Cheloo feat. Spike - Exorcistu-n Izmene - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cheloo feat. Spike - Exorcistu-n Izmene

Exorcistu-n Izmene
The Exorcist in Underpants
O ardem glorios ca exorcistu-n izmene
We're burning glorious, like an exorcist in underpants
Cu o mie de probleme sau doar sparti de lene
With a thousand problems, or just smashed from laziness
Nu punem capac, bai nene-i prea devreme
We're not stopping, man, it's too early
Scopul nostru declarat e sa generam migrene
Our declared goal is to generate migraines
Clubul bagabontilor cu zero venit
The club of vagabonds with zero income
Saluta cu entuziasm curvele care inghit
Greets with enthusiasm the whores who swallow
Am revenit sa slobozesc in antene noi teme
I've come back to unleash new themes into the antennas
Asa c-o s-o ard patetic ca exorcistu-n izmene
So I'm gonna burn pathetically, like an exorcist in underpants
Sunt un pacatos calomnios, cand beau fac plinul
I'm a slanderous sinner, when I drink I fill up
Si ignor cu umor contagios destinul
And I ignore fate with contagious humor
N-am saliva, am doar flegme netrase
I don't have saliva, I just have unpulled phlegm
N-am vorbe bune, doar injuraturi nescoase scuipate-n spume
I don't have good words, just unspoken curses spat out in foam
In coltu' meu de lume vreau sa-mi ragai sfarsitu'
In my corner of the world, I want to burp my end
E acelasi colt de lume in care ai sa-l pierzi pe fi'tu
It's the same corner of the world where you'll lose your son
Cand vorbesc frumos ma-ntelegi din chil
When I speak nicely, you understand me from a mile away
Parca-i buchisi slova unei reviste porno-n Braille
It's like tracing the letters of a Braille porn magazine
La petrecerea ta suntem invitati de onoare
At your party, we are the guests of honor
Taie lumina, ascunde vinul sau da muzica tare
Cut the lights, hide the wine, or turn up the music
"Draga domnule Cheloo, poti sa ne canti ceva?"
"Dear Mr. Cheloo, can you sing us something?"
Un cantecel de dans cu balans
A little dance song with a sway
Da-te-n pula mea!
Fuck off!
Ne-mbatam distrusi cand ne trezim din coma
We get drunk and destroyed when we wake up from the coma
Si ne-nchinam distrati la Sfanta Fantoma
And we distractedly worship the Holy Ghost
Garda ne-ntreaba de morti, evident si de raniti
The guards ask us about the dead, and obviously the injured
Cu respect: "Da, am fost sa batem niste travestiti!"
With respect: "Yes, we went to beat up some transvestites!"
Ma-ngrozeste ideea ca viata se duce-n fum
The idea that life goes up in smoke horrifies me
De-aia incarc nota de plata cat mai pot acum
That's why I'm charging the bill as much as I can now
Suntem tineri, viata asta inca curge-n vene
We're young, this life still flows in our veins
Si ne identificam zambind cu exorcistu-n izmene.
And we identify, smiling, with the exorcist in underpants.
O ardem glorios ca exorcistu-n izmene
We're burning glorious, like an exorcist in underpants
Cu o mie de probleme sau doar sparti de lene
With a thousand problems, or just smashed from laziness
Nu punem capac, bai nene-i prea devreme
We're not stopping, man, it's too early
Scopul nostru declarat e sa generam migrene
Our declared goal is to generate migraines
O ardem glorios ca exorcistu-n izmene
We're burning glorious, like an exorcist in underpants
Cu o mie de probleme sau doar sparti de lene
With a thousand problems, or just smashed from laziness
Nu punem capac, bai nene-i prea devreme
We're not stopping, man, it's too early
Scopul nostru declarat e sa generam migrene
Our declared goal is to generate migraines
Se-ntampla intr-o seara belita de aprilie
It happened on a crazy April evening
Cand cu garda-n usa te fortam sa-mi inghiti pastilele
When with the guards at the door you forced me to swallow your pills
Cu ochii peste cap si spume-n barba
With your eyes rolled back and foam in your beard
Radeam in baie indesand in veceu pungi cu iarba
We laughed in the bathroom, stuffing bags of weed down the toilet
Aa tu credeai ca... pula credeai prost
Oh, you thought that... dick you thought, you fool
Nu mai trage concluzii din ce spun
Don't draw conclusions from what I say
Ca-ntelegi pe dos
Because you understand it backwards
Ce sloboz crezi ca zic, ca-mi injectez?
What I let out, you think I'm injecting?
Noi in general vorbim de droguri ca fapt divers
We generally talk about drugs as a matter of fact
Am aflat ca inevitabil nimeni nu se baga
I found out that inevitably nobody gets involved
Si ca tovarasii te lasa cand ti-e lumea mai draga
And that your comrades leave you when your world is dearest
Auzi bah, eu nu-ti reprosez ceea ce esti
Listen, man, I don't blame you for what you are
Desi intr-o dimineata tare-as vrea sa te trezesti
Although one morning I would really like you to wake up
Ca ai pizda, ca in loc de Gheorghe te cheama Oana
With a pussy, that instead of Gheorghe you're called Oana
Ca servesti un an Jilava pentr-un gram de Marijuana
That you're serving a year in Jilava for a gram of Marijuana
Ca esti international cunoscut si nu-ti convine
That you're internationally known and you don't like it
Sa vezi cosul de gunoi c-arunca cu hartie-n tine, bun
To see the trash can throwing paper at you, good
Si parca toate mergeau bine la un moment-dat
And it seemed like everything was going well at one point
Imi amintesc c-aveam un rol in viata asta de cacat
I remember I had a role in this shitty life
Dar cica m-am schimbat si-asta ma baga-n spaima
But it seems I've changed and that scares me
Ca Spike face muzica pentru bani, pizde si faima
That Spike makes music for money, pussies, and fame
Pot sa fiu dur sau sa-ndur,
I can be tough or endure,
Sa tac sau sa-njur, sa te scuip
To be silent or to curse, to spit on you
Sau sa te fac sa te scuipi singur
Or to make you spit on yourself
Si nu caut sa-ti demonstrez era o simpla figura
And I'm not trying to prove it to you, it was a simple figure of speech
Deci nu mi-o lua in nume de rau
So don't take it personally
Ca te iau in... brate
That I take you in... my arms
O ardem glorios ca exorcistu-n izmene
We're burning glorious, like an exorcist in underpants
Cu o mie de probleme sau doar sparti de lene
With a thousand problems, or just smashed from laziness
Nu punem capac, bai nene-i prea devreme
We're not stopping, man, it's too early
Scopul nostru declarat e sa generam migrene
Our declared goal is to generate migraines
O ardem glorios ca exorcistu-n izmene
We're burning glorious, like an exorcist in underpants
Cu o mie de probleme sau doar sparti de lene
With a thousand problems, or just smashed from laziness
Nu punem capac, bai nene-i prea devreme
We're not stopping, man, it's too early
Scopul nostru declarat e sa generam migrene
Our declared goal is to generate migraines

Авторы: Cheloo, Spike

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