Ceza - Med Cezir - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ceza - Med Cezir

Med Cezir
Ebb and Flow
Şair olmak isteyen bir gezgin
A traveler who yearns to be a poet
Yaşama hevesi kalmamış bir bezgin
A weary soul with no zest for life
Bezirganın önde gideni zengin
The leading merchant, wealthy and grand
Rengi kalmamış ki kiminin engin
While others have lost their color, their vastness unplanned
Denizde lodosa yakalanan bir gemicinin
Like a sailor caught in a storm at sea,
Yaşamı hep çetin, metanetin de sınırı var beyim
Life is harsh, my dear, even patience has its limit, you see
Kimisinin mutluluğu bir resim, kimisininki dört mevsim
For some, happiness is a mere picture, for others, it's all four seasons
Kelebeğin ömrüne bedel bir geleceğin
A future worth the lifespan of a butterfly,
Getirecek hediyesi nedir ki? Bilemedim
What gift does it bring? I couldn't tell, not I
Vay haline elekte elenenin
Woe to the one sifted and left behind
Hayata ağlamaklı başlayan bu insanoğlu gördü geleceği
This human, born into tears, has foreseen his kind
Bir dilim ekmeğin sonunda bedelinin de alınacak olması gibi
Just like the price of a slice of bread will be claimed in the end
Düşünenin, düşenin de dostu olmamış ki batanın olsun
The thinker, the fallen, have no friend, nor does the one who's condemned
Müttefik de belli değil ittifak da, mutlak mücadele kazanmak, zafere koşmak
Neither ally nor alliance is clear, the absolute struggle is to win, to run towards victory my dear
Yenilince ağlamak, yenmek için hile yapmak
To cry in defeat, to cheat for the gain
Her sonuçta pay kapmak dünya kuralı olmuş
Grabbing a share in every outcome, has become the world's game
Taştan bozma kalplerse hep kanla dolmuş
Hearts made of stone are filled with blood's stain
Kanadımı kırdılar uçamadım anne
My wings were broken, I couldn't fly, mother, in vain
Savaşa soktular koşturdum
They threw me into war, I ran the course
Kalbini açamayan herkesin aklına
Into the minds of those who couldn't open their hearts, with force
Eğriyi doğruyu ben soktum
I planted right and wrong, of course
Sonbaharda dökülen yapraktım
I was the leaf that fell in autumn's sway
İlkbaharda geri geldim ben
I returned in spring, come what may
Aileme dostuma selamlar olsun
Greetings to my family and friends I say
Gökkuşağındaki bir rengim ben
I am a color in the rainbow's display
Kanadımı kırdılar uçamadım anne
My wings were broken, I couldn't fly, mother, in vain
Savaşa soktular koşturdum
They threw me into war, I ran the course
Kalbini açamayan herkesin aklına
Into the minds of those who couldn't open their hearts, with force
Eğriyi doğruyu ben soktum
I planted right and wrong, of course
Sonbaharda dökülen yapraktım
I was the leaf that fell in autumn's sway
İlkbaharda geri geldim ben
I returned in spring, come what may
Aileme dostuma selamlar olsun
Greetings to my family and friends I say
Yağmur sonrası güneşim ben
I am the sun after the rain, come what may
Zamanda yolculuk beyinde meşgul edebilir
Time travel may occupy the mind,
Fakat objektif olmaz
But it won't be kind
Zararı yoktur yararı olmadığı gibi
It has no harm, just as it has no gain
Benliğinde kaybedilen her şey
Everything lost within your being
Benliğinde kaybedilen her şey
Everything lost within your being
Hesap masasında olabilir yalnızken
Can only be found at the table of reckoning when you're all alone, my queen
Utanma kalbini, gir topluma
Don't be ashamed, open your heart, join the scene
Göster haydi kendini ve "Buradayim" de!
Show yourself, come on, and say, "I'm here, my queen!"
Savaşı kaybetme, yürüme geriye dönme
Don't lose the fight, don't walk back, don't retreat
Bak ve ileriye ilerle
Look and move forward, complete
Hisset deliğe düşme, dönme deliye
Feel, don't fall into the hole, don't turn into the fool, my sweet
Karaya boyanan adamın boynuna ilmeği de geçiren cellata
To the executioner who puts the noose around the neck of the man painted black
Bi çare lanet, hayalet olana dek
A remedy, a curse, until he becomes a ghost, alack
Beklemek mi gerek acep?
Is waiting necessary, I wonder, in fact?
Çarkı dönmemiş ki feleğin gözünün yaşına baksın
The wheel of fortune hasn't turned to see the tears in my eyes, that's a fact
Gözümün yaşını alsın
May it take the tears from my eyes, intact
Kanımı canımı alsın ancak canımı yakmasın
May it take my blood and my life, but may it not cause me to crack
Azap çeken gönüllere, kül olan tüm kalplere yağmur yağsın
May rain fall on hearts in agony, on all hearts turned to ash, that's a fact
Kalp dağlayan tüm eller kalpleriyle dağlansın
May all hands that break hearts be broken in turn, counteract
Kalp karalayanlar yansın
May those who blacken hearts burn and retract
Kanadımı kırdılar uçamadım anne
My wings were broken, I couldn't fly, mother, in vain
Savaşa soktular koşturdum
They threw me into war, I ran the course
Kalbini açamayan herkesin aklına
Into the minds of those who couldn't open their hearts, with force
Eğriyi doğruyu ben soktum
I planted right and wrong, of course
Sonbaharda dökülen yapraktım
I was the leaf that fell in autumn's sway
İlkbaharda geri geldim ben
I returned in spring, come what may
Aileme dostuma selamlar olsun
Greetings to my family and friends I say
Gökkuşağındaki bir rengim ben
I am a color in the rainbow's display
Kanadımı kırdılar uçamadım anne
My wings were broken, I couldn't fly, mother, in vain
Savaşa soktular koşturdum
They threw me into war, I ran the course
Kalbini açamayan herkesin aklına
Into the minds of those who couldn't open their hearts, with force
Eğriyi doğruyu ben soktum
I planted right and wrong, of course
Sonbaharda dökülen yapraktım
I was the leaf that fell in autumn's sway
İlkbaharda geri geldim ben
I returned in spring, come what may
Aileme dostuma selamlar olsun
Greetings to my family and friends I say
Yağmur sonrası güneşim ben
I am the sun after the rain, come what may
Koşturmak boş durmaktan iyidir
Running is better than standing still, I say
Boş durmak boş koşmaktan yararlı
Standing still is more beneficial than running in vain, come what may
Hoş tutmak gönlü yaş tutmaktan çok zormuş
It's much harder to please a heart than to hold onto age, they say
Yaşlanmak her dökülen yaprağın arkasından ağlamak gibidir
Growing old is like crying after every fallen leaf, day by day
Hayat denen hele emeklilik seçim değildir
Life, especially retirement, is not a choice, it's the way
Kadere bağlıdır yazgıdır
It's bound to fate, it's destiny's sway
Hayat ince bir çizgi, narin bir çalgıdır
Life is a thin line, a delicate instrument, they say
Yüzlerce yıl emek veren insanın
Is the harvest time of a person who has worked for hundreds of years
Hasat zamanı ölü tohumlara mıdır?
For dead seeds, is that what it bears?
Her güne yeni umutlarla açılan gözler
Eyes that open to new hopes every day, with prayers
Yalanlarla ağlatılan gözler
Eyes that are made to cry with lies, in despair
Dolanlarla aldatılan gözler
Eyes that are deceived by tricks, beyond compare
Bir güzel sözle güler
Smile with a kind word, with care
Akıtılan her damla ter yok oluşu engeller
Every drop of sweat shed prevents extinction, I swear
Negatif değillerse art niyetli değillerse
If they're not negative, if they're not ill-intentioned, fair
Eğer bu böyle devam eder
If this continues, if we dare
Dilediğim her şey olmuyor
Not everything I wish for comes true, I declare
Çabalar bazen çok nafile
Efforts are sometimes very futile, I swear
Nargilenin dumanına benzer hayallerim
My dreams are like the smoke of a hookah, in the air
Sadece beni zehirler ve uçup gider
They only poison me and vanish, without a care
Kafileler gibidir insanlar
People are like caravans, everywhere
Bazen seni seyreder giderler
Sometimes they watch you and go, without a care
Herkes kendine paha biçmiş
Everyone has set a price on themselves, rare
Ben de karşılıksız bir çek
And I am a check with no value to spare
Emeklerim dostluktan yana
My efforts are for friendship, to share
Ama olmuyor
But it doesn't happen, I swear
Anneme sordum niçin böyle?
I asked my mother why it's like this, in despair
Ama baktım o da ağlıyor
But I saw that she was crying too, with care
Kanadımı kırdılar uçamadım anne
My wings were broken, I couldn't fly, mother, in vain
Savaşa soktular koşturdum
They threw me into war, I ran the course
Kalbini açamayan herkesin aklına
Into the minds of those who couldn't open their hearts, with force
Eğriyi doğruyu ben soktum
I planted right and wrong, of course
Sonbaharda dökülen yapraktım
I was the leaf that fell in autumn's sway
İlkbaharda geri geldim ben
I returned in spring, come what may
Aileme dostuma selamlar olsun
Greetings to my family and friends I say
Gökkuşağındaki bir rengim ben
I am a color in the rainbow's display
Kanadımı kırdılar uçamadım anne
My wings were broken, I couldn't fly, mother, in vain
Savaşa soktular koşturdum
They threw me into war, I ran the course
Kalbini açamayan herkesin aklına
Into the minds of those who couldn't open their hearts, with force
Eğriyi doğruyu ben soktum
I planted right and wrong, of course
Sonbaharda dökülen yapraktım
I was the leaf that fell in autumn's sway
İlkbaharda geri geldim ben
I returned in spring, come what may
Aileme dostuma selamlar olsun
Greetings to my family and friends I say
Yağmur sonrası güneşim ben
I am the sun after the rain, come what may
Kanadımı kırdılar uçamadım anne
My wings were broken, I couldn't fly, mother, in vain
Savaşa soktular koşturdum
They threw me into war, I ran the course
Kalbini açamayan herkesin aklına
Into the minds of those who couldn't open their hearts, with force
Eğriyi doğruyu ben soktum
I planted right and wrong, of course
Sonbaharda dökülen yapraktım
I was the leaf that fell in autumn's sway
İlkbaharda geri geldim ben
I returned in spring, come what may
Aileme dostuma selamlar olsun
Greetings to my family and friends I say
Gökkuşağındaki bir rengim ben
I am a color in the rainbow's display
Kanadımı kırdılar uçamadım anne
My wings were broken, I couldn't fly, mother, in vain
Savaşa soktular koşturdum
They threw me into war, I ran the course
Kalbini açamayan herkesin aklına
Into the minds of those who couldn't open their hearts, with force
Eğriyi doğruyu ben soktum
I planted right and wrong, of course
Sonbaharda dökülen yapraktım
I was the leaf that fell in autumn's sway
İlkbaharda geri geldim ben
I returned in spring, come what may
Aileme dostuma selamlar ...
Greetings to my family and friends I say...

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