vakit az yada çok, nakit al cebe sok, para var yada yok, filozof dede korkut'a itekaka sorma kitabı bırak orda,
Time is short or long, cash in your pocket, money or not, don't ask Dede Korkut, the philosopher, leave the book there,
bu tarihe lanet olsun, alakok gibi ol holocausta bi son bana kalsa muson, yağmuru yağsın alevinize sönsün,
Damn this date, be like a phoenix, a holocaust with an end, if it were up to me, monsoon, let the rain fall on your flames and extinguish,
savaşınızın şerefi yok şeref o savaşı çoktan terk etti bok koktu çok. panik atak oldu bu toplumun oğlu ve kızı gelinim ol.
Your war has no honor, honor has long since abandoned that war, it stinks. This society's son and daughter had a panic attack, be my bride.
kızımı satamadım ananı getir kaynana kaynadı işini bitir. nasıl olsa sana karı bol. sonu karakol, kanı donmuş bir karı dul,
I couldn't sell my daughter, bring your mother, mother-in-law boiled over, finish your job. You have plenty of wives anyway. It ends at the police station, a wife with frozen blood, a widow,
mahremiyeti yok mahkemeside mi yok acaba bu işin fişini çekip işini bitirin yeter, cezası bu raple birazcık keder,
There is no privacy, is there no court either, just pull the plug and end this, the punishment is a little bit of grief with this rap,
kimi tezgah açar biri tezgah kurar kimine çamur atar, yada kalpazan olup okutur o paraları,
Some set up shop, some set up traps, some throw mud, or become counterfeiters and make that money read,
kimi rakının dibine vurup önünü göremez, o bir erkek olur. takım elbise onun üniforması yarın herkesin delikanlısı,
Some hit the bottom of the raki and can't see ahead, he becomes a man. A suit is his uniform, tomorrow everyone's tough guy,
körfez kan gölü bunu boşver, röntgen daha ağır basabilir sağduyu yok boşken bile hoşgörü kalmadı,
The gulf is a bloodbath, forget it, x-rays may outweigh common sense, there is no tolerance even when empty,
sen tokken ben tokken, ama çoğumuz açken anadolumuz hoş hep, kara doluyuda def et,
You're full, I'm full, but when most of us are hungry, our Anatolia is always pleasant, bury the black hail too,
hadi zehiri sokma karikatürü bu memleketimin ha, kendi kendimize gülüyoruz acaba neden,
Come on, don't poison the caricature of my country, ha, we laugh at ourselves, I wonder why,
gerilim hat safhalarda, deliren bir toplumdur bence ufuktaki görülen.
Tensions are at their peak, I think the horizon is a society going mad.
feyz al bu gerçek korkma sakın, ürkme, tırsma, geri dönme şans var
Take inspiration from this truth, don't be afraid, don't be scared, don't flinch, there is a chance to turn back
kim özüne dönüp eleştirebilir boşver, hepinize iyi akşamlar.
Whoever can return to their essence and criticize, forget it, good evening to you all.
bana yazdıklarımın anlamını sormayın yazdıklarım benim zaten
Don't ask me the meaning of what I wrote, what I wrote is already me
anlamımı muhafızlarını çek ve mahmuzla vurma gazeteci kuyumu kazma, hiçim ben niçin rapim var bu sizin için,
Withdraw your guards and don't kick me with spurs, journalist, don't dig my well, I am nothing, why do I have rap, this is for you,
vede ahını almam hiçbir, benim için and için rapin saklayın dil uzatanıda biçin ve o buçuk abazanın alemi bitsin.
And I don't take the oath of any p..., for me, for the sake of the oath, keep the rap, cut off the tongue-lashing one and let that half-ass pervert's world end.
bir öpücük işi bitiremesin o dudağına uçuk, onun kulağına küpe vede ayık olur
Let a kiss not finish the job, a cold sore on her lip, an earring on her ear and she'll be sober
açın gözünüzü dik durun, gözü pek onun, kick vurur ben coşarım zafere koşarım, akıbetimi boşverin olun siz emin
Open your eyes, stand tall, she's got guts, she kicks, I get excited, I run to victory, forget about my fate, be sure
victoryi yakın bu ilk turu rapin, tepelerin üzerinde pipi gibi tepin.
Victory is near, this first round of rap, stomp on the hills like a dick.
bak hadi gerimi kelime dağları dolu alma eline silahı, toplum mahvolur mahvet izi farkı varmı marka hepsi farklı.
Look, come on, my back is full of mountains of words, take the weapon in your hand, society will be destroyed, destroy it, is there a difference between brands, they are all different.
farklı babaları kanlı haklı kafaları kolpa, kastı, astı, bastı
Different fathers, bloody, right, their heads are crooked, cast, hung, pressed
masalına inananı bol.kastı beni bu rol, yordu beni bu yol
There are plenty who believe in his tale. This role cast me, this road tired me
olsun varsın ezelden berime kastım, ekşi sözlükte yazıları kansız yapacak kişi yok, emeğinin içine sıçsın,
Let it be, I have been cursed since eternity, there is no one to make the writings on the sour dictionary bloodless, may he shit in his labor,
deli ben olurum akıllı o gidip alsın, koşuyor banane ki lan o geri kalsın.
I will be crazy, let the smart one go and get it, he is running, what do I care, let him stay behind.
besle karga gibi gözünü oysun, bu gece gelip benim son sözümü duysun,
Feed him like a crow, let him gouge out his eye, let him come tonight and hear my last word,
aileme dostuma selamlar olsun beni savaşa soktular koşturdum.
Greetings to my family and friends, they put me in the war, I ran.
feyz al bu gerçek korkma sakın, ürkme, tırsma, geri dönme şans var
Take inspiration from this truth, don't be afraid, don't be scared, don't flinch, there is a chance to turn back
kimi özüne dönüp eleştirebilir boşver, hepinize iyi akşamlar.
Whoever can return to their essence and criticize, forget it, good evening to you all.
kimseye benim için öl demem, belki derim bana bi buse ver
I wouldn't tell anyone to die for me, maybe I would say give me a kiss
ama bu sefer çok kızgınım, ben sakinim ben muteber
But this time I'm very angry, I'm calm, I'm respected
ey riyakar, ey düzenbaz, en hilekar, hadi bi yaklaş, heryerde bir isyan vakası var, her derde bir derman bulunamaz.
Oh hypocrite, oh schemer, most deceitful, come closer, there is a case of rebellion everywhere, there is no cure for every ailment.
sözüm ona feleğini buldu donla kolu koptu ve gemisi battı koptu irtibat, tut itibarı var, put gibi tapar ona, firavun gibi sapar ona,
He supposedly found his fortune, his arm broke with the freezing and his ship sank, the connection was broken, he has credibility, he worships him like an idol, clings to him like a pharaoh,
pis herif hadi bana diss yap, bu ne biçim isyan, bu kocaman istanbulu sana dar edecek olan adamım ben,
Dirty bastard, come on, diss me, what kind of rebellion is this, I'm the man who will make this huge Istanbul too small for you,
bu rapler yürekten gelir sen ise kaç. sen benden bende senden farksız, derken ben senden erken kalktım,
These raps come from the heart, you run away. You're no different from me, I'm no different from you, I said, I got up earlier than you,
bırak benden gelen rap aksın, kalem yazsın sen sus bakiyim hop! kalem elimde arkada yüküm çok,
Let the rap that comes from me flow, let the pen write, you shut up, I see, hop! The pen is in my hand, I have a lot of burden behind me,
kaleme saygıyı gösterebilen yok, yazdım hepsini ve savaşa karşıyım, ama dikkat et evlat, ceza'nın da bir kara listesi var,
There is no one who can show respect to the pen, I wrote them all and I am against war, but be careful son, Ceza also has a blacklist,
mi... gibi yaşayana dar sokaklardan selamlar, kime özüne dönüp eleştirebilir, boşver hepinize iyi akşamlar.
Greetings from the narrow streets to those who live like shit... Whoever can return to their essence and criticize, forget it, good evening to you all.
feyz al bu gerçek korkma sakın, ürkme, tırsma, geri dönme şans var
Take inspiration from this truth, don't be afraid, don't be scared, don't flinch, there is a chance to turn back
kimi özüne dönüp eleştirebilir boşver, hepinize iyi akşamlar.
Whoever can return to their essence and criticize, forget it, good evening to you all.
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