Cesk Freixas - Hosanna - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cesk Freixas - Hosanna

Serà com sempre haurem pensat,
It will be as we have always thought,
Hereus dels detalls, fills de l'atzar.
Heirs to the details, children of chance.
Dóna'm la vida, la poesia és l'únic Déu;
Give me life, poetry is the only God;
Damunt la barca, dels carrers que haurem cremat.
On the boat, of the streets that we have burned.
Allà on Verdi comença el seu caminar,
Where Verdi begins to walk,
El Sol arriba, lent, escales avall.
The sun arrives, slowly, down the stairs.
Vindrà el dia, amor, i portarà els teus ulls,
The day will come, love, and bring your eyes,
A les trinxeres de les places sense nom.
To the trenches of the unnamed squares.
Ens trobarem algun dimarts,
We will meet some Tuesday,
Potser a Diamant, i jo tornaré a fumar.
Perhaps in Diamant, and I will smoke again.
Canviarem el món, l'ordre del poder,
We will change the world, the order of power,
Serem un sol govern d'ulls, instants i mans.
We will be a single government of eyes, moments, and hands.
Serem el puny tancat, ciutats que acaben en a i l'eternitat;
We will be the clenched fist, cities ending in a and eternity;
La lluita contra els necis, l'abraçada infinita i temps aturat.
The fight against the fools, the infinite embrace and time stopped.
Em miraràs i callarem;
You will look at me and we will be silent;
"La vida és ara", i dir ara és dir només.
"Life is now", and to say now is to say only.
Serem el crit fins que perdem la nostra veu,
We will be the cry until we lose our voice,
Guerrillera, solidària; guanyarem.
Guerrilla, solidarity; we will win.
Mare de pàtria sense estat,
Mother of a homeland without a state,
No marxis encara.
Don't leave yet.
Arrela en la terra que t'espera
Take root in the land that awaits you
Al sud de les teves mans.
In the south of your hands.
Noves maneres de caminar,
New ways of walking,
No marxis encara.
Don't leave yet.
Teu és el Sol que il·lumina la cambra,
Yours is the sun that illuminates the room,
Guerrillera, solidària; guanyarem.
Guerrilla, solidarity; we will win.
Serem el puny tancat, ciutats que acaben en a i l'eternitat;
We will be the clenched fist, cities ending in a and eternity;
La lluita contra els necis, aliances de guerra i temps aturat.
The fight against the fools, alliances of war and time stopped.

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