CHANGMO - Bling! - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни CHANGMO - Bling!

올해 성공해버리게 됐어
This year I've become successful
그게 손목을 무겁게 했어
Which has made my wrist heavy
시계와 바흐의 바로크의 조합
A combination of a watch and Bach's baroque
나처럼 차가워, 피눈물도 없이 벌어
Cold like me, earning money without any tears
bling 손목이 bling
Oh bling bling
시계 다이아
Ten diamonds on my watch
기스 날까 차고 피아노 못해
Can't play the piano because I'm afraid to scratch it
Oh cheers cheers
외쳐 illionaire ambition
Shout out the illionaire ambition
사장님에 싸바싸바 훅에 넣어볼게
I'll try to slip it into the president's pocket
1 life 2 live 1 life 2 live
1 life 2 live 1 life 2 live
내가 내는 빛은 뚫어버려 오존
The light I emit pierces the ozone
신라 금관처럼 노랠 보존
Preserve my song like the Silla gold crown
bling! Everything
Oh bling! Everything
비닐 집에서 서울
From a vinyl house to a Seoul house
이제 왕자에서 king, bling
Now from a prince to a king, bling
모짜르트 왔어
Hey Mozart's here
허연 모짜르튼 갔어
Hey the smoky Mozart has gone
사임 마오쩌둥 벤자민 모짜르튼
Hey I've used up all the Mao Zedong Benjamin Mozart
돈, 곡, 바지 째진 모짜르튼
Money, songs, pants pockets, that Mozart is dazzling
리얼 재능 있나? 1년 동안
Do you have real talent? For a whole year
힘을 주니 삶이 변하더라 얘들아
Once you give them strength, their lives change, guys
꽤나 신기했어 친구들이 적이 되어
It was pretty strange, my friends became enemies
소곤대니 ′하일 히드라'
Whispering 'hail hydra'
출신이나 돈이 상관없는
Birth or money doesn't matter
바로 이쁜 음악의 매력이더라
That's the very charm of beautiful music
신경전은 이젠 유치하지 너를
The war of nerves is childish now, darling
보고 싶어 새꺄 어서 위로
I want to see you again, come up here quickly
Gentle gentle gentleman like
Gentle gentle gentleman like
King′s man yeah 그게 나의 wannabe 왜냐
King's man yeah that's my wannabe because
8학군 애들이 여기 덕소 놈이 되고
Kids from the 8th school district want to be that guy from Deokso
싶은 거랑 같은 이치인 같애 임마 이해가?
It's the same reason, can you understand?
팔리긴 쉽지,
It's easy to sell well,
Louie V가 되진 못해 루이 까또즈가
But Louie V can't become Louis Vuitton, Louis Katoz
Oscar Wilde는 요술 같은 아름다움을 원해,
Oscar Wilde wants magical beauty,
옆엔 168 여자버전 더글라스
Next to him is the female version of Douglas, 168
Rolex i got it 2악장 Maserati
Rolex i got it, 2nd movement Maserati
이건희도 사지 재능, i got it
Even Lee Kun-hee can't buy my talent, i got it
태양이 누구 때문에
Who is the sun, because of whose light
빛이 나니 지가 내지 이렇게 bling
He shines, so I'm here like this, bling
B bling yeah yeah
B bling yeah yeah
bling 손목이 bling
Oh bling bling
시계 다이아
Ten diamonds on my watch
기스 날까 차고 피아노 못해
Can't play the piano because I'm afraid to scratch it
Oh cheers cheers
외쳐 illionaire ambition
Shout out the illionaire ambition
사장님에 싸바싸바 훅에 넣어볼게
I'll try to slip it into the president's pocket
1 life 2 live 1 life 2 live
1 life 2 live 1 life 2 live
내가 내는 빛은 뚫어버려 오존
The light I emit pierces the ozone
신라 금관처럼 노랠 보존
Preserve my song like the Silla gold crown
bling! Everything
Oh bling! Everything
비닐 집에서 서울
From a vinyl house to a Seoul house
이제 왕자에서 king, bling
Now from a prince to a king, bling
벌어 벌었네
I made money, I made money
걸음 fashion 쩔음 여자 꼬셔대
Trying new shoes, fashion swagger, chasing girls
Hater는 떫음 감처럼 걔넨 걸어 claim
Haters are bitter, they claim they're making moves
Auto tune에서 숨소리까지 fuck it man
Fuck it man, even my breathing is autotuned
굴비 같은 rollie, man i need gold chains
Rollie like a piglet, man i need gold chains
그게 좋은 조합, 간지에 대핸 폐인
It's a good combination, full of swag, a cannabis addict
No pain no gain, no pay no rhyme
No pain no gain, no pay no rhyme
레터링 예정, 신체 발모 수지 fuck
I'm going to get a lettering tattoo, fuck the hair removal cream
알다시피 나의 시계 bling
As you know, my watch is bling
화보 촬영한 잡지도 bling
The magazine I did the photoshoot for is also bling
사장님들 bling 상사도 bling
The presidents are bling, the empty bosses are also bling
신입 동기들도 bling bling clean
The new employees are also bling bling clean
사훈은 bling 여자들도 bling
Sahoon is bling, the girls are also bling
피부를 가꾸는 이쁜이
A pretty face who takes care of her skin
나도 애기얼굴이라 bling bling한
I also have a baby face, so I need to bling
피부는 필수, 줄여
Skin is essential, let's reduce it
내는 중이야 bling한 cigarette
I'm smoking this bling cigarette
Fuckin' young, wild
Fuckin' young, wild
지금이 bling 하기
It's bling now
좋은 나이 핑크빛 bling한
A good age, I share pink bling
사랑을 나누는 중이지 bling한
Love is bling
장신구 지닌 채, 이건 실크빛
This accessory in my hand, it's silky
지금 내면 아마 bling한
If I bleed now, it's probably bling
시냇물이 흐르듯 쫘르륵
Like a stream of water flowing, swish
흐를 것만 같애 motherfucker
It seems like it's going to flow, motherfucker
머리엔 bling만 차서 어떡해?
My head is full of bling, what should I do?
엄마 야단쳐 나한테
Oh mom's scolding me again
bling 손목이 bling
Oh bling bling
시계 다이아
Ten diamonds on my watch
기스 날까 차고 피아노 못해
Can't play the piano because I'm afraid to scratch it
Oh cheers cheers
외쳐 illionaire ambition
Shout out the illionaire ambition
사장님에 싸바싸바 훅에 넣어볼게
I'll try to slip it into the president's pocket
1 life 2 live 1 life 2 live
1 life 2 live 1 life 2 live
내가 내는 빛은 뚫어버려 오존
The light I emit pierces the ozone
신라 금관처럼 노랠 보존
Preserve my song like the Silla gold crown
bling! Everything
Oh bling! Everything
비닐 집에서 서울
From a vinyl house to a Seoul house
이제 왕자에서 king, bling
Now from a prince to a king, bling

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