Cevlade - A Ton Etoile (feat. Zitazoe, Dj Matz) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cevlade - A Ton Etoile (feat. Zitazoe, Dj Matz)

A Ton Etoile (feat. Zitazoe, Dj Matz)
To Your Star (feat. Zitazoe, Dj Matz)
Estoy reposando en silencio
I’m resting in silence.
Pega la vuelta
Come back.
La puerta se cierra, mi ventana ya abierta
The door closes, my window is already open.
Mil opciones demasiadas para mi persona
A thousand options, too many for me.
Mi cabeza no reacciona, el sexo no funciona
My head doesn’t react, sex doesn't work.
Y dame mas,
And give me more.
Quiero amor
I want love.
Placentero es obvio que,
Pleasant, it's obvious that
Quiero terminar y acabar
I want to finish and end it,
Pero aun no se si pueda
But I still don’t know if I can.
Menos si mientras me flagelo
Even less if I’m scourging myself,
Y estrangulo el amor propio
And I strangle my self-love.
Falsas son las cartas y las rosas de mi ex novio, si
False are the letters and roses from my ex-boyfriend, yes.
Ellos me llaman cruda, yo me llamo realista
They call me raw, I call myself a realist.
Mas arriba de una pista después de toda esa finta
Above a track, after all that feint
Que hice para esquivarlo y dedicar tiempo a mentirle
That I did to dodge it and dedicate time to lying to him.
Fucking amor solo me dejas desvestirme
Fucking love only lets me undress.
Cupido te escupió en la cara
Cupid spat in your face.
Me escupió y dispara
Spat at me and fires.
No se imaginan que dará tiempo para que yo lanzara
You can’t imagine that it will give me time to launch,
Y esquivara, balas, flechas
And dodge bullets, arrows.
Cerca de mi pecho
Close to my chest.
No tenia ni idea que mi corazón no anda derecho
I had no idea that my heart isn’t straight.
Es impulsivo el odio, no me odies mas de lo que yo te odio a ti
Hate is impulsive, don't hate me more than I hate you.
Contrólate si tiene algo que decir
Control yourself if you have something to say.
El amor es máximo y único drama en mi vida
Love is the maximum and only drama in my life.
En descontrol y bebida, soluciones no pidas
Out of control and drunk, don't ask for solutions,
Y déjame en silencio, tranquilidad absoluta
And leave me in silence, absolute tranquility.
Ahora me juzgas por bruta por admirar a las putas
Now you judge me as stupid for admiring whores,
Hijas malditas cuanto saben de no enamorarse
Damn daughters, they know so much about not falling in love.
El sabe que ustedes no deben intentar acercarse
He knows that you shouldn’t try to get close.
Tu me descontrolas controlando mi persona
You make me lose control by controlling me,
Y yo me descontrolo si las cosas me funcionan
And I lose control if things work out for me.
Se como controlarte, para enamorarte
I know how to control you, to make you fall in love,
Pero aun nada se asemeja al amor que le tengo a mi arte
But nothing still compares to the love I have for my art.
Después de todo ya me sabia el desenlace
After all, I already knew the outcome.
Como eres una puta, el que la paga la hacey ahora cuando te hago el amor te odio después de todo, todo sigue igual
Since you’re a whore, he who pays does it, and now when I make love to you I hate you. After all, everything remains the same.
El usual sexo casual buscando paz espiritual
The usual casual sex seeking spiritual peace.
Somos dos malnacidos
We are two bastards,
Que también morirán mal
Who will also die badly.
Si eres pecado capital no eres pecado original, mal
If you are a capital sin, you are not an original sin, bad.
Gasto tiempo estando pendiente de el,
I spend time being aware of him.
El ángel de mi muerte me ajusta las rotas de papel
The angel of my death adjusts the scraps of paper.
Las repara y me prepara
Repairs them and prepares me
Para mi ultimo viaje
For my last trip.
Una bestia con maquillaje
A beast with makeup.
Me arrojo por el drenaje
I throw myself down the drain.
Cupido es estúpido
Cupid is stupid.
Escupidos y tupidos
Spat out and thick.
Sus flechas en un tímido
His arrows in a timid one
Solo traen sexo insípido
Only bring insipid sex.
El amor es una bestia terrible
Love is a terrible beast.
Vuelve despojo sin servible
It turns us into useless spoils,
A los que fuimos sensibles
Those of us who were sensitive.
Como comprenderás que soy un incomprendido
How will you understand that I am misunderstood?
Entiende no me conoces, es mi rap el conocido
Understand, you don't know me, it's my rap that's known.
Ya para niña, mi rap no es para niñas
Enough for a girl, my rap is not for girls.
No conocen ni una mierda pero todo el mundo opina
They don't know shit but everyone has an opinion.
El dolor del silencio no es desprecio no hago caso
The pain of silence is not contempt, I don't care.
Me colme de fracaso
I am filled with failure.
No lo calme en tu regaso
I didn't calm him down in your lap,
Y si repaso cada paso
And if I review every step,
Se muy bien que un flechazo
I know very well that a crush
Es un puñal que raja desde mi pecho hasta el antebrazo
Is a dagger that cuts from my chest to my forearm.
Ya no eres bienvenida
You’re no longer welcome.
Escribí te odio con mi vomito en todas las avenidas
I wrote "I hate you" with my vomit on every avenue.
Yo no voy a soñarte aunque me sueñes con locura
I won’t dream of you even if you dream of me madly.
Agárrate esa inmensa zorra pa que te tragui la luna
Grab that immense bitch so she can swallow the moon for you.
Soy yo quien soporte
I am the one who endures,
Follar como deporte
Fucking as a sport.
Si algún día regresas espero que no te importe
If you ever come back, I hope you don't mind.
A si como regresas, volver a partir
Just as you come back, go back to leaving.
Eras mi vida, mi vida no es repetir por repetir
You were my life, my life is not to repeat for the sake of repeating.
Te fuiste en la noche de las chelas y los chelos
You were there on the night of beers and cellos.
Si estas en una estrella siento celos del cielo
If you’re on a star, I’m jealous of the sky.
Me golpeo contra el muro
I hit myself against the wall.
Me rajo el cuello
I cut my neck.
A la muerte su carruaje contra tu estrella la estrello
Death’s carriage, against your star I crash it.
Si no me nace, nunca veras que esto crece
If it doesn’t come from me, you will never see this grow.
Carece de pretexto, trae solo estupideces ahora cuando te hago el amor te odio
It lacks pretext, it brings only stupidities. Now when I make love to you I hate you.

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