Ceza - Şaşkın Oğlan - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ceza - Şaşkın Oğlan

Şaşkın Oğlan
Confused Boy
Gel birde burada oyna haspam
Come and play here, buddy
Mama yer gibi ye þunu olma aslan
Eat this up like baby food, don't be a lion
Beni yer ama yüzüme doðru þahlan
You can eat me, but don't roar in my face
Beni býrak önüne bak þaþkýn oðlan
Leave me alone and look ahead, confused boy
Gel birde burada oyna haspam
Come and play here, buddy
Mama yer gibi ye þunu olma aslan
Eat this up like baby food, don't be a lion
Beni yer ama yüzüme doðru þahlan
You can eat me, but don't roar in my face
Beni býrak önüne bak þaþkýn oðlan
Leave me alone and look ahead, confused boy
Tipine bir çeki düzen ver, özenme, cebine para koy aman sakýn kimseye verme aman, babanda metroseksüel, tamamda koçum ne iþsin ben anlamam, harekete geç hadi kalk biraz, yüzüme bakýp gülme lan, laf anlatýrken saz çalar, kafanda bin bir çeþit, beyim çözmüþ her þeyi ki o kadar emin, hele ki birde bunu sen avda gör, kýzlarýn peþinde kul köle gibi bu senyör, velakin aklý bir karýþ havada, biraz likör içince kendine gelir o nankör, þaþkýn oðlan, þaþkýn ördek, siniri kendine herkesin bu gerçek ve gazla þiþtiysen hemen ineceksin, herkesin bir açýðý var ve bunu bil
Fix your appearance, don't bother, put some money in your pocket, and don't give it to anyone, your dad is metrosexual, alright mate, what's your deal, I don't understand, get moving, get up a little, don't laugh looking at my face, the saz plays while talking, a thousand and one things in your head, sir has figured everything out, he's so sure, especially see him on the hunt, like a slave after girls, this señor, but his mind is a little in the air, he comes to himself after drinking some liqueur, that ungrateful one, confused boy, confused duck, angry at himself, this is real for everyone, and if you're high on gas, you'll come down immediately, everyone has a flaw, and know this
Gel birde burada oyna haspam
Come and play here, buddy
Mama yer gibi ye þunu olma aslan
Eat this up like baby food, don't be a lion
Beni yer ama yüzüme doðru þahlan
You can eat me, but don't roar in my face
Beni býrak önüne bak þaþkýn oðlan
Leave me alone and look ahead, confused boy
Gel birde burada oyna haspam
Come and play here, buddy
Mama yer gibi ye þunu olma aslan
Eat this up like baby food, don't be a lion
Beni yer ama yüzüme doðru þahlan
You can eat me, but don't roar in my face
Beni býrak önüne bak þaþkýn oðlan
Leave me alone and look ahead, confused boy
Þaþý bakan þaþýrýr þaþkýn oðlana, kötü bakan kaþýnýr yok ki, boðulana kadar konuþur ama yok ki sonu, ona elini veren kolunu kaptýrýr çok derse azdýr az derse yoktur yok derse vardýr, ne konuþsa kardýr, hiç susmaz kendisi ukaladýr, eðer susarsa bir bildiði vardýr
The confused one is confused by the confused boy, the one who looks bad gets itchy, he talks until he drowns but there is no end, whoever gives him his hand loses his arm, if he says too much it's less, if he says less it's none, if he says none it's there, whatever he says is profit, he never shuts up, he's a smart aleck, if he shuts up, he knows something
Yaran varsa gocun ukala çocuk, burasý bize de dar hadi ikile, iþin gücün yok senin, kendine gösterdiðin özeni herkese göstermektir irfan, bir sen mi varsýn akýllý bir sen mi kaldýn, ne istediðin belli nede yaptýðýn, kararsýz kalmýþsýn bir baþýna ve yalnýzsýn, yönün kaymýþ ve dümeni de kýrmýþsýn, elindeki son kaðýt, iþine yaramaz at, birazcýk kendin ol havaný söndür hadi kalmaz geçe bu tren kalkar, erkenden kalkmazsan eðer sende git yat uyu boþ ver, en iyisi kafana göre takýl zaman tam, gene sabahý bekleme zaten zaman tan, bugüne kadar geçirdiðin tüm zaman ham, paketi saðlam, þaþkýn oðlan
If you have a wound, be shy, arrogant boy, this place is too small for us too, come on get out of here, you have no work, showing everyone the care you show yourself is irfan, are you the only smart one left, what you want is not clear, nor what you do, you are indecisive and alone, you have lost your direction and broken the rudder, the last card in your hand, it's useless, throw it away, be yourself a little, put out your air, come on, this train will leave, if you don't get up early, you go to sleep too, forget it, it's best to hang out as you like, the time is right, don't wait for the morning again, the time is right anyway, all the time you've spent so far is raw, the package is solid, confused boy
Gel birde burada oyna haspam
Come and play here, buddy
Mama yer gibi ye þunu olma aslan
Eat this up like baby food, don't be a lion
Beni yer ama yüzüme doðru þahlan
You can eat me, but don't roar in my face
Beni býrak önüne bak þaþkýn oðlan
Leave me alone and look ahead, confused boy
Gel birde burada oyna haspam
Come and play here, buddy
Mama yer gibi ye þunu olma aslan
Eat this up like baby food, don't be a lion
Beni yer ama yüzüme doðru þahlan
You can eat me, but don't roar in my face
Beni býrak önüne bak þaþkýn oðlan
Leave me alone and look ahead, confused boy
Yaþýný sorsan hatýrlamaz ama iki katý görmüþ geçirmiþ, o feleðin çemberinden geçmiþ, biz giderken o tipler dönermiþ, her ortama ayak uydurabilir her konuya bir fikir beyan eder, mükemmel giyinir kalender bilinir o seyyah gezinir ferman edebilir, tam bir maskulen metroseksüel takýlýr delikanlýlýðýn kitabýný yazan adam, felsefik her cümle karmaþýk, her iþin üstesinden gelir, karmakarýþýk, tabi ki çok bilir muhabbete girilir, kompleksleriyle belki baþ edilir lafa turp sýkar her zaman kimisi sinsidir kimisi adamý katil edebilir
If you ask his age, he doesn't remember, but he's seen and experienced twice as much, he's gone through the circle of fate, those guys were turning while we were going, he can adapt to any environment, he can express an opinion on any subject, he dresses perfectly, he is known as a dervish, he travels as a seyyah, he can issue a decree, a complete masculine metrosexual hanging out, the man who wrote the book of being a young man, every sentence is philosophical, complex, he can handle everything, mixed up, of course he knows a lot, you can get into conversation, maybe his complexes can be dealt with, he always exaggerates, some are insidious, some can kill a man
Gel birde burada oyna haspam
Come and play here, buddy
Mama yer gibi ye þunu olma aslan
Eat this up like baby food, don't be a lion
Beni yer ama yüzüme doðru þahlan
You can eat me, but don't roar in my face
Beni býrak önüne bak þaþkýn oðlan
Leave me alone and look ahead, confused boy
Gel birde burada oyna haspam
Come and play here, buddy
Mama yer gibi ye þunu olma aslan
Eat this up like baby food, don't be a lion
Beni yer ama yüzüme doðru þahlan
You can eat me, but don't roar in my face
Beni býrak önüne bak þaþkýn oðlan
Leave me alone and look ahead, confused boy

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