Cheloo - Daca Eram... - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cheloo - Daca Eram...

Daca Eram...
If I Were...
Rizi ca flegma la TBC
I cough like phlegm in a TB ward,
Si ca ciorba la lautarul pe moarte
Like a dying fiddler's soup, so hard.
Da... daaa...
Yeah... yeah...
Hai cu mata.
Come with me, girl.
Daca eram politist nu-mi asumam nici un risc
If I were a cop, I'd take no risk,
Infractorii cotizau la mine ca la fisc
Criminals would pay me like a tax, you see,
Daca eram pompier ardea-i ca sobolanu-n casa
If I were a fireman, you'd burn like a rat in a house,
Si tu si ma-ta si zdreanta ta libidinoasa
You, your mother, and your lustful spouse.
Daca eram ginecolog cu sticla-n bot te consultam, de frica,
If I were a gynecologist, drunk, I'd examine you with fear,
E sanatos sa dai la buci, in gereral, nu strica
It's healthy to slap those cheeks, in general, it's clear.
Daca eram popa eram periculos
If I were a priest, I'd be dangerous,
Frecam enoriasele matol si sus si jos
I'd rub the parishioners, drunk, up and down, no less.
Daca eram chirurg uitam in tine
If I were a surgeon, I'd leave inside you,
Cesul meu cu cuc, patentul si-un cutit de piine
My comb with a cuckoo, the patent, and a bread knife too.
Daca eram un posesor de diamante, frate,
If I were a diamond owner, brother,
Faceam o geamgerie si taiam doar geamuri sparte
I'd make a glaziery and cut only broken glass, no other.
Daca eram de bani gata, nu mai eram in viata
If I were rich, I wouldn't be alive,
Va zimbeam expus la morga conservat in gheata
I'd smile at you from the morgue, preserved in ice, deprived.
Sint atitea meserii frumoase si trebuie incercate
There are so many beautiful professions to be tried,
Aplauze, va rog, sint omul bun la toate
Applause, please, I'm the jack of all trades, no need to hide.
Astept oferte si remuneratie
I'm waiting for offers and remuneration,
Momentan sint fara ocupatie
Currently, I'm without occupation.
Sint atitea meserii frumoase si trebuie incercate
There are so many beautiful professions to be tried,
Aplauze, va rog, sint omul bun la toate
Applause, please, I'm the jack of all trades, no need to hide.
Astept oferte si remuneratie
I'm waiting for offers and remuneration,
Momentan sint fara ocupatie
Currently, I'm without occupation.
Daca eram un canibal, iar tu erai doar o urita
If I were a cannibal, and you were just ugly,
Te luam la pula-n tufa, baga-ne-am pula-n ea de supa
I'd take you to the bushes, and we'd screw that soup, it's lovely.
Daca eram postas fugeam la dealer in oras
If I were a postman, I'd run to the dealer in town,
Cind tu mureai de foame, eu fumam iarba si hash
While you were starving, I'd smoke weed and hash, I'd be down.
Daca eram gropar te ingropam, normal, odata
If I were a gravedigger, I'd bury you, of course, once,
Apoi te profanam preluind bijuteria preferata
Then I'd desecrate you, taking your favorite jewelry, no dunce.
Daca eram farmacist si cumparai calmante
If I were a pharmacist, and you bought sedatives,
Te-nbirligam sa bagi in tine anabolizante
I'd trick you into taking anabolic steroids, like additives.
Daca eram vidanjor teleportam cicat cu presiune
If I were a sewage worker, I'd teleport shit with pressure,
Calamitind, eventual, intreaga lume
Calamitizing, possibly, the entire world, no measure.
Daca eram ospatar si te prindeam la masa, in cicat,
If I were a waiter and caught you at the table, in shit,
La felul doi serveai, stilat, flegme separat
For the second course, you'd serve, in style, phlegm, bit by bit.
Daca eram sofer te-aveam ca victima-n cazier,
If I were a driver, I'd have you as a victim in my record,
Baga-mi-ai pula-n mata, m-ai fi lasat somer
Fuck you, you would have left me unemployed, that's the verdict.
Sint atitea meserii frumoase si trebuie incercate
There are so many beautiful professions to be tried,
Aplauze, va rog, sint omul bun la toate
Applause, please, I'm the jack of all trades, no need to hide.
Astept oferte si remuneratie
I'm waiting for offers and remuneration,
Momentan sint fara ocupatie
Currently, I'm without occupation.
Sint atitea meserii frumoase si trebuie incercate
There are so many beautiful professions to be tried,
Aplauze, va rog, sint omul bun la toate
Applause, please, I'm the jack of all trades, no need to hide.
Astept oferte si remuneratie
I'm waiting for offers and remuneration,
Momentan sint fara ocupatie
Currently, I'm without occupation.
Daca eram un hot, sa fiu cinstit,
If I were a thief, to be honest,
Eram rapid si te lasam in pula goala fara sa simti nimic
I'd be quick and leave you naked without you feeling a thing, it's modest.
Daca eram aviator si ramineam fara motor
If I were a pilot and lost my engine,
Iti luam din zbor parasuta, pula mea, doar n-o sa mor
I'd take your parachute mid-flight, damn it, I'm not dying, I'm winning.
Daca eram invatator la 1-4, saracu,
If I were a teacher for grades 1-4, poor me,
Copilul tau fuma si bea de-i sarea capu
Your child would smoke and drink until his head would flee.
Daca eram navigator plecam pe mari fara onor
If I were a navigator, I'd sail the seas without honor,
Si ma-ntorceam blindat de bani fara vapor
And I'd return loaded with money, without a ship, that's the boner.
Daca eram labar ereditar munceam la CNA
If I were a hereditary snitch, I'd work at the CNA,
Si ma sinucideam cu ritual pe piesa asta
And I'd commit suicide with a ritual to this song, that's the way.
Sint atitea meserii frumoase si trebuie incercate
There are so many beautiful professions to be tried,
Aplauze, va rog, sint omul bun la toate
Applause, please, I'm the jack of all trades, no need to hide.
Astept oferte si remuneratie
I'm waiting for offers and remuneration,
Momentan sint fara ocupatie
Currently, I'm without occupation.
Sint atitea meserii frumoase si trebuie incercate
There are so many beautiful professions to be tried,
Aplauze, va rog, sint omul bun la toate
Applause, please, I'm the jack of all trades, no need to hide.
Astept oferte si remuneratie
I'm waiting for offers and remuneration,
Momentan sint fara ocupatie
Currently, I'm without occupation.

Авторы: Cheloo

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