Cedry2k feat. Deliric & Connect-R - Mai Mult Decat Magic - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cedry2k feat. Deliric & Connect-R - Mai Mult Decat Magic

Mai Mult Decat Magic
More Than Magic
Eşti pregatit sau nu
Are you ready or not?
Nu ceda, nu-i lasa
Don't give in, don't let them
Eşti pregatit sau nu
Are you ready or not?
Nu, nu ceda
No, don't give in
Fiindcă tot ce este magic ai primit deja
Because everything that is magic you have already received
Big pharma, baga-n tine benzodiazepine
Big Pharma, pump you full of benzodiazepines
Absolut indiferent de problemele cabinei
Absolutely indifferent to the problems of the cabin
Da' tu nu te urzici ca fabrica, practic, vicii
But you don't itch like the factory, practically, vices
Indopandu-ne bunicii cu barbituricii
Stuffing our grandparents with barbiturates
Tinerii-s in deriva, n-au loc de eschiva
Young people are adrift, they have no room to dodge
De la propaganda sexuala tot mai agresiva
From the increasingly aggressive sexual propaganda
Deaia practica al ca pe sporturi
That's why they practice al ca on sports
Si voi faceti tot efortu' sa bata noi recorduri
And you make every effort to break new records
Guvernul la inchisoare, ca-i plin prin spitale
The government in prison, because it's full in hospitals
De minti geniale, praf de la prafuri legale
Of brilliant minds, dust from legal dust
Mai mult decat tragic
More than tragic
Sa-i vezi plecand incet, desi si stiu ca viata-i mai mult decat magic
To see them fade away, even though they know that life is more than magic
Bine c-o poti vedea ca pe o acadea
Good thing you can see it as a lollipop
Eu am dus jumate din a mea printre ciudati sadea
I took half of mine among the weird Sadea
Drogati cu boala pe bogati, tripati si betivi
Drug addicts with disease on the rich, tripped out and drunk
Traficanti degenerati, hoti inventivi
Degenerate traffickers, inventive thieves
Toti devenind tipu' cinic, ce in timpul minim
Everyone becoming the cynical type, that in the minimum time
Iti strica fara motiv specific specificul mimic
Spoils you for no specific reason, your specific mimic
Fara minimul chimic impulsiv
Without the minimum impulsive chemical
O decisiva in incisiv si-ti pierzi simtul civic incluziv
A decisive in incisive and you lose your civic sense inclusive
Dar nu le gasesc vreo vina
But I don't blame them
Erau niste copii cand li s-a dat prima doza de ha
They were children when they were given their first dose of ha
Si, de-atunci, sunt tot mai rai, ii vreau inapoi
And since then, they are getting worse, I want them back
Ajuta-i, Doamne, sa invie, ca sunt tot ai tai
Help them, Lady, to rise again, for they are all yours
Esti pregatit sau nu
Are you ready or not?
Cand noaptea vor veni sa iti fure sufletu'
When the night comes to steal your soul
Nu ceda, nu-i lasa
Don't give in, don't let them
Sa iti ia dragostea
Take your love
Esti pregatit sau nu
Are you ready or not?
Iti vor intinde mana, tu fii gata sa spui nu
They will reach out to you, be ready to say no
Nu, nu ceda
No, don't give in
Fiindca tot ce este magic ai primit deja
Because everything that is magic you have already received
Am auzit povesti de mic, despre droguri si drogati
I've heard stories since I was a child, about drugs and addicts
De la tati si de la frati, de la gabori si avocati
From dad and brothers, from cops and lawyers
Spuse-n soapta de sicrie, urlate de ambulanta
Whispered by coffins, screamed by ambulances
Scrise in lacrimi pe hartie si cu sange pe faianta
Written in tears on paper and with blood on the tiles
Dar nu l-a oprit pe Toto sa puna si el botu'
But it didn't stop Toto from putting his nose in too
Cand a dat de chetamina, si a dat si la tot blocu'
When he came across ketamine, and he gave it to the whole block
C-avea 15 si intr-o minte de pustan
He was 15 and in a kid's mind
Prosti sunt aia de prizeaza, la-nceput eu doar fumam
Stupid are those who shoot up, at first I just smoked
Dar noroc ca am fost chill si cu minte de copil
But luckily I was chill and with a child's mind
Am preferat sa fumez iarba, ca vedeam la Cypress Hill
I preferred to smoke weed, like I saw in Cypress Hill
Da' ca sa-ti zic pe fata, mi-a mancat trei ani din viata
But to tell you the truth, it ate three years of my life
Ca bagam mai mult pe seara, dar incepeam de dimineata
Because I would smoke more in the evening, but I would start in the morning
Nu e drog, ca-i naturala, da' atunci cand e-n exces
It's not a drug, because it's natural, but when it's in excess
Te duce in paranoia, mai ales cand esti pe stres
It leads you to paranoia, especially when you're stressed
Si-am ajuns la spital, cu mintea vraiste
And I ended up in the hospital, with my mind in turmoil
Ori ma iau astia la 9, ori imi face vreunu 16
Either these guys are taking me to 9, or someone is doing 16 to me
Si de-atunci am lasat-o, dar inca sunt dependent
And since then I've left it, but I'm still addicted
Inca tin droguri puternice in apartament
I still keep strong drugs in my apartment
Ca-mi place femeia, spritu', tigarea, puterea
Cause I like women, booze, cigarettes, power
La toti ne place faima, smecheria si averea
We all like fame, trickery and wealth
Si-am ajuns eu ala care iti spune o poveste
And I became the one who tells you a story
Despre vicii, droguri, despre lacrimi de neveste
About vices, drugs, about wives' tears
Si-o sa ajungi sa le ignori la fel ca mine
And you'll end up ignoring them just like me
Imi ramane doar sa sper c-o sa te descurci mai bine
I can only hope you'll do better
Esti pregatit sau nu
Are you ready or not?
Cand noaptea vor veni sa iti fure sufletu'
When the night comes to steal your soul
Nu ceda, nu-i lasa
Don't give in, don't let them
Sa iti ia dragostea
Take your love
Esti pregatit sau nu
Are you ready or not?
Iti vor intinde mana, tu fii gata sa spui nu
They will reach out to you, be ready to say no
Nu, nu ceda
No, don't give in
Fiindca tot ce este magic ai primit deja
Because everything that is magic you have already received
Esti pregatit sau nu
Are you ready or not?
Cand noaptea vor veni sa iti fure sufletu'
When the night comes to steal your soul
Nu ceda, nu-i lasa
Don't give in, don't let them
Sa iti ia dragostea
Take your love
Esti pregatit sau nu
Are you ready or not?
Iti vor intinde mana, tu fii gata sa spui nu
They will reach out to you, be ready to say no
Nu, nu ceda
No, don't give in
Fiindca tot ce este magic ai primit deja
Because everything that is magic you have already received
Magic, magic
Magic, magic
Si soarele e magic
And the sun is magic
Universu'-i magic
The universe is magic
Tu esti destul de magic, magic, magic
You are magic enough, magic, magic
Fiindca tot ce este magic ai primit deja
Because everything that is magic you have already received

Авторы: Connect-r, Crăciun Marius Stelian-cedry2k, Deliric, Sez

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