Cheb Hasni - Dak El Mahroum - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cheb Hasni - Dak El Mahroum

Dak El Mahroum
Dak El Mahroum
حسني . ذاك المحروم
Hasni. That Orphan
ذاك المحروم عايش مظلوم بين اصحابه
That orphan lives oppressed among his friends
لا أمّه لا بوه لاڤي لمين يشكي ضراره
No mother, no father, no one to confide in his sorrows
شحال سكت وأحكى ليّا
How long will I remain silent and tell me
نسيت همومي واللّي بيّا
I forgot my worries and what's wrong with me
يا ربّي وش اللّي صار
My God, what happened
ذاك المحروم عايش مظلوم بين اصحابه
That orphan lives oppressed among his friends
لا أمّه لا بوه لاڤي لمين يشكي ضراره
No mother, no father, no one to confide in his sorrows
شحال سكت وأحكى ليّا
How long will I remain silent and tell me
نسيت همومي واللّي بيّا
I forgot my worries and what's wrong with me
يا ربّي آش اللّي صار
My God, what happened
شحال يخاف كلمة اليتيم
How much he fears the word orphan
من يذكرها تحمار العين
When it is mentioned, his eyes turn red
عايش صابر صبره ثقيل
He lives patiently, his patience is heavy
يشكي، يبكي وبكاه حنين
He complains, he cries, and his crying is a longing
لا حبيب لا أخ لا والدين
No lover, no brother, no parents
ما لقاش اللّي يسمع لكلامه
He found no one to listen to his words
بكلام غريب يحكي اللّي بيه
He tells his story in strange words
آه اللّي بيه
Ah, what's wrong with him
صورة لمّيمة بين عينيه
A faded picture between his eyes
بين عينيه
Between his eyes
واك يونّس وحدة بيها
And you, O child, are alone with him
وين يروح معاه يدّيها
Where will he go with you, holding his hand
يا ربّي فرّج عليه
My God, help him
بكلام غريب يحكي اللّي بيه
He tells his story in strange words
آه اللّي بيه
Ah, what's wrong with him
صورة لمّيمة ديما بين عينيه
A faded picture always between his eyes
بين عينيه
Between his eyes
واك يونّس وحدة بيها
And you, O child, are alone with him
وين يروح معاه يدّيها
Where will he go with you, holding his hand
يا ربّي فرّج عليه
My God, help him
راه محروم محنان كثير
He is an orphan, he is very distressed
واللّي كيفه آش اللّي يدير
And those like him, what do they do
يسيلو دموعه مين يغير
His tears flow, who will wipe them away
يبقى هاني عايش في خير
Will he remain happy living in misery
آه وخفت انا مالمصير
Ah, and I fear what the future holds
هاذ الدنيا لا أمان فيها
This world is merciless
ذاك المحروم عايش مظلوم بين اصحابه
That orphan lives oppressed among his friends
لا أمّه لا بوه لا من يشكي أضراره
No mother, no father, no one to confide in his sorrows
شحال سكت وأحكى ليّا
How long will I remain silent and tell me
نسيت همومي واللّي بيّا
I forgot my worries and what's wrong with me
يا ربّي آش اللّي صار
My God, what happened
ذاك المحروم عايش مظلوم بين اصحابه
That orphan lives oppressed among his friends
لا أمّه لا بوه لا من يشكي أضراره
No mother, no father, no one to confide in his sorrows
شحال سكت وأحكى ليّا
How long will I remain silent and tell me
نسيت همومي واللّي بيّا
I forgot my worries and what's wrong with me
يا ربّي وآش اللّي صار
My God, and what happened
شحال يخاف كلمة اليتيم
How much he fears the word orphan
مين يذكرها تحمار العين
When it is mentioned, his eyes turn red
عايش صابر صبره ثقيل
He lives patiently, his patience is heavy
يشكي يبكي وبكاه حنين
He complains, he cries, and his crying is a longing
لا حبيب لا أخ لا والدين
No lover, no brother, no parents
ما لقاش اللّي يسمع لكلامه
He found no one to listen to his words

Авторы: Hasni Chakroun

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