Cejaz Negraz feat. Tinta Negra & Shaim - Kuervoz - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cejaz Negraz feat. Tinta Negra & Shaim - Kuervoz

Yo se que pocos en la vida me van entender
I know few people in life will understand me
Nacimos pa' guerriar no pa' restroseder
We were born to fight, not to back down
Si la nobleza se canso de su razon de ser
If the nobility has grown tired of its reason for being
Hay un tiempo pa' levantarse despues de caer
There is a time to rise after falling
Me recuerdo muy bien que patino en los barrios de las trampas
I remember very well skating in the ghetto neighborhoods
No me señales con pistolas, que a todos nos llegan balas
Don't point guns at me, bullets reach us all
Vengo con los santos y mi madre que me cuida esta noche desde el cielo
I come with the saints and my mother who watches over me tonight from heaven
No me aguante la tentacion, me deje llevar muchas veces por la emocion
I can't stand the temptation, many times I let myself be carried away by emotion
Tenia muchas cargas mi cabeza compresion estallado
I had many burdens in my head, compressed, about to explode
Me sentia solo importaba violenta ganja
I felt alone, all that mattered was violence and ganja
Tenia la mujer que mas lleno se imaginaba,
I had the woman any man could imagine,
Pero andaba circo amaneciendo con las vagas
But I was living a circus, waking up with the vagrants
Ahora tengo una escuelita ni tiempo para mas nada
Now I have a little school, no time for anything else
Esto es desde zero, si vivo lo que soñaba aprendo
This is from scratch, if I live what I dreamed, I learn
Con cada nada y sus palabras y me ensucio tanto
With every nothing and its words, and I got so dirty
Que aprendi hasta pilotiarla y senti
That I even learned to pilot it and felt
Que mi reflejo me hablo claro en la cara
That my reflection spoke clearly to my face
Aprende de los espejos,
Learn from the mirrors,
Mas aprendio el aguila cuando no esucho consejos de cuervo
But the eagle learned more when it didn't listen to crow's advice
Esto es corazon y sentimiento,
This is heart and feeling,
Renacer de las cenizas solo es cuestion del tiempo
Rising from the ashes is only a matter of time
Estoy desnudo mi corazon late,
I am naked, my heart beats,
Esconde aguilas volando sobre las tormentas
It hides eagles flying over the storms
Veo pasar cada visajito que me afecta y me piro
I see every little face that affects me pass by and I take off
Nunca pares de guerriar ya sabes que hay un destino
Never stop fighting, you know there is a destiny
Yo ya se muy bien por donde cojer camino
I already know very well which way to go
Capitulos de las semillas que e plantado
Chapters of the seeds I have planted
Miles, miles, miles, miles,
Thousands, thousands, thousands, thousands,
Miles de versiculos que el humo se a llevado
Thousands of verses that the smoke has carried away
Saben que nosotros somos la esencia
They know that we are the essence
Fuimos llamados escoria, inspirados en delincuencia
We were called scum, inspired by delinquency
Si creen que el destino es una concidiencia
If you believe that destiny is a coincidence
Descubriran el rosto sin mas cara ni aparencia
You will discover the face without a face or appearance
Tristesa odio en cada episodio,
Sadness, hatred in every episode,
Unos llevan un angel y otros llevan un demonio
Some carry an angel and others carry a demon
Este mundo esta de locos, cual si fuera un manicomio
This world is crazy, as if it were an asylum
Siguo fiel en el papel escribo cada testimonio
I remain faithful to the role, I write every testimony
Somos nosotros nuestras vivencias y sus rasgos
We are us, our experiences and their features
Conociendo las dos caras de la muerta de la mano
Knowing the two sides of death hand in hand
Cada vez que me levanto hay un nuevo pensamiento y
Every time I get up there is a new thought and
Por cada mente que descubri no adquiero mas conocimiento
For every mind I discovered I don't acquire more knowledge
Y corri contra el viento alterando espacio y viento no
And I ran against the wind, altering space and wind, don't
Creean en las mentiras que'l diablo que'l diablo es hueco
Believe the lies that the devil, that the devil is hollow
El canto de los pajaros
The song of the birds
Las palabras no se las lleva el viento
Words are not carried away by the wind
Yo se que pocos en la vida me van entender
I know few people in life will understand me
Nacimos pa' guerriar no pa' restroseder
We were born to fight, not to back down
Si la nobleza se canso de su razon de ser
If the nobility has grown tired of its reason for being
Hay un tiempo pa' levantarse despues de caer
There is a time to rise after falling

Авторы: Jhon Correa

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