Ceca - Trula visnja - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ceca - Trula visnja

Trula visnja
Trula visnja
Iz tašne ruž pade na pod
From the vase of roses, a petal fell on the floor,
Od šoka kad te videh da ležiš kraj nje
The shock of seeing you beside it, shattered my last hope.
I razbi se poslednji kliker mog nadanja
That all my dreams were nothing more
Da sanjam to sve
Than an illusion.
U zlo doba puče ko iz pakosti
At the worst of times, you shattered me out of spite,
Lastiš moje hrabrosti
Stealing my courage.
Pala sam u zoru, pala
I fell at dawn, I fell
Više nisam izdržala
I couldn't bear it anymore.
Sad neka mi iz knjige rođenih
Now let them erase my name
Ime brišu
From the book of the living.
Na tom mestu gde sam pala
Where I fell, there remains
Ostala je mrlja mala
A small stain,
Kao da je neko zgazio
As if someone had stepped on
Trulu višnju
A rotten cherry.
Psovah je i gurnuh je
I cursed you and pushed you away,
Onako kako umem ja, ženstveno
With all the grace of a woman scorned.
Al' odbi me taj tvoj pogled pun mržnje
But your hateful gaze repelled me
I baci na tlo
And cast me to the ground.
Radujte se duše, sitne prodane
Rejoice, you petty, treacherous souls,
Od iste ste rđe skovane
Forged from the same corrupt metal.
Pala sam u zoru, pala
I fell at dawn, I fell
Više nisam izdržala
I couldn't bear it anymore.
Sad neka mi iz knjige rođenih
Now let them erase my name
Ime brišu
From the book of the living.
Na tom mestu gde sam pala
Where I fell, there remains
Ostala je mrlja mala
A small stain,
Kao da je neko zgazio
As if someone had stepped on
Trulu višnju
A rotten cherry.
Ta ista ja što je blistala
I, who once shone so brightly,
Do samih zvezda se dizala
Reaching for the stars,
Sad tu puzi pred tobom i njom
Now I grovel before you and her—
Ta ista ja
The same me.
Slomljenih dugih noktiju
My long nails broken,
I pocepanih čarapa
My stockings torn,
U taj se prizor ne uklapa
I do not belong in this scene—
Ista ja
The same me.
Pala sam u zoru, pala
I fell at dawn, I fell
Više nisam izdržala
I couldn't bear it anymore.
Sad neka mi iz knjige rođenih
Now let them erase my name
Ime brišu
From the book of the living.
Na tom mestu gde sam pala
Where I fell, there remains
Ostala je mrlja mala
A small stain,
Kao da je neko zgazio
As if someone had stepped on
Trulu višnju
A rotten cherry.

Авторы: Aleksandar Milic Mili

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