Cevlade - El Escape - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cevlade - El Escape

El Escape
The Escape
Me desangro en la poesía, como hilachas de bilis
I bleed in poetry, like bile threads
Si esque tengo sangre fría, no me llena todo el día
If I have cold blood, it doesn't fill my whole day
Nadie es feliz, nadie es feliz aquí
Nobody is happy, nobody is happy here
Nadie es feliz, nadie es feliz aquí
Nobody is happy, nobody is happy here
Vo teni que estar tranquilo
You have to be calm
Cada vez que intento escapar
Every time I try to escape
Me choco contra un muro, siento que susurro
I run into a wall, I feel like I'm whispering
Todos pueden escribir, pero tu no
Everyone can write, but you can't
No se si es por apuro
I don't know if it's in a hurry
Pero no hay talento alguno
But there is no talent
Que esta puta inspiración nunca llego en el momento oportuno
That this fucking inspiration never came at the right time
Trato de tragar saliva, y poner todo en perspectiva
I try to swallow saliva, and put everything into perspective
Es perdón, no es venganza, la razón porque se olvida
It's forgiveness, not revenge, the reason why it's forgotten
Que decida mi rima, por mi es ella la conflictiva
Let my rhyme decide, for me it's her the conflictive one
Es ella la doncella, cautiva con que mi rap cautiva
She's the maiden, captive with which my rap captivates
Cuando quiero desahogarme simplemente no sale
When I want to vent, it just doesn't come out
Solo tengo consonantes en mis cuerdas vocales
I only have consonants in my vocal cords
Tu me odias porque quieres estar en mi lugar,
You hate me because you want to be in my place,
Entonces aun no me odias tanto porque yo me odio mas
So you don't hate me that much yet because I hate myself more
Siendo leso no hay mucho que decir
Being hurt, there's not much to say
Tu quieres sobresalir, y yo me quiero salir
You want to excel, and I want to get out
Yo no te quiero afligir, pero te debes pulir
I don't want to hurt you, but you must polish
Repetir lo que hacen otros solo te va a hundir
Repeating what others do will only sink you
Te mueres por estar en mi lugar
You are dying to be in my place
Te lo cedo, debo escapar, debo escapar
I give it to you, I must escape, I must escape
No lo habrás de soportar
You won't be able to bear it
Pues como tu habrá mil raperos
Well, like you, there will be a thousand rappers
Debo escapar, debo escapar
I must escape, I must escape
Solo es gente que te usa y te deshecha
It's just people who use you and throw you away
Debo escapar, debo escapar
I must escape, I must escape
Solo así, si no cosecha, solo así consiguen fechas
Only in this way, if it doesn't harvest, only in this way do they get dates
Debo escapar, debo escapar
I must escape, I must escape
La mente esta en blanco? cevla no desesperes
Mind is blank? Cevla, don't despair
Anoche la mente papeles, en blanco se que no quieres
Last night the mind papers, blank I know you don't want
Asumir quizás que ya no puedes, eso es lo que temes
To assume maybe that you can't anymore, that's what you fear
Es peor que el miedo en los infieles, a que le sean infieles
It's worse than the fear of the unfaithful, that they are unfaithful
Voy a herirte no me escuche, no me hagas buche
I'm going to hurt you, don't listen to me, don't make me stew
No alimentes mi ego, mejor que me abuchee
Don't feed my ego, you better boo me
Brown usted quiere ser el chuche
Brown you wanna be the chuche
Sumare que me aserruche el piso
I will add that I saw the floor off
Póngase a la fila o lucre con los mapuches
Get in line or profit from the Mapuches
No quiero eventos, ni fans, solo quiero desahogarme
I don't want events, no fans, I just want to let off steam
Me cago en ti que me odias, siempre al mirarme
I shit on you who hates me, always looking at me
Yo no soy tu ídolo, tampoco un consejero
I'm not your idol, nor an advisor
Idolatra a los ojos de cleopatra, no a un mc pajero
Idolatrize Cleopatra's eyes, not a jerk MC
Ya no me agradan los raperos, amo al rap
I don't like rappers anymore, I love rap
Pero se lo follan porque aman el dinero
But they fuck it 'cause they love money
Yo soy el juez mas severo
I am the most severe judge
Me condeno a 30 discos y un single, ya casi me libero
I sentence myself to 30 albums and a single, I'm almost free
Te mueres por estar en mi lugar
You are dying to be in my place
Te lo cedo, debo escapar, debo escapar
I give it to you, I must escape, I must escape
No lo habrás de soportar
You won't be able to bear it
Pues como tu habrá mil raperos
Well, like you, there will be a thousand rappers
Debo escapar, debo escapar
I must escape, I must escape
Solo es gente que te usa y te deshecha
It's just people who use you and throw you away
Debo escapar, debo escapar
I must escape, I must escape
Solo así, si no cosecha, solo así consiguen fechas
Only in this way, if it doesn't harvest, only in this way do they get dates
Debo escapar, debo escapar
I must escape, I must escape
No rapeo nada bueno aunque lo haga bien
I don't rap anything good even if I do it well
Me siguen porque estuve de moda en el 2010
They follow me because I was in fashion in 2010
Creen que para mi es un honor que oigan mi rap
They think it's an honor for me that they listen to my rap
No! yo sigo esperando por la misma que olvida el rap to!
No! I'm still waiting for the same one that forgets the whole rap!
He construido mucho punto y me canse
I've built up a lot of ground and I'm tired
Siento cáncer, el rap esta tan cerca
I feel cancer, rap is so close
Y ala vez tan lejos que no siento el avance
And at the same time so far away that I don't feel the progress
La baranda en alto que no le doy alcance
The railing high up that I can't reach
Aunque cuando lo consigue el que es mc sabrá que me refiero
Although when the one who is an MC gets it he will know that I am referring
No hay orgasmo mas placentero
There is no more pleasurable orgasm
Es una sensación indescriptible
It's an indescribable feeling
Atrapado' en una base es cuando me siento mas libre
Trapped in a base is when I feel most free
Pero el tiempo es el enemigo
But time is the enemy
Y grita fuerte por las noches
And screams loudly at night
Cuando dañas se estira y cuando hace falta se encoje
When you damage it stretches and when it is needed it shrinks
Millones de resabios de tristezas antiguas
Millions of vestiges of ancient sadness
Y en el papel 30 años me deprime mi waa
And on paper 30 years old my waa depresses me
Te mueres por estar en mi lugar
You are dying to be in my place
Te lo cedo, debo escapar, debo escapar
I give it to you, I must escape, I must escape
No lo habrás de soportar
You won't be able to bear it
Pues como tu habrá mil raperos
Well, like you, there will be a thousand rappers
Debo escapar, debo escapar
I must escape, I must escape
Solo es gente que te usa y te deshecha
It's just people who use you and throw you away
Debo escapar, debo escapar
I must escape, I must escape
Solo así, si no cosecha, solo así consiguen fechas
Only in this way, if it doesn't harvest, only in this way do they get dates
Debo escapar, debo escapar
I must escape, I must escape
Yo no respeto al rapero si cambia micro por pandero
I don't respect the rapper if he changes the mic for a tambourine

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