Cehzar - Por Que No Quieres Creer - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cehzar - Por Que No Quieres Creer

Por Que No Quieres Creer
Why Don't You Want to Believe
Eyo Eyo Eyo...
Eyo Eyo Eyo...
Porque no quieres creer,
Why don't you want to believe,
Está en la esquina esperando su nuevo
He's on the corner waiting for his new
Movimiento, no le importó si en la vida tenía algún talento.
Move, he didn't care if he had any talent in life.
Desde niño violento, buscó dinero fácil, qu
Violent since he was a child, he looked for easy money, wh
E importa la policía siempre ha sido ágil...
o cares the police have always been agile...
Su madre murió con tres su padre preso con siete ahora tiene 22 desde
His mother died when he was three, his father in prison when he was seven, now he's 22 since
Los 15 machete, ganando fama ya en el barrio,
He was 15, machete, gaining fame in the neighborhood,
La droga ya no es pasatiempoo ahora es necesario siente odio por su
Drugs are no longer a hobby, now it's necessary, he feels hatred for his
Padre lo culpa por su estado piensa
Father, he blames him for his state, he thinks
Que la violencia fue su único legado.
That violence was his only legacy.
Nunca lo ha visitado,
He has never visited him,
Lo que sabe es suficiente conoce la historia de la boca de la gente
What he knows is enough, he knows the story from people's mouths
Siente fuego en su mente y un vacío en su pecho debe mucho dinero y
He feels fire in his mind and a void in his chest, he owes a lot of money and
Hay enemigos al asesho pero la vida es así no se puede
There are enemies lurking but life is like that, you can't
Ser cobarde, como saber que hacer si te abandonó tu padre.
Be a coward, how to know what to do if your father abandoned you.
Porque no quieres creer que todo puedes cambiar,
Why don't you want to believe that you can change everything,
De caerte levantar luchar,
Get up from falling, fight,
Siempre se puede aprender tienes el poder pero...
You can always learn, you have the power but...
Pero. (rep 1)
But. (rep 1)
Llevaba una vida normal llena de disciplina con un negocio estable
He led a normal life full of discipline with a stable business
Con un socio de Argentina,
With a partner from Argentina,
El maldito lo estafó con los juegos y cocaina,
The damn guy ripped him off with gambling and cocaine,
Se escapó con su dineero y lo dejó en la ruina, 1
He ran away with his money and left him in ruins, 1
5 años encerrado y aún sangra su corazón de recordar el error el cuál
5 years locked up and his heart still bleeds from remembering the mistake which
Llegó por la traición, s
Came from betrayal, h
U hijo pide comida y se cae en depresión por no tenerla a mano y
is son asks for food and he falls into depression because he doesn't have it at hand and
Empieza la frustración no encontró trabajo no tenía familia los
The frustration begins, he couldn't find a job, he had no family, the
ánimos por abajo hasta renunció a la Biblia tan sólo llegaban sobres
spirits down, he even gave up the Bible, only envelopes arrived
Llenos de amenaza y le queda poco tiempo para perder su casa,
Full of threats and he has little time left to lose his house,
Buscó una solución la cuál no acabó nada bien, un
He looked for a solution which didn't end well, an
Oficial por error con una bala en la cien ahora no para de llorar
Officer by mistake with a bullet in the hundred now he doesn't stop crying
Ahora no para de llorar y aferrado a los hierros
Now he doesn't stop crying and clinging to the bars
Porque su hijo murió y no puede ir ni al entierro...
Because his son died and he can't even go to the funeral...
Porque no quieres creer,
Why don't you want to believe,
Que todo puedes cambiar de caerte levantar luchar
That you can change everything, get up from falling, fight
Siempre se puede aprender tu tienes el poder pero...
You can always learn, you have the power but...
Pero (rep 1)
But (rep 1)
Yo no soy quien para decir que está bien y que está mal, p
I'm not the one to say what's right and what's wrong, b
Ero a mis ojos todo tiene una salida
ut in my eyes everything has a way out
Diferente, siempre hay varios caminos.
Different, there are always several paths.

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