Charanga Habanera - Timba Con Mona - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Charanga Habanera - Timba Con Mona

Timba Con Mona
Timba Con Mona
David: Oye primo, un, dos, un, dos, tres, ah
David: Hey cousin, one, two, one, two, three, ah
Aned: Ah ja, eso no para
Aned: Ah ja, this doesn't stop
Eso pa que baile desde ahora hasta mañana
This is for you to dance from now until tomorrow
Así que listen to me yo porque esto dice así
So listen to me yo because this is how it goes
Coro: Manos pa rriba la gente e la moña
Chorus: Hands up the people e la moña
Aned: Manos pa rriba así
Aned: Hands up like this
Coro: Manos pa rriba la gente e la moña
Chorus: Hands up the people e la moña
Aned: Sube las manos así
Aned: Raise your hands like this
Coro: Y una bulla la gente e la moña
Chorus: And make some noise, the people e la moña
Esto es timba con moña
This is timba con moña
Aned: Repeat yo
Aned: Repeat yo
Coro: Manos pa rriba la gente e la moña
Chorus: Hands up the people e la moña
Aned: C mon manos pa rriba así
Aned: C'mon hands up like this
Coro: Manos pa rriba la gente e la moña
Chorus: Hands up the people e la moña
Aned: Sube las manos así
Aned: Raise your hands like this
Coro: Y una bulla la gente e la moña
Chorus: And make some noise the people e la moña
Esto es timba con moña
This is timba con moña
Aned: Let s go dancin
Aned: Let's go dancing
Coro: yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo
Chorus: yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo
Aned: Baila, goza
Aned: Dance, enjoy
Coro: Mami si no me quieres yo voy a gritar
Chorus: Mami if you don't love me, I'm going to shout
Que malas son las mujeres
How bad women are
Mami si no me quieres
Mami if you don't love me
Aned: Ay mami pero que mala eres
Aned: Ay mami, but how bad you are
Coro: Mami si no me quieres yo voy a gritar
Chorus: Mami, if you don't love me I'm going to shout
Que malas son las mujeres
How bad women are
Mami si no me quieres
Mami if you don't love me
Aned: Ay porque así no se puede
Aned: Ay, because it can't be like this
Aned: Dime que te pasa mami
Aned: Tell me what's wrong, mami
Confiesa lo que sucede
Confess what's happening
Tanto tiempo disfrutamos de este amor
We enjoyed this love for so long
Y mira con lo que me vienes
And look what you're coming at me with
Yo te le dado todo, ay todo lo que tienes
I've given you everything, ay everything you have
Pero cámbiame esa carita baby
But change that little face baby
Porque esto que está pasando me duele
Because what's happening hurts me
Coro: Mami si no me quieres yo voy a gritar
Chorus: Mami, if you don't love me I'm going to shout
Aned: oh no
Aned: oh no
Coro: Qué malas son las mujeres
Chorus: How bad women are
Aned: Yes, yes
Coro: Mami si no me quieres
Chorus: Mami, if you don't love me
Aned: Yo no te quiero si no me quieres
Aned: I don't love you if you don't love me
Coro: Mami si no me quieres yo voy a gritar
Chorus: Mami, if you don't love me I'm going to shout
Aned: No
Aned: No
Coro: Qué malas son las mujeres
Chorus: How bad women are
Mami si no me quieres
Mami, if you don't love me
Aned: Nena conmigo no juegues
Aned: Baby don't play with me
Aned: Ven, dame una oportunida y verás
Aned: Come on, give me a chance and you'll see
Que perdonar si se ama se puede
That forgiveness is possible if you love
A Varadero de luna e miel si eso es lo que quieres
To Varadero of moonlight and honey if that's what you want
Aned&?: Yo voy a darte todito sí,
Aned&?: I'll give you everything, yes, yes
Aned: Tremendo papi tienes
Aned: You have something tremendous, papi
Qué no se entere David mama
Just don't let David find out, mama
Pa que esa bola no ruede, que...
So that this ball doesn't roll, that...
Coro: Mami si no me quieres yo voy a gritar
Chorus: Mami, if you don't love me I'm going to shout
Qué malas son las mujeres
How bad women are
Mami si no me quieres
Mami, if you don't love me
Aned: Blame it on the rain, yeah yeah
Aned: Blame it on the rain, yeah yeah
Coro: Mami si no me quieres yo voy a gritar
Chorus: Mami, if you don't love me I'm going to shout
Qué malas son las mujeres
How bad women are
Mami si no me quieres
Mami, if you don't love me
Aned: Ay cómo duele
Aned: Ay, how it hurts
Aned: Cuando esa mulata camina hasta la tierra se mueve
Aned: When that mulatta walks, even the earth moves
Es un espectáculo que a todo el mundo entretiene
It's a show that entertains everyone
¡Ay Dios! ¿que va pasar le
Oh God! What's going to happen to
A mi corazón que por ella se muere?
My heart that's dying for her?
Las mujeres, las mujeres
Women, women
Coro: Qué malas son cuando quieren
Chorus: How bad they are when they want to be
Aned: Ay todo el mundo preparado
Aned: Ay, everybody get ready
Sal de la cueva cubano
Get out of the cave, Cuban
Sube conmigo las manos
Raise your hands with me
Coro: Manos pa rriba la gente e la moña
Chorus: Hands up the people e la moña
Aned: Manos pa rriba así
Aned: Hands up like this
Coro: Manos pa rriba la gente e la moña
Chorus: Hands up the people e la moña
Aned: Sube las manos así
Aned: Raise your hands like this
Coro: Y una bulla la gente e la moña
Chorus: And make some noise, the people e la moña
Esto es timba con moña
This is timba con moña
Aned: Fine, repeat yo
Aned: Fine, repeat yo
Coro: Manos pa rriba la gente e la moña
Chorus: Hands up the people e la moña
Aned: C mon manos pa rriba así
Aned: C'mon hands up like this
Coro: Manos pa rriba la gente e la moña
Chorus: Hands up the people e la moña
Aned: Sube las manos así
Aned: Raise your hands like this
Coro: Y una bulla la gente e la moña
Chorus: And make some noise, the people e la moña
Esto es timba con moña
This is timba con moña
Aned: Uh huh, I wanna make you dance
Aned: Uh huh, I wanna make you dance
Say what
Say what
Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo
Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo
no te desesperes
Don't you get desperate
Mira muchachita yo se que esas cosas duelen
Look little girl, I know those things hurt
They hurt
Que tu vas a hacer si así son todas las mujeres
What are you going to do if that's how all women are
Que dicen que te aman que te adoran que te quieren
Who say they love you, adore you, want you
Quieren, quieren
They want you, they want you
no te preocupe que de amor nadie se muere
Don't you worry, nobody dies of love
Y se que a ti te gusta, se que te entretiene
And I know you like it, I know it entertains you
Tiene, tiene
It has, it has
Llévala a pasear si es lo que quiere
Take her for a walk if that's what she wants
Quiere, quiere
She wants, she wants
Esa muchachita lo que tiene es lo que tiene
That little girl has what she has
Si te quiere muere
If she wants you, she'll die
Coro: Y ahora grita que me quieres
Chorus: Now shout that you love me
Aned: Que me amor por ti se muere
Aned: That my love for you is dying
Coro: Si eso es lo que te conviene
Chorus: If that's what's good for you
Aned: Ay ven, muestra me que eres la que eres
Aned: Ay, come on, show me that you're who you are
Coro: Y ahora grita que me quieres
Chorus: Now shout that you love me
Si eso es lo que te conviene
If that's what's good for you
(2 veces)
(2 times)
Aned: Y ahora sabes lo que va a pasar que
Aned: And now you know what's going to happen that
Coro: Yo te voy a olvidar
Chorus: I'm going to forget you
Aned: Eso lo puedo jurar
Aned: I can swear that
Coro: Pero me recordarás
Chorus: But you'll remember me
Aned: Ella me va a extrañar
Aned: She's going to miss me
Coro: Decirte adiós será tu castigo
Chorus: Saying goodbye will be your punishment
Aned: Tumba y te digo
Aned: Tumba and I tell you
Coro: Ya se acabó tu juega juega conmigo
Chorus: Your playing games with me is over
Aned: Y ya no quiero más na contigo
Aned: And I don't want anything else with you
Coro: Yo te voy a olvidar
Chorus: I'm going to forget you
Aned: Ha llegado el final
Aned: The end has come
Coro: Pero me recordaras
Chorus: But you'll remember me
Aned: Do you remember the times
Aned: Do you remember the times
Coro: Decirte adiós será tu castigo
Chorus: Saying goodbye will be your punishment
Aned: huh, tumba que se acabó tu rumba
Aned: huh, tumba, your rumba is over
Coro: Ya se acabó tu juega juega conmigo
Chorus: Your playing games with me is over
Aned: Ay por que le zumba, oye le zumba
Aned: Ay because the zumba, listen to the zumba
Coro: Le zumba la berenjena que yo te creía buena
Chorus: Le zumba the eggplant that I thought you were good
Aned: Ay jay
Aned: Ay jay
Y eres la candela
And you are the fire
Aned: eres la candela
Aned: Yes, you are the fire
Coro: Le zumba la berenjena que yo te creía buena
Chorus: Le zumba the eggplant that I thought you were good
Aned: ¿Qué?
Aned: What?
Coro: Que yo
Chorus: That I
Aned: Ay yo
Aned: Ay, I
Coro: Te creía buena
Chorus: Thought you were good
Y eres la candela
And you are the fire
Aned: Ay fuego que quema
Aned: Ay, fire that burns
Coro: Le zumba la berenjena
Chorus: Le zumba the eggplant
Aned: Que
Aned: That
Coro: La berenjena que yo te creía buena
Chorus: The eggplant that I thought you were good
Aned: Buena qué va
Aned: Good, what?
Coro: Y eres la candela
Chorus: And you are the fire
Aned: Oye Maria morena
Aned: Listen, Maria Morena
Coro: Le zumba la berenjena que yo
Chorus: Le zumba the eggplant that I
Aned: Que yo
Aned: That I
Coro: Te creía buena
Chorus: Thought you were good
Aned: Hay fuego en el veintitrés
Aned: There's fire on the twenty-third
Coro: Y tú... eres la candela
Chorus: And you... you are the fire
Aned: Por eso se merece lo que se merece, que
Aned: That's why she deserves what she deserves, that
Coro: Le zumba la berenjena que yo
Chorus: Le zumba the eggplant that I
Aned: Ooo la, la, la
Aned: Ooo la, la, la
Coro: Te creía buena
Chorus: Thought you were good
Aned: Ah ja
Aned: Ah ja
Coro: Y eres la candela
Chorus: And you are the fire
Aned: Esto es timba
Aned: This is timba
Coro: Le zumba la berenjena que yo
Chorus: Le zumba the eggplant that I
Aned: Ooo la, la, la
Aned: Ooo la, la, la
Coro: Te creía buena
Chorus: Thought you were good
Aned: Ah ja
Aned: Ah ja
Coro: Y eres la candela
Chorus: And you are the fire
Aned: Y con moña
Aned: And con moña
Coro: Le zumba
Chorus: Le zumba
Aned: Ay todo el mundo preparado
Aned: Ay, everybody get ready
Sal de la cueva cubano
Get out of the cave, Cuban
Sube conmigo las manos
Raise your hands with me
Coro: Manos pa rriba la gente e la moña
Chorus: Hands up the people e la moña
Aned: Manos pa rriba así
Aned: Hands up like this
Coro: Manos pa rriba la gente e la moña
Chorus: Hands up the people e la moña
Aned: C mon, sube las manos así
Aned: C'mon, raise your hands like this
Coro: Y una bulla la gente e la moña
Chorus: And make some noise, the people e la moña
Esto es timba con moña
This is timba con moña
Aned: Esto es charanga
Aned: This is charanga
Coro: Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo
Chorus: Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo

Авторы: Aned Mota

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