Chavela Vargas - Lucio Vázquez - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Chavela Vargas - Lucio Vázquez

Lucio Vázquez
Lucio Vázquez
Volaron los pavoreales
The peacocks flew away
Rumbo a la sierra mojada,
Heading for the Sierra Mojada,
Mataron a lucio Vázquez
They killed Lucio Vázquez
Por una mujer que amaba.
For a woman he loved.
A las nueve de la noche
At nine o'clock at night
Estaba el Lucio cenando,
Lucio was having dinner,
Y llegaron unos amigos
And some friends arrived
A convidarlo al fandango.
To invite him to the fandango.
Su madre se lo decía
His mother told him
No vayas a esa reunión,
Don't go to that party,
No vaya a ser que está noche
Don't let them play a trick on you tonight,
Te jueguen una traición.
Don't let them betray you.
No llores madre querida
Don't cry, dear Mother
Me hace sufrir tu llanto,
Your tears make me suffer,
Dejamé ver a la ingrata
Let me see that ungrateful woman
Que sabes que quiero tanto.
That you know I love so much.
Cuando acabo de cenar
When I finished dinner
Se inco a pedirle perdon,
I got up to ask for her forgiveness,
Madrecita de mi vida
Mother of my life
Echame tu bendición.
Give me your blessing.
Se fueron en sus caballos
They left on their horses
Rumbo a la sierra mojada,
Heading for the Sierra Mojada,
Cuando llegaron al baile
When they arrived at the dance
Ya su rival lo esperaba.
His rival was already waiting for him.
A las once de la noche
At eleven o'clock at night
Estaban todos bailando,
They were all dancing,
También estaba la ingrata
The ungrateful woman was there too
A quien Lucio amaba tanto.
Who Lucio loved so much.
Le invitaron una copa
They offered him a drink
Que el no quizo aceptar,
Which he did not want to accept,
Se hicieron ay de palabras
They exchanged words
Se salieron a pelear.
And went out to fight.
Tres puñaladas le dieron
They stabbed him three times
De la espalda al corazón,
From the back to the heart,
Como le dijo su madre
As his mother told him
Le pegaron a traición.
They attacked him from behind.
Los tres que lo apuñalaron
The three who stabbed him
Se fueron rumbo al potrero,
Fled to the pasture,
Carcajeandose de risa
Laughing out loud
Los tres limpiando su acero.
The three cleaning their steel.
Madre mia de Guadalupe
Mother of Guadalupe
De la Villa de Jerez,
From the town of Jerez,
Dame licencia señora
Give me permission, madam
De levantarme otra vez.
To rise again.
La virgen se apareció
The Virgin appeared
Dando vuelta a los portales,
Walking around the portals,
Como quieres levantarte
How do you want to get up
Si son heridad mortales.
If your wounds are fatal.
Volaron los pavoreales
The peacocks flew away
Rumbo a la sierra mojada,
Heading for the Sierra Mojada,
Mataron a Lucio Vázquez
They killed Lucio Vázquez
Por una mujer que amaba.
For a woman he loved.

Авторы: Felipe Valdés Leal, Victor Rafael Cordero

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