Ceza - Buz Dağları - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ceza - Buz Dağları

Buz Dağları
Faydalan yalan dolanla kandıransan
If you take advantage, deceiving with lies,
Buz dağlarında mahsur kaldı insan
Humanity is stranded on icebergs,
Sen yalan son anda kurtulursun ‘al' san
You falsely believe you'll escape at the last moment,
Yürekte körelir eğer kalpazan misali dostsan
The heart goes blind if you're a friend like a counterfeiter.
Tokken kimse gelmez akla
When you're full, no one comes to mind,
Paranı sakla kimisi takmış aklını Mona Lisa
Hide your money, some are obsessed with Mona Lisa,
Şimdi bak yaşlı gözle.
Now look with aged eyes,
Hayal mi pizza?
Is pizza a dream?
Hayatı karartmaya yeter sadece bir imza
Just one signature is enough to darken life,
Problemler sanki egzama gibi büyür ve yayılır topluma
Problems grow like eczema and spread to society,
Darılır insan oğlu bayılır.
Man gets offended and faints,
Dağıtılır koyun gibi
Distributed like sheep,
Sayılır insan ama çok geç ayılır.
Humans are counted, but they wake up too late.
Bölünür ikiye ayrılır. dikkat et! yo!
Divided in two, be careful! Yo!
Kimine sefkat 3 boyutlu
For some, compassion is 3-dimensional,
Kimine gösteriş nasip olur
For others, showing off is their fate,
Kiminin parasi boldur ama boynuzları da öyle
Some have plenty of money, but so do their horns,
Kimisi domuzun eline vererek kazanacak bu dostluğu
Some will win this friendship by giving it to the pig's hand,
Kimisi şehire gömülecek bu kalabalığa
Some will be buried in the city, in this crowd.
Faydalan yalan dolanla kandıransan
If you take advantage, deceiving with lies,
Buz dağlarında mahsur kaldı insan
Humanity is stranded on icebergs,
Sen yalan son anda kurtulursun ‘al' san
You falsely believe you'll escape at the last moment,
Yürekte körelir eğer kalpazan misali dostsan
The heart goes blind if you're a friend like a counterfeiter.
Faydalan yalan dolanla kandıransan
If you take advantage, deceiving with lies,
Buz dağlarında mahsur kaldı insan
Humanity is stranded on icebergs,
Sen yalan son anda kurtulursun ‘al' san
You falsely believe you'll escape at the last moment,
Yürekte körelir eğer kalpazan misali dostsan
The heart goes blind if you're a friend like a counterfeiter.
Kadere ters baksam.yo dereyim aksam
If I look at fate the wrong way, I'll cross the river in the evening,
yo.Bozuluverir o aksam ve ateşi yaksam
No, that evening will be ruined, and I'll light the fire,
Bir korsan olsam tek gözle ağlasam
If I were a pirate, I would cry with one eye,
FatalRhym! keske tüm kötü gözü dağlasam
FatalRhyme! I wish I could blind all the evil eyes.
Yo! Ben bir lyrikal pandomimci
Yo! I'm a lyrical mime,
O sen pespaye boş bir inci
You're a cheap, empty pearl,
Yo anlama sen gözle bitirici
Yo, you don't understand, you're an eye finisher,
Çok itici var be sende gelme yanıma
You're so repulsive, don't come near me,
Çünkü ben bi bitirici (Ah!)
Because I'm a finisher (Ah!).
Vaadedilen her güzel şeyde
In every promised beautiful thing,
Her özel şeyde doğruluğun payı azaldı.
In every special thing, the share of truth has diminished,
İnsanoglu iyice azdı.
Man has gone mad,
‘ensest ilişki'
'Incestuous relationship',
Hayvana tecavüz ayıbı iyice arttı.
The shame of animal rape has increased,
Köleliği çikartana bir lanet okudu şair
The poet cursed the one who brought out slavery,
Sair örnek verebilirdim ben geçmişe dair
I could have given examples from the past as a poet,
Mazi benzemekte sanki kana bulanmış bahir
The past is like a bay stained with blood,
Zaman ne getirecektir acaba söyleyin bu ahir
Tell me, what will time bring in this end?
Silah üreten emekli profesör
A retired professor who produces weapons,
İnsanligi seyrederken emekli maaşını
While watching humanity, with his retirement salary,
Rahatça yer mi?
Does he eat comfortably?
Atilan her mermi yazılıyor günah kitabına
Every bullet fired is written in the book of sins,
Söyle alim insan sence bunlara deger mi?
Tell me, wise man, do you think this is worth it?
Faydalan yalan dolanla kandıransan
If you take advantage, deceiving with lies,
Buz dağlarında mahsur kaldı insan
Humanity is stranded on icebergs,
Sen yalan son anda kurtulursun ‘al' san
You falsely believe you'll escape at the last moment,
Yürekte körelir eğer kalpazan misali dostsan
The heart goes blind if you're a friend like a counterfeiter.
Faydalan yalan dolanla kandıransan
If you take advantage, deceiving with lies,
Buz dağlarında mahsur kaldı insan
Humanity is stranded on icebergs,
Sen yalan son anda kurtulursun ‘al' san
You falsely believe you'll escape at the last moment,
Yürekte körelir eğer kalpazan misali dostsan
The heart goes blind if you're a friend like a counterfeiter.
Genelde görülen herşey sahtedir
Everything seen is usually fake,
Sanma kahvedir 40 yil hatırı olan
Don't think it's coffee with 40 years of memory,
Ancak içi zehir dolu
But it's full of poison inside,
Post duvarda asılı kaldı
The fur remained hanging on the wall,
canını aldı avcı
The hunter took its life,
Gün geçti arttı sancı azalmadı.
Days passed, the pain increased, it didn't decrease,
Zengininde fakirinde gerçek dostu yoktur
Neither the rich nor the poor have true friends,
Varsa da çok azdır
If there are, they are very few,
Pay edilen her parsada bir göz vardır
There is an eye on every plot shared,
Yaşam kimine göre bir pazardır
Life is a market for some,
Ancak kimine göre hileli bir zardır
But for others, it's a rigged dice.
Faydalan köpek misali havlayansan
If you take advantage, barking like a dog,
Buz dağlarinda aklim eridi
My mind melted on the icebergs,
İnsan sen yalan dolanla ısınırsın
You warm yourself with lies and deceit,
Aslan ve bende lanet okurum işte
And I curse you as a lion,
‘Cehennemde yansan!'
'May you burn in hell!'
Faydalan yalan dolanla kandıransan
If you take advantage, deceiving with lies,
Buz dağlarında mahsur kaldı insan
Humanity is stranded on icebergs,
Sen yalan son anda kurtulursun ‘al' san
You falsely believe you'll escape at the last moment,
Yürekte körelir eğer kalpazan misali dostsan
The heart goes blind if you're a friend like a counterfeiter.
Faydalan yalan dolanla kandıransan
If you take advantage, deceiving with lies,
Buz dağlarında mahsur kaldı insan
Humanity is stranded on icebergs,
Sen yalan son anda kurtulursun ‘al' san
You falsely believe you'll escape at the last moment,
Yürekte körelir eğer kalpazan misali dostsan
The heart goes blind if you're a friend like a counterfeiter.
Faydalan yalan dolanla kandıransan
If you take advantage, deceiving with lies,
Buz dağlarında mahsur kaldı insan
Humanity is stranded on icebergs,
Sen yalan son anda kurtulursun ‘al' san
You falsely believe you'll escape at the last moment,
Yürekte körelir eğer kalpazan misali dostsan
The heart goes blind if you're a friend like a counterfeiter.

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