Catalin - Vrei Nu Vrei (Esti Doar a Mea) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Catalin - Vrei Nu Vrei (Esti Doar a Mea)

Vrei Nu Vrei (Esti Doar a Mea)
Whether You Want It or Not (You're Only Mine)
Ma gandesc de mult
I've been thinking for a long time
Sa rezerv un loc...
To reserve a spot...
Sa rezerv un loc in inima ta
To reserve a spot in your heart
Dar m-am trezit tarziu,
But I woke up too late,
N-am mai avut noroc
I wasn't lucky
Eram ocupat cu altcineva...
I was busy with someone else...
Oh, nici nu stii de cate ori
Oh, you don't even know how many times
Ti-am adus in vise flori,
I brought you flowers in my dreams,
De cate ori te-am sarutat
How many times I kissed you
Si te-am iubit pana in zori...
And loved you until dawn...
Nici nu stii de cate ori
You don't even know how many times
Am visat ca viata mea era plina de culori
I dreamed that my life was full of colors
R: In vise vrei, nu vrei esti doar a mea
C: In my dreams, whether you want it or not, you're only mine
Ochii tai sclipesc doar pentru tine,
Your eyes sparkle just for me,
Ma saruti, ma atingi, ma doresti
You kiss me, you touch me, you desire me
In vise vrei, nu vrei, esti doar a mea
In my dreams, whether you want it or not, you're only mine
Pot sa fac orice doresc cu tine,
I can do whatever I want with you,
Vrei, nu vrei ma eviti, ma doresti
Whether you want it or not, you avoid me, you desire me
N-am avut curaj sa iti spun ce simt
I didn't have the courage to tell you how I feel
Si-am ajuns pe drumul fanteziilor
And I ended up on the road of fantasies
Mi-ar fi placut sa stii ca vreau sa ajung la tine
I wish you knew that I want to reach you
Mi-am pierdut rabdarea in lumea viselor
I lost my patience in the world of dreams
Nii nu stii de cate ori
You don't even know how many times
Ti-am adus in vise flori
I brought you flowers in my dreams
De cate ori te-am sarutat
How many times I kissed you
Si te-am iubit pana in zori...
And loved you until dawn...
Nici nu stii de cate ori
You don't even know how many times
Am visat ca viata mea era plina de culori
I dreamed that my life was full of colors
R: In vise vrei, nu vrei esti doar a mea
C: In my dreams, whether you want it or not, you're only mine
Ochii tai sclipesc doar pentru tine,
Your eyes sparkle just for me,
Ma saruti, ma atingi, ma doresti
You kiss me, you touch me, you desire me
In vise vrei, nu vrei, esti doar a mea
In my dreams, whether you want it or not, you're only mine
Pot sa fac orice doresc cu tine,
I can do whatever I want with you,
Vrei, nu vrei ma eviti, ma doresti
Whether you want it or not, you avoid me, you desire me
Te vad mereu la TV,
I always see you on TV,
In reviste cu modele,
In magazines with models,
Esti una dintre cele.
You're one of them.
Cele mai cele stralucitoare stele
The brightest stars
De pe cerul vietii mele
In the sky of my life
Esti vrei, nu vrei in visele mele
You are, whether you want it or not, in my dreams
Te vad mereu la TV,
I always see you on TV,
In reviste cu modele,
In magazines with models,
Esti una dintre cele.
You're one of them.
Cele mai cele stralucitoare stele
The brightest stars
De pe cerul vietii mele
In the sky of my life
Esti vrei, nu vrei in visele mele
You are, whether you want it or not, in my dreams

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