Chenoa - Fantasma - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Chenoa - Fantasma

No tornaré a estranyar-te
I won't miss you again
Sabré com oblidar-se
I'll know how to forget
I esborraré la teva ombra
And I'll erase your shadow
La llum del meu somriure
The light of my smile
Em diu que torno a viure
Tells me that I'm living again
Sabré desfer-me de la cendra
I'll know how to get rid of the ashes
Però després
But after
Sabent que això ja no ha de ser
Knowing that this should no longer be
Si torno a recordar-te, el cor pregunta com t'oblidaré?
If I remember you again, my heart asks, how will I forget you?
Com un fantasma t'amagues
Like a ghost, you hide
I et quedes, i et sento i et respiro
And you stay, and I feel and breathe you
I t'espero i et penso,
And I wait for you and think of you,
I en el meu cor a cada cop que batego
And in my heart with every beat
No trobo una raó, ja no, ja no
I can't find a reason, no, no
Com un fantasma que torna a cridar-me
Like a ghost who calls me again
I t'escolto però voldria evitar-te, esborrar-te
And I listen to you but I'd like to avoid you, erase you
M'agradaria ser un estel i deixar-te
I'd like to be a star and leave you.
Però encara em queda, amor, amor, amor
But there's still left in me, love, love, love
Com allunyar-te de mi
How to get you away from me
Invento a cada estona
I invent every once in a while
No canviar d'escena
I don't know how to change the scene
Ets cada història en la memòria
You're every story in my memory
Si trobo la manera
If I find a way
De veure l'optimisme podré allunyar-me de l'abisme
To see the optimism, I'll be able to get away from the abyss.
Però després
But after
Sabent que això no ha de ser
Knowing that this should no longer be
Si torno a recordar-te tot pregunta com t'oblidaré
If I remember you again, everything asks, how will I forget you?
Com un fantasma t'amagues
Like a ghost, you hide
I et quedes, i et sento i et respiro
And you stay, and I feel and breathe you
I t'espero i et penso,...
And I wait for you and think of you...
I en el meu cor a cada cop que batego
And in my heart with every beat
No trobo una raó, ja no, ja no
I can't find a reason, no, no
Com un fantasma que torna a cridar-me
Like a ghost who calls me again
I t'escolto però voldria evitar-te, esborrar-te
And I listen to you but I'd like to avoid you, erase you
M'agradaria ser un estel i deixar-te
I'd like to be a star and leave you.
Però encara em queda, amor, amor
But there's still left in me, love, love
Com allunyar-te de mi
How to get you away from me
Passa de llarg i sabré
Pass by and I'll know
Com ho haig de fer
How I have to do it
Passa de llarg i potser t'oblidaré
Pass by and maybe I'll forget you
Com un fantasma t'amagues
Like a ghost, you hide
I et quedes, i et sento i et respiro
And you stay, and I feel and breathe you
I t'espero i et penso,...
And I wait for you and think of you...
I en el meu cor a cada cop que batego
And in my heart with every beat
No trobo una raó, ja no, ja no
I can't find a reason, no, no
Com un fantasma que torna a cridar-me
Like a ghost who calls me again
I t'escolto però voldria evitar-te, esborrar-te
And I listen to you but I'd like to avoid you, erase you
M'agradaria ser un estel i deixar-te
I'd like to be a star and leave you.
Però encara em queda, amor, amor
But there's still left in me, love, love
Com allunyar-te de mi
How to get you away from me

Авторы: Yoel Henriquez, Mauricio Francisco Gasca Perez

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