Cevlade feat. Dj Matz - Dulce de Niña - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cevlade feat. Dj Matz - Dulce de Niña

Dulce de Niña
Sweet Girl
Solo quería compartir este pit
I just wanted to share this pit,
Haciendo un picnic con el Mic
Having a picnic with the mic.
Como puedo rapear no me preocupo por mi nick
Since I can rap, I don't worry about my nickname,
Ni cagando la critica me complica dejo kick
Not even criticism bothers me, I leave a kick.
Pues tu a mi hacer cagar en cada track es un puto tic
Because you making me shit on every track is a fucking tic,
Te tinca que nunca piense en ti, Es cierto
You think I never think about you, it's true.
Siempre estás con cientos más sin mi tu vida, es un desierto
You're always with hundreds more, your life without me is a desert.
Te rodeaste tantos penes, terminaras sola
You surrounded yourself with so many dicks, you'll end up alone.
Solamente yo corto las palabras de modo enamoran
Only I cut words in a way that makes them fall in love.
Cevladé merece un premio nobel,
Cevladé deserves a Nobel Prize,
Tiene al mundo a sus pies pero no (yo no) nobel, no.
He has the world at his feet, but no (I don't) Nobel, no.
Está bien, es porque tan bien me envidia el ambiente
It's okay, it's because the environment envies me so much,
Y ni todo el continente contiene un rap tan inteligente
And not even the whole continent contains such an intelligent rap.
Tanta gente perpleja ante rimas complejas, que dejan de moraleja
So many people perplexed by complex rhymes, which leave a moral,
Que ya no dejan moralejas, no te alejas
That no longer leave morals, you don't go away.
Pero lo nuestro termino, como lo explico
But ours is over, how do I explain it?
Nuestro amor, amor metetelo por el chico.
Our love, love, stick it up your ass.
Soy un orador enamorado de adornar metáforas por hora
I'm a speaker in love with adorning metaphors by the hour,
Soy un domador de gomas, lloras, llones para llorar
I'm a tamer of rubbers, you cry, cry to cry.
Para pararme nada te puede amparar, y para olvidarme
Nothing can protect you to stop me, and to forget me,
Antes me tiene que recordar
You have to remember me first.
Soy la lampara que desenmascara por las noche cuando
I'm the lamp that unmasks at night when
Suplicas al cielo
You beg the sky
Por un encuentro fortuito (no)
For a chance encounter (no),
Nada es gratuito ni ni yo pero atina, la diferencia es que
Nothing is free, neither you nor I, but get it right, the difference is that
Yo a ti no te necesito
I don't need you.
Niña de caramelo tu cara-mela de memoria
Candy girl, I know your caramel face by heart,
Mi pómulo hoy es tu pañuelo
My cheekbone is your handkerchief today.
Niña de caramelo tu cara-mela de memoria
Candy girl, I know your caramel face by heart,
Mi pómulo hoy es tu pañuelo
My cheekbone is your handkerchief today.
Agonizan tus poetas, puta, por estás puerta no verás
Your poets are dying, bitch, through this door you won't see
Más puestas
More bets.
Aunque estás dispuesta a más rima no te serán compuestas
Although you are willing to, more rhymes will not be composed for you.
Obvio, si todo tiene limite, el mío es timidez, y el tuyo estupidez.
Obviously, everything has a limit, mine is shyness, and yours is stupidity.
Solo quería compartir mi rap antes de partir, a partir de hoy
I just wanted to share my rap before leaving, from today on
serás la mártir
You will be the martyr.
Amarte o el rap como forma de vivir, la respuesta hace
Loving you or rap as a way of life, the answer is
Dos minutos diez, la he comenzado a escribir
Two minutes and ten seconds, I have started writing it.
(Yo) Siempre estoy cansado, y dormir no me repone
(I) I'm always tired, and sleep doesn't replenish me,
Solo componer me pone como niñas con pony's
Only composing gets me like girls with ponies.
Esto no es de ninguno modo alentadores weones esto me
This is not at all encouraging, you guys, this
Quita las ganas de ver querer parir mas soles
Takes away my desire to see, want to give birth to more suns.
Te amo pero no tanto, no te extraño pero lo intento,
I love you but not that much, I don't miss you but I try,
Quisiera estar contigo pero no soy tan tonto
I would like to be with you but I'm not that stupid.
Por tanto no comprares mi amor con el de otros poetas
Therefore, you will not buy my love with that of other poets,
Espera sentadita algún día ira por ti uno de mis cometas
Wait sitting down, one day one of my comets will go for you.
Dónde estás cuando haces falta?
Where are you when you're needed?
Calva me das la espalda, mi cama es ancha en el alba no estás
Bald, you turn your back on me, my bed is wide, at dawn you're not there.
Me voy pal bar, mi cancha
I'm going to the bar, my court.
Te amo niña y no contestas tu móvil
I love you girl and you don't answer your phone,
Dulce niña... si todo me tienes débil
Sweet girl... yes, you have me weak all over.
Niña de caramelo tu cara-mela de memoria
Candy girl, I know your caramel face by heart,
Mi pómulo hoy es tu pañuelo
My cheekbone is your handkerchief today.
Niña de caramelo tu cara-mela de memoria
Candy girl, I know your caramel face by heart,
Mi pómulo hoy es tu pañuelo.
My cheekbone is your handkerchief today.

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