Ceza - Ceza Sahası - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ceza - Ceza Sahası

Ceza Sahası
Ceza's Field
Göz gözü görmüyor hep pus
Can't see a thing, it's all haze
Takipteler ses etme sus
They're watching, keep quiet, don't make a sound
Bir vakit donmuştu beynim
My brain froze for a moment
Düzlükteyken bitmiş seyrim
My vision ended while on flat ground
Göz gözü görmüyor hep pus
Can't see a thing, it's all haze
Takipteler ses etme sus
They're watching, keep quiet, don't make a sound
Durma git enerjini kus
Don't stop, go, unleash your energy
Zaten çok soğuk etraf buz
It's already so cold, the surroundings are ice
Hiç yalan der misin a ah
Would you ever lie, ah ah
Pek dert dinler misin a ah
Would you really listen to troubles, ah ah
Ya bayat yer misin a ah
Would you eat stale food, ah ah
İnsan seçer misin a ah
Do you choose people, ah ah
Dikkatli izlersen anlarsın haklı megatron
If you watch closely, you'll understand, Megatron is right
Bende ghillie kevlar-mythril, sende sade bir kat krom
I have ghillie, kevlar-mythril, you just have a layer of chrome
Zaten tekim, çıplak gezsem n'olur, her gün dekatlon
I'm already alone, what's it matter if I walk naked, every day is a decathlon
Hep dikenli tel etrafımda, kendi kendimeyim her gün sor bir
Barbed wire all around me, I'm by myself every day, just ask
Hep diken diken gel bir gör
Always on edge, come and see
Tıkandı kaldı bak her bir form
Every form is stuck and stagnant
Kırıntıların arasında kaldım, adı konsun artık
I'm left among the crumbs, let the name be known now
Hadi konsomatrisim ol, her sokakta beni bulmak zor
Come on, be my hostess, it's hard to find me on every street
Sıkılanlardan mısın ya da ıkınanlardan mısın?
Are you one of those who are bored or one of those who strain?
Kulağına dandik müzik takılanlardansın
You're one of those who listen to crappy music
Ama kusura bakma yapılacak hiçbir şey yok
But sorry, there's nothing to be done
Hızlı söyleyen ben değilim yavaş dinleyen sizlersiniz hep
It's not me who speaks fast, it's you who listen slow, always
Yavaş söylesem anlayacakmış gibi konuşuyor, şuna baksana kek
Talking like you'd understand if I spoke slowly, look at this cake
Altına bez, al sana test, iki kere iki ceza eder net
Diaper underneath, here's a test, two times two equals Ceza, clear
Birikiminiz ile bir bardak bile dolmaz, öğrenebildin mi veled?
Your knowledge wouldn't even fill a glass, did you learn, kid?
Rap harekettir ve de politiktir
Rap is movement and it's political
Bunu hazmedemiyor isen hassiktir
If you can't digest this, then screw you
Duvarda hit-list, çoğunuz misfit
Hit-list on the wall, most of you are misfits
Karalarım her yeri sen gene hit this
I blacken everywhere, you hit this again
Bilmiyorsan sus, yaralara tuz bas, karalara ayak ile herkese
If you don't know, shut up, rub salt on wounds, step on everyone with your feet
Kumpas kur bak, uzaktan head shot. zaten
Set a trap, look, head shot from afar, anyway
Göz gözü görmüyor hep pus
Can't see a thing, it's all haze
Takipteler ses etme sus
They're watching, keep quiet, don't make a sound
Bir vakit donmuştu beynim
My brain froze for a moment
Düzlükteyken bitmiş seyrim
My vision ended while on flat ground
Göz gözü görmüyor hep pus
Can't see a thing, it's all haze
Takipteler ses etme sus
They're watching, keep quiet, don't make a sound
Durma git enerjini kus
Don't stop, go, unleash your energy
Zaten çok soğuk etraf buz
It's already so cold, the surroundings are ice
Hiç yalan der misin a ah
Would you ever lie, ah ah
Pek dert dinler misin a ah
Would you really listen to troubles, ah ah
Ya bayat yer misin a ah
Would you eat stale food, ah ah
İnsan seçer misin a ah
Do you choose people, ah ah
Mic mic mic mikrofon ve ben kayboldum
Mic mic mic microphone and I'm lost
Gördüğüm rüya hayrolsun
May the dream I saw be a good omen
Ben kapitan bak sapıtan çok
I'm the captain, look, there are many who are delirious
Kov kapıdan, pencereden sok
Kick them out the door, let them in through the window
Sen çatapat ben topatan
You're a firecracker, I'm a cannon
Kalk gidelim benzini koy boy
Let's get up and go, fill up the gas, boy
Bide sohbeti kes, kalk hadi kovboy
And cut the talk, get up, come on cowboy
Seni sevmedi rap, yetmedi goy goy
Rap didn't love you, goy goy wasn't enough
Ara elemanlar yönetir kimi kara kara elementler türemiş
Middlemen manage some, dark elements have emerged
Yeni kafa kara elemanlar güder hepinizi
New head, black employees will herd you all
Yola barikatlar, yeni setler, yeni barajlar ve yeni sesler
Roadblocks, new sets, new dams and new sounds
Yeni karakter ve yeni tipler, yeni taraftar ve yeni beatler
New characters and new types, new fans and new beats
Geri dönüş yok bu bizi kitler, napacaz şimdi bilmem
There's no turning back, this traps us, I don't know what we'll do now
Durun durum bekleyin, geldim işte buradayım merak etmeyin
Wait, wait, I'm here, don't worry
Perakende rapleriyle benle uğraşanlara öğrettim pandomim
I taught pantomime to those who mess with me with their retail raps
Herkes bıkmış kısmen bakın, sol kanattan hiç bitmez akın
Everyone is partially fed up, look, the attacks from the left wing never end
Akşama yangın, ateşleri yakın ama dikkat edin de yanmayın sakın
Fire in the evening, light the fires, but be careful not to get burned
Bak bu tarz benim, patlatır derin, çağ atlatır ve katlarım rapi
Look, this style is mine, it explodes deep, it transcends eras and I multiply rap
Çıkarsam bir yola dönmem hiç geri
If I set out on a path, I never turn back
Bu gerilim hep benim, hem de tertemiz
This tension is always mine, and it's spotless
Yanlışı bırak hadi doğruya tap, sana saniye saniye kafiye bak
Leave the wrong, come on, worship the right, look at the rhymes second by second
Bana gelmez buralar karışık, zaten
These places don't suit me, they're complicated, anyway
Göz gözü görmüyor hep pus
Can't see a thing, it's all haze
Takipteler ses etme sus
They're watching, keep quiet, don't make a sound
Bir vakit donmuştu beynim
My brain froze for a moment
Düzlükteyken bitmiş seyrim
My vision ended while on flat ground
Göz gözü görmüyor hep pus
Can't see a thing, it's all haze
Takipteler ses etme sus
They're watching, keep quiet, don't make a sound
Durma git enerjini kus
Don't stop, go, unleash your energy
Zaten çok soğuk etraf buz
It's already so cold, the surroundings are ice
Hiç yalan der misin a ah
Would you ever lie, ah ah
Pek dert dinler misin a ah
Would you really listen to troubles, ah ah
Ya bayat yer misin a ah
Would you eat stale food, ah ah
İnsan seçer misin a ah
Do you choose people, ah ah

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