereda
The black people on the sidewalk
Meta cumbia en los parlante
Cumbia blasting in the speakers
Donde pasan los cheto
Where the rich people pass by
Y no le ven sentido
And don't see the point
A poner música fuerte
Of playing loud music
En la esquina amanecido
At the corner until dawn
Donde si gana Boca
Where if Boca wins
Es escusa para un tiro
It's an excuse for a shot
Donde al transa de base
Where the base dealer
No le dan respiro
Gets no respite
Donde las guacha crecen
Where the girls grow up
Y a los trece con un hijo
And by thirteen with a child
Y los guachine en la primaria
And the little boys in elementary school
Ya andan prometiendo tiro
Are already promising to shoot
Pero es ley papi
But it's the law, daddy
Lo que uno hace vuelve
What goes around comes around
Y nadie sale limpio
And nobody comes out clean
De los valles de la muerte
From the valleys of death
Solo encontrás pibes recatados
You only find reserved kids
Que ya caminaron
Who have already walked
Por donde vo estas andando
Where you are walking
Hoy yo les pido que miren para el barrio
Today I ask you to look towards the neighborhood
Que ayuden a los pobres
That you help the poor
A los que están marginados
Those who are marginalized
Chetos de mierda
Rich assholes
Nunca les faltó el plato
They never lacked a plate
Y a un par que le falto
And a couple who did lack
Igual hoy se olvidaron
Still forgot today
Alegria para el barrio
Joy for the neighborhood
Alegria pa mi gente
Joy for my people
Por que esos giles
Because those fools
A los pobre no lo quiren
They don't like the poor
Anda a saber
Who knows
Quien ponen de presidente
Who they'll put as president
por ellos fuera
If it were up to them
Votarían pena de muerte
They'd vote for the death penalty
Alegria para el barrio
Joy for the neighborhood
Alegria pa mi gente
Joy for my people
Por que esos giles
Because those fools
A los pobre no lo quieren
They don't like the poor
Anda a saber
Who knows
Quien ponen de presidente
Who they'll put as president
por ellos fuera
If it were up to them
Votarían pena de muerte
They'd vote for the death penalty
(Por que hay muchos giles que se olvidan de los pobre,
(Because there are many fools who forget about the poor,
Y hay otros que son pobres y se olvidan de donde vinieron...
And there are others who are poor and forget where they came from...
Para esos giles... Acá va esta negroo!!)
For those fools... Here's this, negroo!!)
Alegria para el barrio
Joy for the neighborhood
Alegria pa mi gente
Joy for my people
Por que esos giles
Because those fools
A los pobre no lo quieren
They don't like the poor
Anda a saber
Who knows
Quien ponen de presidente
Who they'll put as president
por ellos fuera
If it were up to them
Votarían pena de muerte
They'd vote for the death penalty
Alegria para el barrio
Joy for the neighborhood
Alegria pa mi gente
Joy for my people
Por que esos giles
Because those fools
A los pobre no lo quieren
They don't like the poor
Anda a saber
Who knows
Quien ponen de presidente
Who they'll put as president
por ellos fuera
If it were up to them
Votarían pena de muerte
They'd vote for the death penalty

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