Chavela Vargas - Pobre corazón - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Chavela Vargas - Pobre corazón

Pobre corazón
Pobre corazón
Corazón, dirás lo que hacemos
Heart, you will tell me what we shall do
Lo que resolvemos
What we shall resolve to do
Nomás quiero que marques el paso
I only want you to set the pace
Que no le hagas caso, si las ves llorar
That you not heed them, if you see them weep
Que no te oiga que lates tan fuerte
That she not hear you beat so hard
No sea que con suerte
In case, with luck
Vaya a creer que le andamos rogando
She might believe that we are begging her
Que andamos buscando volver a empezar
That we are seeking to start again
Eso ojos en los que te miras
Those eyes in which you look
Te han dicho mentiras
Have told you lies
Esos labios que tanto has besado
Those lips that you have kissed so much
Y en los que has probado sabor de traición
And in which you have tasted the flavor of betrayal
Hace tiempo que te envenenaron
Have long since poisoned you
Y se marchitaron
And have withered away
No hagas caso de lo que te digan
Pay no attention to what they may tell you
Aunque te bendigan, pobre corazón
Even though they bless you, poor heart
¡Ay, corazón!
Oh heart!
Más vale así
It is better this way
Nomás no te sobresaltes
Just don't get startled
Que si me fallas
Because if you fail me
Po's ya perdí
Well, I am lost
Corazón, más si acaso no puedes
Heart, but if perchance you cannot
Y caes en sus redes
And you fall into her nets
Te aconsejo que tengas paciencia
I advise you to have patience
Será tu sentencia sufrir y callar
Your sentence will be to suffer and be silent
Mas como la paciencia se acaba
But as patience runs out
Prepara una daga
Prepare a dagger
Por si acaso el destino te falla
In case destiny should fail you
Y te pinta una raya que no has de brincar
And should paint a line for you that you must not cross
¡Ay, corazón!
Oh heart!
Más vale así
It is better this way
Nomás no te sobresaltes
Just don't get startled
Que si me fallas
Because if you fail me
Po's ya perdí
Well, I am lost

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